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Articles written by dan newhouse

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  • Liberal policies are putting our communities at risk

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman, 4th District|Jul 21, 2021

    Washington law enforcement officers are concerned by recent legislation introduced by Washington State Democrats and policy stances made by Big Tech. These developments are concerning for our communities, our children, and our officers. Earlier this month, I met with several Yakima County law enforcement officers and the Yakima Gang Task Force, and they made it abundantly clear there are numerous issues on the horizon. Washington State Senate Bill 5122 was one in a series of proposed and implemented bills that would make it more difficult for...

  • Ensuring water supply for generations to come

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman, 4th District|Jul 14, 2021

    As a farmer, former state director of Agriculture, chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus, and congressman representing one of the most flourishing agricultural regions in America, I fully understand the extent to which water is truly the lifeblood of Central Washington and our economy. Hot summers, several years of low snowpack, and the severity of recent drought across the West illustrate how important it is that we reinvest in the water infrastructure our farms and communities were built upon — much of which is over a century old at t...

  • Tracy Stone-Manning is dangerous for Central Washington and Rural America

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|Jun 30, 2021

    Tracy Stone-Manning is an unacceptable nominee to serve as Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and President Biden’s nomination of her highlights just how out of touch he is with rural America. The Bureau of Land Management has an enormous impact on the lives and livelihoods of people throughout the Pacific Northwest. With 16.1 million acres of BLM land in our region, we deserve a Director who understands and appreciates the complex nature of public land management and the priorities of Central Washington. Ms. Stone-Manning is the...

  • Return to WOTUS will hurt Central Washington farmers

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|Jun 23, 2021

    President Biden is stretching the limits of his executive authority – and this time, the livelihoods of farmers and rural communities across the nation are at stake. As a lifelong farmer, representative of this area, and Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus, I understand firsthand the vested interest we all have in how the federal government’s regulations impact water, agriculture, and natural resources across the country – especially when these regulations burden our rural communities. Under Obama, WOTUS was a thinly-veiled land grab...

  • An income tax in Washington is unconstitutional

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|Jun 16, 2021

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: An income tax in Washington state is unconstitutional. Democrats in our state legislature recently passed Engrossed Senate Substitute Bill (ESSB) 5096, a bill that would impose a new 7% tax on capital gains in Washington state. However, according to the Washington State Constitution, property cannot be taxed at a rate greater than one percent, and taxes must be uniformly applied to all residents. The Washington State Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that a person’s “income” is considered property,...

  • Honoring our commitment

    Dan Newhouse|Jun 2, 2021

    For many of us, Memorial Day serves as a turning point in our calendars. The beginning of summer, the end of another school year, and the start of many trips with family and friends. While many of us are looking forward to the new season and the opportunities it will bring, it’s important that we all take a moment to pause and reflect because this weekend of celebration is rooted in the past. This day is intended for solemnity. Memorial Day is a day unlike any other. Since 1868, we have come together with our communities, cities, and towns t...

  • President Biden's policies directly responsible for border crisis

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|May 26, 2021

    President Biden has created and perpetuated a crisis at our southern border, and I’ve seen it firsthand. On Friday, I visited the United States-Mexico border to see for myself what was going on. Based on media coverage alone in recent weeks, it may seem like the national security, public health, and humanitarian crisis has died down. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a farmer, it’s hard to imagine not being able to walk through your orchards or fields without carrying a weapon, but in El Paso, that’s the reality. Cartels are the o...

  • The Pacific Northwest agrees: Keep your hands off our dams

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|May 19, 2021

    There’s been a lot of talk about our dams over the last few weeks, and I want to make it abundantly clear: Any “solution” for our salmon population that includes removing the dams on the Lower Snake River is a nonstarter. Rep. Mike Simpson’s proposed Columbia Basin Initiative seeks to breach the Lower Snake River dams in an attempt at boosting the native salmon population – while ignoring the very real issues, and solutions, that are impacting our fish populations. Our native fish species and the Lower Snake River Dams can — and do — coexist....

  • Has Biden forgotten our farmers?

