News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Articles written by Carl Russell

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 20 of 20

  • A little political history

    Carl Russell|Apr 17, 2024

    For the people that have not followed political history, I would like to give you my perspective as to where the political parties have gone from the late 1950s and early 1960s. (I voted for JFK.) The Democratic Party today is where the Socialist party was in the 1950s &1960s, and a large part of the DNC is where the communist party was. The Republican Party is where the Democrats were in the late 1950s and early 1960s. To demonstrate my point, John Fitzgerald Kennedy could NEVER be nominated or elected President in the DNC party today. But he...

  • Tweed a Dem in sheep's clothing

    Carl Russell|Feb 28, 2024

    Looks like James Tweed must be a Democrat in sheep’s clothing of a Rino. We have the most inept destructive administration in my lifetime. Over 13 million illegals’ coming across the border from Mexico not counting the ones coming from Canada. Highest increase in inflation from President Carter days. All because Biden war on fosil fuel stopped the keystone pipeline stopped the drilling in Anwar that was to start in 2020. His total administration were not qualified for the job they were put in, there only qualifications was they were part of...

  • Worst president ever

    Carl Russell|Nov 1, 2023

    Biden is the worst man to ever set in the oval office. His administration is the most inept in history. None of them had the qualifications to hold the position they have. You can’t count on anything they say. I have never witnessed an administration or president that tells more lies. But the news media protects them, including The Star paper. Thank you, Carl Russell...

  • The Star Newspaper just can't resist

    Carl Russell|Sep 14, 2022

    From the time Trump came down the escalator to run for President, 99% of the news media ran very derogatory cartoons of Trump. The Star right along with them. But when he beat the establishment’s chosen one Hillary then the establishment went complete crazy. President Trump was one of the best Presidents in a large percentage of the population view. Yes, his tweets and some comments were not presidential. But remember he was not a politician he was a business man. He made promises and kept them, not like Politicians’ that promise but never do w...

  • Climate change statements of the past

    Carl Russell|Aug 25, 2021

    Here is a small example of some of the history of the climate change theosophy. “It is already too late for the world to avoid a long period of famine. Paul Ehrlich said the time of famines is upon us and will be its worst and most disastrous by 1975. He said population of the United States is already too big, that birth control may have to be accomplished by making it involuntary; by putting sterilizing agents into staple food and drinking water and the Roman Catholic Church should pressure into going along.” — The Salt Lake Tribune, 11/17...

  • Cash cow for far left

    Carl Russell|Aug 4, 2021

    Governor Jay Inslee, I ask what do the powers to be think they can do to offset the so called climate change. I ask how many times the climate of the earth has changed over the Billions of years? This area was once covered with Ice 14,000 years ago, before that this area was a tropical forest there were Gingko forests Mammoths, Rhinoceros. As far as I am concerned the so called climate change is the natural process of the earth. One volcano will produce more greenhouse gasses in 24 hours than all the cars on earth in several years. The climate...

  • On the shooting area cleanup

    Carl Russell|Apr 21, 2021

    A special THANK YOU to Katie & Jeff, Bob that came to help Evelyn & Carl Saturday cleaning up the gravel pit where people shoot rifles and shotguns. Evelyn & Carl helped Sunday afternoon along with a young man that was here for a wedding. Carl spent two hours Monday. A total of 15 man hours. We burned all wood & cardboard, recycled all plastic bottles and aluminum cans. Still ended up with 600 lbs. of garbage to go in the garbage dump. It is so irritating people think of themselves as SPORTSMEN when they leave all their trash, including...

  • Promoters of Wildlife & Environmental Resources (POWER) will disband

    Carl Russell|Mar 13, 2019

    We would like to thank all the volunteers who have helped with all our projects over the past 32 years; you are the ones that made the projects a success. Thank you. Due to the lack of someone to manage the fish pens, the board of directors has decided to disband POWER. February 28 was the last day to apply for an ALEA (Aquatic Land Enhancement Account) grant to fund the fish pens. The fish pens will be removed from Banks Lake this spring, along with the log boom and the docks. WDFW (Washington State Dept. of Fish & Wildlife) will remove the...

  • Please vote NO on I-1639

    Carl Russell|Oct 24, 2018

    This is another bill sponsored by billionaires and organizations such as Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR). They spent $10.5 million to get I-594 passed in 2014. That bill approved by voters now makes it illegal to loan a rifle to a friend to hunt with, among other things. Then they spent $7 million on bill 1491 in 2016. Now the same five billionaires, along with WAGR, have spent $4.3 million to get this passed. If bill 1639 is approved by the voters, it could potentially make every gun owner in Washington state a felon. This...

  • Fake news

    Carl Russell|Aug 22, 2018

    With all the news media in the United States complaining about President Trump calling them fake news, just look at the coverage. CNN and MSNBC, according to reports, are 93 percent negative along with NY Times, NBC. The news media, before he announced for president, was making fun of him for even thinking about running. When he did run, all the same news media and entertainment made fun of him and almost every one of them stated he would never be president; even President Obama made that same statement. Then when we won the party nomination,...

