News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Articles written by b

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  • Volunteer of the year nomination: Hillary Carriere

    Stefan Newbury and Dana Barkdull|Dec 12, 2012

    Although not a local resident, I would like to make a nomination for your volunteer of the year. As you are aware, TriFreaks puts on a rather large event in the Grand Coulee area annually in September. Although we have many volunteers in the community, there is always one that truly shines. With an event that requires so much time and commitment, the high school students come out and shine every year. In 2011 I had the honor of meeting a particular student by the name of Hillary Carriere. She was an amazing volunteer, taking charge of the... Full story

  • Volunteer of year nomination: Carol Estrada

    Sam Stanczak and Nancy Bolyard|Dec 12, 2012

    I would like to nominate Carol Estrada for volunteer of the year. I think she is very deserving of this award as she volunteers a lot of her time throughout the communities, whether it be at the hospital, the schools, or at the Eagles. She also helps out with the Trees of Sharing. No matter what she is helping with at the time, she enjoys doing it all. Sam Stanczak Nancy Bolyard... Full story

  • Find a balance

    Matt Bahm|Dec 12, 2012

    This January, core government functions such as scientific research, education, public safety, and environmental protection will face deep cuts under budget sequestration. If lawmakers cannot put politics aside to avoid continued cuts to these programs, our nation’s security, global competitiveness, and economic growth will be compromised. Teachers will be taken out of classrooms, cutting-edge research will be stifled, and conservation of America’s natural resources will be diminished. Experts agree these essential jobs and services are not... Full story

  • Museum group looking for members

    Birdie Hensley|Nov 28, 2012

    The Coulee Pioneer Museum is looking for members that want to preserve the history and heritage of the Grand Coulee Dam Area. The museum is moving forward with plans to gather information, photos, personal histories, and much, much more about the area. The name is “Coulee Pioneer Museum”. We have a tax number, logo, a slate of officers and an address. With memberships and donations, we will open a bank account soon. At this time we are looking for a donated area where we can gather information and work on projects. One day we will grow big enou... Full story

  • All students need solid grounding in math, science

    Don Brunell|Nov 21, 2012

    In “the good old days,” schools emphasized “reading, writing and arithmetic” taught to the tune of the hickory stick. But today, we seem to have created a two-tiered education philosophy. College-bound students are encouraged to learn science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). But STEM skills are not emphasized for students going directly into the job market, the military or to a trade school. That’s a mistake. Part of the problem started with our parents’ generation. For example, my... Full story

  • Damp October brings November snow

    Bob Valen|Nov 14, 2012

    If the presence of snow indicates winter’s arrival along with less daylight, I’d say winter is here. So far, here at the home weather station, we’ve had 1.9 inches of snow with rapid melt-off. We’ve had three days of low temperatures below the freeze level, too. The coldest being 21.6°F. More of those to come, I’m sure. Here’s a tip of the hat to winter. November can be cold and the records show that in 1985 we had a -10°F. Our mean temperature is 37.5°F. Mean precipitation is 1.25 inches an... Full story

  • Loved the heartwarming article

    Shirley Shelby|Nov 14, 2012

    I want to thank Jesse Utz for the heartwarming article October 24 (the son becoming 18). In this age of family upsets, it was so good to know about the love there. Thanks. P.S., I remember you and your dad, Jesse, and ice cream, when you were little at Smitty’s! (where NCNB is now). Long time ago! Love the articles. Tell all hello and doing much better, but miss everyone. Shirley Shelby Grandview Village #301 5800 64th St. NE Marysville, Wash. 98270-48652... Full story

  • Re: “Son deserves better coverage” (Letters from Our Readers, 11-7-12)

    Bill Moore|Nov 14, 2012

    First, as a retired Navy veteran and Lake Roosevelt graduate, thank you for all who served, will serve, and support the local community. As I read the comment about racism in that article, I find myself wondering what I fought for. I have no problem with your concerns about the coverage on your son, but please don’t make that an excuse for a possible mistake by the local media. Remember, nobody is perfect. If this is the direction of this country in playing the race card for every disagreement or contoversy, then why did I serve? Sad day in A... Full story