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|May 5, 2021

    Millions of Americans tuned in last Wednesday night to see what President Biden had to say about the first 100 days of his Administration and his plans for our country. Unfortunately for farmers, ranchers, and agricultural communities like ours in Central Washington, he had little to offer. Instead of discussing real, concrete solutions that would help our farmers and ranchers through the recovery of a global pandemic, the President spent two hours pontificating on his radical agenda and social welfare programs. It would be irresponsible to...

  • The Democrats are changing the rules to win

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Apr 21, 2021

    The saying goes: if you can’t win the debate, change the rules. And that is exactly what the Democrats in Congress are doing. Over the past few weeks, Democrats in Congress have pressed forth numerous pieces of legislation to change the one set of rules we all play by – our Constitution. They’ve usurped State’s rights in holding fair elections, are trying to turn the federal city of Washington, D.C. into a state to add two more liberal Democrats to the Senate, and now want to add more Supreme Court justices in order to tip court rulings...

  • Politicizing Violence for Political Gain

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Apr 14, 2021

    We all agree that senseless acts of violence are unacceptable, and in our nation of law and order, there is no room for gun violence. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration is utilizing heartbreaking crimes to push its agenda. Manipulating tragedy for political gain is just wrong. The recent shootings in Colorado and Georgia were absolutely devastating for the families and loved ones affected by these events. Now, instead of being allowed to grieve in peace, their lives have been turned into a political circus. And rather than offering viable...

  • WHO Is Pulling the Strings?

    Congressman Dan Newhouse|Mar 31, 2021

    A year into living with the ramifications of a global pandemic, it is clearer now than ever before how important science is to our decision-making – and how quickly it can get tossed to the side in lieu of more politically expedient “truths.” When other countries join the fray to undermine our nation’s stability, annoyance quickly gives way to alarm. China is leading the latest attack against America with one goal in mind: to undermine our nation’s food supply. Alarming, to say the least. China is asking the World Health Organization (WHO) to d...

  • American rescue plan or American recession plan?

    Dan Newhouse|Mar 24, 2021

    In Central Washington, we know the best way to jumpstart our economy is by reopening our small businesses and letting America’s free markets get individuals back in the workplace. Unfortunately, far-left Democrats in Congress don’t see it that way. They used the “relief package” to massively fund programs unrelated to COVID-19, to cut our seniors’ Medicare, and to enact tax increases to pay for their crazy spending. It doesn’t make economic sense. Led by Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer, Congress recently passed President Biden’s $1....

  • Strong agriculture labor program needed to stop illegal immigration

    Dan Newhouse|Mar 17, 2021

    In the first two and a half months of 2021, illegal immigration has reached a crisis point. There have been more than 200,000 illegal border crossings with as many as 5,000 illegal crossing encounters in one day. In order to maintain the rule of law and keep criminals out of our country, we must continue working to enhance our border security. One way to do this is to take away opportunities to work illegally in the United States. Congress can do so by creating a viable agriculture labor program that allows workers to come into our country, wor...

  • Governor Inslee, what is Phase 3?

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman, 4th District|Mar 3, 2021

    When our state moved into Phase 2 of Governor Inslee’s latest iteration of a reopening plan, it signaled a well-deserved step forward for our region. Following guidelines under the leadership of local health districts and elected officials, we worked together to reduce our hospitalization rates, prevent the spread of the virus, and lower the number of cases in our regions. We earned our way into Phase 2. Quite reasonably, members of our community including small business owners and local leaders are now asking: What’s next? What is Phase 3? Wha...

  • A voice for Washington agriculture

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman 4th District|Feb 3, 2021

    Central Washington is one of the most agriculturally rich and diverse regions in the United States. Since coming to Congress, I have had the honor of representing our agricultural producers, advocating for strong trade agreements and market protection measures, and securing the tools and resources our state needs to remain at the cutting edge of agriculture innovation. I was recently appointed to serve on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food and Drug Administration — a priority of mine since I was n...

  • Looking forward to a safe and joyous New Year

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman 4th District|Dec 30, 2020

    Throughout the past year, I have written a lot about how I have witnessed Central Washington come together in times of crisis. The challenges of a global pandemic are certainly unprecedented, but individuals, families, healthcare providers, and local businesses have stepped up to the plate to provide support for our communities. The resiliency of our district is inspiring, and while we still have challenges to overcome, I am confident that our nation will defeat this virus. But I hear you: Our government must be responsive to the needs of the...

