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Articles written by dan newhouse

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  • The Biden Administration's assault on America's agricultural producers continues

    Dan Newhouse|Apr 12, 2023

    Last week, President Biden turned his back on agricultural producers, small business owners, and anyone who wants to have authority over their own property by vetoing a bipartisan, bicameral effort to stop the Biden Administration’s proposed “Waters of the United States,” or WOTUS, rule under the guise of protecting clean water. What this administration fails to realize is that the federal government already sets stringent national health-based standards for drinking water and no WOTUS rule would weaken these requirements. Rather, WOTUS only...

  • Serving our nation's bravest

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Mar 29, 2023

    In the United States, there are currently over 1.3 million people serving as active-duty military. These men and women are dutifully serving our nation, and when they return home, it is crucially important they have the support of a grateful nation. As your representative in Congress, I have worked hard in Washington D.C. to be a voice for the over 39,000 veterans residing in Central Washington, and ensure they are receiving the highest quality support and care they have earned. During the 117th Congress, I am proud to have sponsored and...

  • An unprecedented time of "record-breaking" is hurting all Americans

    Dan Newhouse|Feb 22, 2023

    Every month we hear of a new “record-breaking” disaster under the Biden Administration. Whether it be record-breaking inflation, gas and grocery prices, crime rates, illegal border crossings, fentanyl deaths — the list goes on and on. This will continue to grow so long as the Biden Administration continues to turn a blind eye to the pressing issues that are hurting all Americans. These “record-breaking” figures are seriously hurting Central Washingtonians. It’s past time to take action to put our country back on the right path — and I am work...

  • The border and fentanyl crises put our communities at risk

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Feb 15, 2023

    We are now two years into the Biden Administration and the crisis at our southern border has only gotten worse. Recent figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) show record levels of border crossings with no sign of improvement while fentanyl is flooding into our communities. Moreover, the American people have not seen any signs from President Biden that he is serious about addressing this worsening crisis and bringing forth solutions to get it under control. The crisis at our southern border is a crisis that affects every...

  • America must protect her sovereignty from the Chinese Communist Party

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Feb 8, 2023

    Last week, news outlets around the country had wall-to-wall coverage of a spy balloon sent by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) transiting across America. While a balloon itself does not sound very dangerous, it’s the intent behind it that’s concerning—the CCP is testing us to see how President Biden responds, which should raise alarm bells for every American. We simply cannot take this threat lightly and must respond with tough policies to protect our sovereignty from the CCP. As more information arises about this situation, it’s becomin...

  • It's past time to permanently ban fentanyl-related substances

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Feb 1, 2023

    Last year, over 100,000 people in the United States died from a drug overdose, largely driven by the rampant spread of illicit fentanyl. In Washington state, drug overdoses have been increasing at shocking rates in the past few years, and communities across Central Washington have been devastated by the fentanyl crisis, which is now the leading cause of death for people ages 18-45. The hard truth is, no corner of our communities has been left untouched by this growing crisis. We need to classify all fentanyl-related substances as Schedule I...

  • Administration's overreach continues with WOTUS rulemaking

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Jan 11, 2023

    If someone asked you what the single worst, most egregious example of government overreach was, what would you say? The death tax? Emissions standards on cars? Livestock trucking rules? Excessive workplace safety requirements? While those are all good examples, they pale in comparison to the Biden administration’s most recent actions on “waters of the United States” or WOTUS. For those who don’t know, WOTUS dictates which waters are federally regulated under the Clean Water Act. During the Obama administration, a definition was release...

  • Christmas: A Time of Hope and Joy

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Dec 21, 2022

    Christmastime is the season of hope and joy — hope that even when times are dark, we can find the light and joy that follows. The greatest gift the world has received is the birth of Christ and his salvation of humanity. The Christmas season is a time to reflect, to prepare, to spend time with family, and to celebrate. During this time, we must also be grateful and remember the contributions and sacrifices our forefathers and military service members endured to ensure our freedoms. We are blessed to have the freedom to celebrate the season o...