  • Christmas mailing for our troops encouraged

    Becky Billups|Oct 31, 2012

    I have given up waiting to receive a name of a particular soldier to mail packages from home to. So I went on line and there is a website: “” and it lists names of soldiers (from every branch) who is wanting to receive packages from home. This will work out great, and I’m ready to start baking and sending, and I have heard from many others who are also ready and willing to think of our heroes serving us and our country. I would encourage everyone to pick a name and send a letter and box of holiday cheer to someone (any one of th... Full story

  • Obama upholds only the laws he favors

    Penny Rosenberg|Oct 17, 2012

    I watched as President Obama was sworn in as President. He placed his hand on the Bible as he took the oath of office swearing he would uphold the Constitution and the laws of United States of America. Lately it appears his word is meaningless. He gave orders for the Border Agents not to enforce laws pertaining to illegal immigrants crossing into the U.S. in July. Obama made matters worse by closing nine Border Patrol Stations of an already stretched force, now leaving only two agents for 26 counties in Texas. The Dream Act is putting Law of... Full story

  • Wild horse populations gaining on reservation

    Michelle Campobasso|Oct 10, 2012

    There are an estimated 1,000 wild horses roaming free on the Colville Indian Reservation that have caused significant damage to certain areas they occupy, the tribal Fish and Wildlife Dept. says. The areas that have become overgrazed contribute to the spread of invasive species, compaction, and erosion. The horses also compete with big game animals for forage, the department stated in a press release. “The forage resource is being harmed because the horse is re-grazing the new growth as soon as... Full story

  • About our splendid fall weather

    Bob Valen|Oct 10, 2012

    The start of October has been really pleasant fall weather. It really is a nice treat. Our first recorded low back in the 30°F range occurred on Oct. 4. The last 30°F range low was way back on May 12. We are still dry -- way too dry, frankly -- and we are all reminded of that fact with the recent wildfires that have occurred around our region. Excluding the 0.01 inch of rain on Sept. 8 here at the home weather station, we haven’t seen any rain since July 20 -- that’s 80 days as of this writi... Full story

  • Fish weir to provide insight for future project

    Michelle Campobasso|Oct 3, 2012

    by Michelle Campobasso - Colville Tribal Fish and Wildlife A temporary picket-style salmon weir has recently been constructed in the Okanogan River by Chief Joseph Hatchery (CJH) staff. A mile below Malott Bridge (approximately 15 miles upstream from the Okanogan River/Wells Reservoir confluence) near Brewster, the temporary weir took three weeks to construct and install in the river. Now that installation is complete, CJH staff will evaluate how summer/fall Chinook salmon, sockeye salmon and st... Full story

  • The legion appreciates the help

    Jerry Beierman|Sep 25, 2012

    The American Legion Post 157 in Electric City would like to say thanks to everyone who helped us out in many ways! Yes, our Legion Club has had problems in the past, but most of the money has been recovered, our tax-free status has been reinstated and our legion post recovery has just been great. Thanks to all who donated to our weekly Saturday yard sales. This was a very good fund-raiser for us. Also a thanks goes out to all who purchased yard sale items from us! Legion meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month at the Vets’ Center i... Full story

  • ESA listing could undercut Washington's economy

    Don Brunell|Sep 25, 2012

    A small critter is causing big problems in the South Puget Sound. It’s called the Mazama pocket gopher. Some 100,000 pocket gophers inhabit prairie lands throughout northern California, Oregon and Washington. Our state is the northernmost part of its range, where separate populations are scattered in pockets throughout the area, including Thurston and Pierce counties. Last December, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposed to list several subspecies of the Mazama pocket gopher in W... Full story

  • A big thanks to firefighters

    Stanczak and Bolyard|Sep 12, 2012

    This week, our letter is to thank all the firefighters that worked so hard to save our home. They responded fast, worked hard, and did an awesome job. We wish that we knew each and every one of your names so we could thank you personally, but you all know who you are. We thank you so much that words can’t even express how we feel. All you firefighters and the person driving the cat are wonderful. Special thanks to Bob Morin and his partner, they were the first ones to respond with their fearless expertise in knocking down the flames before t... Full story

  • Are we getting railroaded?