  • Recognizing Native American Heritage Month

    Dan Newhouse|Dec 2, 2020

    Native American history is engrained in the culture of the Pacific Northwest. Throughout our region, we are reminded of Tribal culture and heritage which greatly influence our way of life. November is Native American Heritage Month, and in Central Washington, we have a rich, storied Tribal history that should be recognized. The federal government has a unique relationship with Native American tribes as we work in tandem to respect their culture, traditions, and treaty rights. The Confederated Bands and Tribes of the Yakama Nation (Yakama...

  • Wildfire recovery demonstrates Central Washington's resiliency

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman 4th District|Nov 4, 2020

    Over the past few months, catastrophic wildfires raged – once again – throughout Central Washington and across the West. Smoke blanketed the Pacific Northwest, and whole towns were essentially wiped off the map. Unfortunately, we are not strangers to the devastation of catastrophic wildfires. This year, in the midst of a global pandemic that already put strain on our local economy and agriculture industry, the damages seem even greater. While the fires may no longer be burning here at home, the impacts on our communities remain. I recently vis...

  • The American Dream is alive and well on Main Street

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman 4th District|Oct 28, 2020

    I have often said that small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and that could not be truer in Central Washington’s rural communities. The owners and employees of Main Street businesses are integral to the well-being of our communities, and the support for small businesses I have witnessed during my travels throughout our district is inspiring. We are in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic, which has affected nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Unfortunately, our small and local businesses – from restaurants and clothing ret...

  • Delist the gray wolf

    Dan Newhouse|Oct 14, 2020

    The Endangered Species Act was signed into law to help protect and recover animals and wildlife facing critical threats or risk of extinction. As Americans, we share the common goal of protecting our environment, creating healthy ecosystems, and ensuring that our growing human populations can live in tandem with the plants and animals around us. While the law was well-intentioned, the ESA has not seen meaningful reforms since 1978. Our country has grown and evolved immensely in the last four decades, and it only makes sense to bring this...

  • Renewing our commitment to Impact Aid and rural students

    Dan Newhouse|Sep 30, 2020

    Many of us are familiar with how our school districts are funded. Construction costs, maintenance updates, teacher salaries, and more are funded by local taxpayers. With local property taxes, levies, and bonds, superintendents and school district administrators work to ensure our students receive the high-quality education they deserve. Over the past several years, many of our school districts have expanded to accommodate growing numbers of students. But what happens when a school district is on or surrounded by federal land? To fulfill our...

  • The original conservationists

    Dan Newhouse|Sep 2, 2020

    Hunters, fishers, and farmers are the original conservationists. Growing up in Central Washington, I have been surrounded by agriculture my whole life. As our farmers and ranchers work to feed the world, we also recognize the importance of conserving our precious natural resources and native species. The same goes for sportsmen, many of whom hunt or fish in order to honor generational traditions or provide for their families. Without responsible land use, resource development, and local conservation efforts, hunting, farming, and fishing as we...

  • Massive bailout will not "save the Post Office"

    Dan Newhouse|Aug 26, 2020

    When rural communities call, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) answers. Our postal service employees provide critical services to the communities of Central Washington and are often the only delivery service that will go the “final mile” to ensure that important mail – including prescriptions, bills, and checks – can be safely delivered to every house in America. In Washington state, we also rely on the USPS to securely deliver our ballots as recently as earlier this month during our state’s primary election. In recent days, there has been a lot o...

  • Education is essential: Reopening our schools

    Dan Newhouse|Aug 19, 2020

    I recently conducted a survey of constituents in Central Washington, asking a question that is on the minds of parents across our district and the entire country: “Do you support doing everything we can to safely reopen schools for in-person instruction in the fall?” The overwhelming response was “yes.” As we all know, on March 13, 2020, Gov. Jay Inslee ordered Washington state schools to close in response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. As other states followed suit, the governor extended the order several times and, unfortu...

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