  • Re: "Trump, GOP get failing grades on new tax law"

    Carl Russell|Jun 27, 2018

    I know you are a liberal but at least you could try to be objective in your selection of the guest editorials. For instance, the so-called Americans for Tax Fairness. This organization is not for fair taxes; they are for higher taxes for everyone. Let me ask you a question. 1- Why do you think the economy is booming? 2- Where is the employment coming from? 3- Who hires workers, the poor? 4- When the economy gets better, what happens to the taxes coming into the treasury? 5- His statement on the wages going down is totally false according to...

  • Defending the NRA

    Carl Russell|Feb 28, 2018

    Carole Schroeder, in the letter to the editor, stated how much money has been donated to Republicans in Washington from 2006 thru 2017. Well, let me educate you: the NRA is small potatoes when it comes to supporting political parties. The NRA from 1997 thru 2016 has spent on political causes just under $20 million. That is $20 million in almost 20 years. In comparison, the labor unions in 2016 alone spent $1.7 billion; 87 percent went to Democratic causes and political candidates. The unions spent $1.7 billion in one year, so tell me who the...

  • Shooters have left an awful mess

    Carl Russell|Mar 29, 2017

    Shooters that use the gravel pit at Osborn Bay behind Electric City: I have not been back there for over a year. I went out there Wednesday the 23rd of March. When my grandkids come they like to shoot, so we go back there. They burn up lots of powder then spend about an hour picking up garbage. I must say, I am ashamed of what the shooters leave there — whiskey bottles, pallets, bowling balls, all kinds of trash they shoot up, then just leave it. Do you ever wonder why the citizen that doesn’t shoot thinks our pistols and rifles should be taken...

  • Many thanks due as POWER honored

    Carl Russell|Jun 22, 2016

    It was an honor to accept the award for POWER as Organization of the Year, but the real honor goes to all the volunteers over the years who have made the projects possible. A special thank you to Pat Holbert, Dick Berry, Ray Burge and Doug Patrick for all the years they spent feeding the fish; without their dedication to take control of the feeding for years, POWER could not have accomplished that. Also, thanks to the Bureau of Reclamation here in Grand Coulee & Ephrata for all their help and cooperation — very much appreciated. A special n...

  • Sands has been a good mayor

    Carl Russell|Feb 25, 2015

    I am sad to see Mayor Jerry Sands resign. He has been a very good mayor. But I can understand his frustration and his wanting time for the family because the mayor job is a full-time commitment. Honestly, I don’t know how he withstood the office as long as he did. I wish Jerry Sands the best and a happier time from now on. I thank you, Jerry, for your dedication and persistence. Carl Russell...

  • Gas prices still upsetting

    Carl Russell|Mar 5, 2014

    I assume the local public is satisfied with Jack's Service response to my letter about gas prices in Grand Coulee Dam area compared to 25 miles in every direction is 10 to 30 cents cheaper. As I didn't see any other response to his letter. I don't know about you but I thought his take it or shove it attitude left some to be desired. I guess he doesn't understand the logic of helping the attitude of people thinking they can purchase everything cheaper everywhere else than shopping here at home by his high prices. When all the other merchants do...

  • Gas stations missing business

    Carl Russell|Jan 15, 2014

    One person owns all three service stations in Grand Coulee Area; I wonder if he knows how much business he is losing from local people. Everyone I talk to only purchases enough fuel to get the 20 miles to another service station that fuel is anywhere from 10 to 30 cents per gallon cheaper. I filled up in Coulee City today (1/8/2014) where diesel was $3.95 per gallon; here in Grand Coulee it was $4.27 per gallon. That is 32 cents per gallon. Regular gas in Coulee City was $3.17, Grand Coulee was $3.47. I find it hard to believe it cost 30 cents...

  • Re: "Reader prefers Tea Party line" in Letters from Our Readers, Oct. 16

    Carl Russell|Oct 23, 2013

    Good Letter Don McClure, but you didn't go quite far enough. Regarding the economic collapse of 2008. This collapse was caused by Congress with the Affordable Housing Act pushed thru with President Clinton and the Democratic Congress. To give the uninformed an education on the Affordable Housing Act. This legislation forced banks to give loans to people that could not afford houses or the payments and they had to have almost nothing for a down payment, then Freddy & Fanny were forced to purchase them from the banks. During President Bush's pres...

  • Re: “Bureau cuts eagle roosting trees on lake”

    Carl Russell|Mar 6, 2013

    The main reason the trees were cut down is because they were rotten, and every time the wind blew large limbs were coming down and getting dangerous to anyone or anything there. I was told by BOR they did a core sample and found all the trees had rotten cores. In fact, one tree there had a large bull snake wintering in it. When they started cutting it down, he came out in the cold and got ran over. It was getting dangerous enough that the fish-feeding crew had to take caution when the wind was blowing. The other problem as the people living...

  • On the complaint letters about Electric City

    Carl Russell|Sep 5, 2012

    Well, did the people writing to the paper about the tax complaining check why the city council is considering passing the tax? Or just jump on the band wagon complaining. Well, if you want to complain, why you don't blame the people that elected the Democrat House and Senate in Washington State? They are the ones that passed the law for Counties and Cities to collect the tax. Electric City has not passed the tax yet, but if they don't the tabs will still go up the $20 no matter where you live but the county will get the money not the city....