    Don Brunell|Sep 12, 2012

    Recently, Matthew Rose, CEO of BNSF Railway, visited editorial boards in Vancouver, Spokane, Seattle and Bellingham to talk about a variety of issues related to increased train traffic. However, the 800 pound gorilla in the room was not train traffic, but the commodity those trains would carry: coal. In Washington, coal has been shipped by train for decades. Currently, about three to four coal trains a day pass through Clark County. Rose said it’s hard to predict specifics at this point, but i... Full story

  • Re: “Principal duties to be shared at Center School”

    Rebecca Hunt|Sep 5, 2012

    Granted, splitting the principal duties between several individuals doesn’t seem ideal, I find it more concerning that some of the school board seem to be ignoring an upcoming problem. With the new school being constructed I question how administration of the new school will be conducted. Will the new two winged school be in need of three principals? It seems like overkill in the administration department, and with the going pay rate of principals, a little expensive too. In light of Hinton’s dismissal, the school board should be taking the... Full story

  • Help the food bank

    Parrent and Blaylock|Sep 5, 2012

    Help the food bank The Eagles is sponsoring a chicken dinner for a donation of food and $5 to help stock the shelves of the Care & Share Food Bank. Half of the proceeds from the dinner will be donated to the food bank, along with all of the food collected during dinner. We have been taking food donations the month of August at the Club. And I am hoping we can get a truckload of donated food to help stock the food bank’s shelves. The buffet style dinner will be fried, baked, or BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans and a dessert. This event is... Full story

  • Whom does council represent?

    Stanczak and Bolyard|Sep 5, 2012

    It seems our council is for the mayor instead of for the citizens. Are they not there to represent the citizens? Why did they feel they needed the police at the last meeting? Were they afraid they would have problems with the public because of their actions? (The officer even said he was there in case of a conflict at that meeting). The more they go along with the mayor -- voting in the rezoning, annexing in property and now the vehicle license tab, it seems to me they don’t care what the citizens think, they just do whatever they want to d... Full story

  • On marriage equality

    RobertaHackett|Sep 5, 2012

    I am in favor of marriage equality. Where did God say that this group of human beings or that was not created in his image? What criteria do we use to say God given rights do not apply to all human beings? Thousands of civil laws concerning child custody and welfare, inheritance, taxes, healthcare, property contracts, etc, use the word marriage. Reality check: single parents, unmarried couples, couples without children, abusive parents, divorce, and death exist in our society. Who does not “deserve” to have a legal structure to help them nav... Full story

  • A wet July brought damaging storms

    Bob Valen|Aug 15, 2012

    We were visited by quite a nice line of thunderstorms on July 20. I watched these storms approach from the south that afternoon on the Spokane National Weather Service radar on their website. The storms were impressive as were the speeds they travelled. Here at the home weather station we ended up with a half inch of rain and a 40 mph wind gust in just over an hour. Extensive damage occurred here in our communities and many of you heard that North Central Washington was hit hard by those... Full story

  • Stop seeking federal money for local school

    John Overby|Aug 8, 2012

    In the July 11 issue of The Star, Roger Lucas’ article on Linda Evans Parlette’s advocacy for an additional $15 million to upgrade the school district’s existing fields, track and gym, the following quote was cited: “This belief is supported by the Coulee Community Act of 1957 which states, ‘It is of prime importance to the government that these communities continue to function as wholesome and attractive communities suitable as residences of personnel essential to the care and operation.’” Sen. Parlette cited this statement in letters to Re... Full story

  • Why can’t Grand Coulee enforce its laws?

    Becky Billups|Jul 25, 2012

    The few improvements that were made on Burdin Blvd. have all but disappeared. The truck loads of junk and debris are finding their way back into the neighborhood. The park that was created, obviously for appearances only, are again becoming a parking lot for used automobiles, trailers and parts. The park was a good idea to start off with, and looked very nice for a short period of time and the kids spent much time there. But it was just for show because it’s returning to its original state of junk. The kids are still playing there, but at t... Full story

  • Hometown stocks: Do not fall in love

    Bill Gunderson|Jul 25, 2012

    People fall in love with their hometown stocks. I see it all the time both as the host of a financial talk radio show and a wealth manager. Which is OK, as long as you live in the right hometown. Seattle is not one of those towns. Investors who choose their stocks like a favorite sports team also like to make late night calls wondering if it is “time to sell everything.” The answer: It depends on what you own. Why would you sell your winners and your losers all at the same time? Not every stock behaves the same during times of market vol... Full story

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