  • Looking back on 2022

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Dec 14, 2022

    As we near the end of 2022, I want to take a moment to look back on some of the work I’ve done in Congress for our district. From passing landmark legislation to securing critical funds for projects in our communities, we’ve accomplished a lot. And as we enter into the new Congress, I’m committed to building off these successes and continuing to fight for Central Washington’s priorities. As a member on the Appropriations Committee, I work to secure funding for much-needed projects in Central Washington while ensuring our taxpayer dollars are be...

  • Providing opportunities for STEM students to grow

    Dan Newhouse|Dec 7, 2022

    To help prepare students for future careers in fields from chemistry and earth sciences to computer engineering and physics, schools in Central Washington and across the country are emphasizing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education programs. And as the home to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Hanford Site, Energy Northwest, and numerous other science and technology startups, Central Washington’s students have prime examples of the many rewarding careers in computer science, technology, research, or e...

  • Diesel shortage imperils rural communities most

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Nov 30, 2022

    Last week, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that distillate inventories (which include diesel) were at their lowest levels since 1951—currently we only have a 27-day supply remaining. That means if all production is halted and we maintain our current usage, we will run out of diesel fuel in 27 days. And while this shortage impacts folks in rural communities the most, every single community will feel the effects. Farmers rely on diesel to fuel the equipment to harvest your food. We rely on diesel trucks to transport the f...

  • We have so much to give thanks for

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Nov 23, 2022

    In Central Washington, we have so much to be thankful for. This Thanksgiving, as we come together with our friends and family, don’t forget to take a moment to give thanks to our hard-working farmers, processors, and food bank workers throughout Central Washington who work to provide the food on our plates. From the turkey to the stuffing, our farmers probably played a part in your Thanksgiving dinners. Many of the potatoes, onions, winegrapes and other Thanksgiving favorites you consume were grown right here in Central Washington, making up a...

  • Central Washington has (already) spoken: grizzly bears are a threat

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Nov 16, 2022

    For decades, Central Washingtonians have had to fight to make our voices heard over the noise of outside interest groups and government bureaucrats who think they know what is best for our communities. Unfortunately, last week’s decision by the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to reopen discussions on introducing grizzly bears, an apex predator, into the North Cascades Ecosystem proves that, once again, our voices are being ignored. The debate over grizzly bear introduction in Washington state is nothing new. In 1995, W...

  • Caring for our veterans

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Nov 9, 2022

    Central Washington is lucky to be home to over 33,000 veterans. As our nation observes this upcoming Veterans Day, we reaffirm a solemn promise to remember and honor the men and women of the United States Armed Forces — past and present. Although Veterans Day was established to remember and revere the sacrifices of so many, our veterans deserve to know their country is looking after them and their families each and every day. I have spent much of my time in Congress meeting with veterans across Central Washington and learning about the i...

  • Central Washington facing an all-time crime high

    Congressman Dan Newhouse 4th District Washington|Oct 12, 2022

    Over the past few years, there has been an uptick in crime across the nation. Unfortunately, Central Washington has been no exception to this trend. Indeed, the total number of homicides in Tri-Cities for 2022 is already at a record high compared to recent years, according to the Coroner's Office. In Yakima, drive-by shootings are becoming a regular occurrence. And that's on top of the exponential increase in carjackings and fentanyl overdoses. Much of this uptick is a direct result of "defund...

  • Celebrating Central Washington's clean energy

    Dan Newhouse|Sep 28, 2022

    From September 26 to September 30, we are recognizing National Clean Energy Week, an opportunity to celebrate the clean energy advancements taking place across the country. In Central Washington, we have extra cause to celebrate because we have not only embraced clean energy as a critical part of an all-of-the-above energy portfolio, but we’re leading the country in the use of these technologies. We are home to our state’s largest wind and solar farms, emerging hydrogen technologies, the Pacific Northwest’s only nuclear power plant, and our n...

  • The time for agriculture labor reform is now

    Dan Newhouse|Sep 21, 2022

    We must fix our broken immigration system and combat the rising food costs every single American across the country is facing right now, and we must do it now. Agriculture producers across the country have been facing a labor shortage crisis for years, and recently, it’s only gotten worse. When I served as the Washington State Director of Agriculture, our governor made the decision to deploy prisoners to help pick apples—because there weren’t enough workers to do the job, domestic or foreign. And we’re no better off now than we were then. Curre...

