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Here are three questions/concerns/issues that have been posed by our community members to candidates in the upcoming August primary and November election. Again, I have no favor toward any candidate. I am simply asking questions so that voters can know where you stand and thus cast an informed vote. People are discussing these issues and hoping for your responses, and noting when there is none. 1) Where do you stand on consolidation of our towns and why do you take that particular position? If you are in favor of consolidation, what actions... Full story
I recently asked local candidates to tell us about their candidacy. After polling local folks and hearing from more than a few folks on social media, it seems there are specific questions that we’d like to pose to the candidates. These are two of the more than 20 that I received. I will share a few as often as allowed. I have no favor towards any candidate in this election, no dog in the fight. I would just like to see an election that actually serves our community and results in a positive outcome. 1) Cole & Douglas Park, West Coulee Dam: B... Full story
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the... Full story
We would like to take a moment to introduce the community to a funding site that allows us to donate to projects AT OUR SCHOOLS in OUR CLASSROOMS. It is DonorsChoose.Org. This site allows teachers to post a specific project and the funding needed to make it happen. It can be a small amount or a large amount. We searched for local schools, and there were no projects listed yet. Let’s change that! Let’s get some projects listed and then let’s fund them. We can do this! We, as a community, can make a difference, with just a click. We urge the s... Full story
I had a unique opportunity to see first hand the impact of the Beer Tent during the Festival of America. THERE WAS NONE. NOTHING. There was NO negative impact. It was right here, I could hear it and see it. Before the Festival, people predicted there would be violence, loud activity, people using the town as a potty. NONE OF THAT HAPPENED. It was peaceful, pleasant, clean, respectful, and potties were delivered to the site and used. We can be so quick as a community to say NO because “In 1974 they tried it and so and so fought and such and s... Full story
We’ve often commented upon the actions of our now out-going mayor and some town council members. Their lack of concern, bullying tactics and adverse actions towards our town and its citizens have been duly noted and as a result YOU removed them from office. Not surprising but amazing is the fact that Quincy Snow has refused (through non-response) any sort of transition meeting with Mayor-Elect Greg Wilder. A facilities tour was requested and denied. A request was made for the mayor-elect to attend a meeting this month regarding the Bureau Secur... Full story
A friend, Frank Ward, said that if you are a gardener, you have got to love weeding. In my life, I have discovered many truisms that I like to call BFOs: Brilliant Flashes of the Obvious. Spot on! This is my 6th Summer growing a garden — in my whole life. I’m from San Francisco where if we want a greener lawn, we paint our concrete a richer green, or talk to Mr. Gardener. I decided to garden my first year here, and let me tell you what does NOT work: 1. Planting whatever the heck you want just because you like it 2. Planting in April bec... Full story
We plant our gardens, wash our windows, get our animals ready for summer. We rotate our canned goods, plan summer events, dream of sitting out with our neighbors and chatting while the warm breeze runs through and the sun calls it a day. Now imagine that it’s all gone -- all of it. We are now sitting, clutching our pets on our driveway, with everything we own destroyed, a pile of rubble a monument to what was. Our neighbors have no more than we do, they are in the same position. There is not a way to make dinner, to bathe, to communicate, to l... Full story
At the Coulee Dam Town Council meeting held on March 27th, Councilperson Bob Poch stated that "we" could not just walk away from $1.5 million on the table from IHS for the proposed Waste Water Treatment Facility and that more and sufficient time is needed for IHS to bring their proposal and requirements for their contribution to the WWTF. Kudos to Mr. Poch for stating the need to move forward with new ideas and alternative plans. Shame, shame, shame on the rest of the council who hung their heads and for not offering a motion or a second on... Full story
As everyone knows, the proposed new waste water treatment plant is being discussed at Coulee Dam Council meetings. There are a few people who religiously attend this meeting and do all they can to keep a run-away Town Council in check. Their behavior at recent meetings can only lead us to believe that they only agreed to a three-month hiatus on the forward motion of the project to appease the people who signed the petition to stop it. At the last meeting, Councilmember Karl Hjorten (up for re-election this year) made a motion that we once... Full story