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Congrats on the Turnbull Award. Journalism is a tough gig right now and rural journalism even tougher. You’ve managed to keep the community informed and educated and entertained despite their resistance at times. The Star is really a hub for the whole area and you are doing consistent, outstanding work. I’m pleased it has been recognized by your peers. It’s well earned. And ask Carl Russell if he’s ever heard of James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Zachary Taylor or Herbert Hoover. You should know all the preside...
I’ve read a few of the recent letters to the editor and there seems to be some confusion on how newspapers function. Yes, one of their roles is to disseminate news and keep their readers apprised of events that may concern the public. These articles typically deliver facts and quotes from the principal players concerning the public matters. The Star seems to thoroughly cover the area in this regard. However, newspapers have an editorial responsibility, as well. Election season, newspapers all over the country come out for or against p...
I just wanted to congratulate you on the Guzman story. At a time like this, stories about immigration have political ramifications, and it is courageous of you to publish this story, which approaches the process with compassion and a level, fair eye. Bruce Holbert... Full story