  • Student loan forgiveness hurts everyday Americans

    Dan Newhouse|Sep 14, 2022

    President Biden’s student-loan debt forgiveness plan is one of the worst decisions I’ve seen this president make. This debt “forgiveness” would have Robin Hood rolling in his grave—it takes from the poor to give to the rich while making things worse for American taxpayers across the country. Let me be clear: there is no such thing as canceling or “forgiving” student loan debt. This debt will be transferred to hardworking American taxpayers—many of whom did not take out student loans—and will only worsen inflation while rewarding overpriced coll...

  • Ignore China's threat to our own peril

    Dan Newhouse|Aug 31, 2022

    Tensions have steadily risen between the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for years now. From the pandemic-era trade wars to military drills around Taiwan, it’s clear the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which controls the PRC, is pursuing its goal of creating a new world order relentlessly. What many aren’t aware of, however, is China has already begun making moves within our own borders. For over a decade, China has continued to expand its global reach with its Belts and Roads Initiative, now with new energy and infra...

  • Back to school brings new challenges

    Dan Newhouse|Aug 24, 2022

    Inflation has soared from 1.4% in January 2021 to 8.5% in July of this year, and parents are bearing the brunt of these increased costs as they face their annual back-to-school shopping trips — on top of the mounting costs for just about everything else they buy. Retailers are being faced with increased wholesale costs, which they’re forced to pass on to consumers. For instance, at a local grocery chain in Richland, hamburger meat is $12.99 a pound and milk is $3.29 a gallon — on sale. And as parents try to manage these price increases, they...

  • Every community is a border community

    Dan Newhouse|Jul 20, 2022

    It’s no secret the situation at our southern border is out of control. Indeed, recent figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection show record levels of border crossings are continuing, including a record-setting number of terrorist sightings and an increased number of illegal drugs found at the U.S.-Mexico border. But why should we in Central Washington worry about something happening thousands of miles away? Because it’s affecting every single one of our communities. With three months left in the fiscal year, southern border encounters hav...

  • Central Washington ignored in Snake River dams reports

    Dan Newhouse|Jul 13, 2022

    This week marked the conclusion of the public comment period for Governor Inslee and Senator Murray’s recently released draft Lower Snake River Dams Benefit Replacement Report. I have read the Inslee-Murray report, and while I could comment on the missing data points or perspectives that are found on every single page, it is also clear this draft report has come to the same conclusion that I, along with federal scientists, engineers, and fish biologists, have understood for many years now: Our communities cannot afford to breach and remove t...

  • Facing a better tomorrow

    Dan Newhouse|Jul 6, 2022

    This Fourth of July, Americans in Central Washington and across the country are contending with a host of financial worries. Red-hot inflation has contributed to a skyrocketing cost of living and continues to wreak havoc on financial markets, the American supply chain, and Americans’ pocketbooks. As the country deals with record-high gas prices and sparse shelves at the grocery store, it is more important than ever to call to mind what it is that makes our country great—and how we can return to greatness once more. Independence Day gives us...

  • We must protect Central Washington's veterans

    Dan Newhouse|Jun 22, 2022

    The Biden Administration must be held accountable for failing to serve Central Washington’s veterans. This weekend, details on a draft report from the VA’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) broke news headlines, outlining that not only did the new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system rolled out at Spokane (and now Walla Walla’s) VA hospitals cause harm to at least 148 veterans, but that Cerner Corporation, which owns the contract for this system, knew their system was flawed and withheld that information from the Department of Veter...

  • Energy crisis worsens, cost of living skyrockets

    Dan Newhouse|Jun 15, 2022

    A year and a half ago, when President Biden was sworn into office, gas prices were $2.39 a gallon. Today, gas prices have more than doubled, averaging $5.01 per gallon. The Labor Department reported Friday that inflation rose to 8.6% in the 12 months ending in May, its highest level since December 1981. Virtually no sector of the economy was left untouched. Electricity is up 12% from a year ago, groceries 11.9%, and rent 5.9%. It’s not rocket science; the policy decisions being made by this Administration have directly impacted the state of o...

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