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Articles written by John Overby

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 10 of 10

  • Planting money trees is bad policy

    John Overby|Apr 8, 2020

    Rather than discussing the Governor’s egregious assaults on the 1st Amendment regarding churches and his dogmatic executive orders on what is “essential” and “non essential”, I feel that it would behoove all of us to look into what the Federal Government is up too. Growing up in the 1950’s, on of my Mom’s sayings was: “money doesn’t grow on trees”. Well, it looks like Congress, with the approval of the President, just planted a $2.2 trillion dollar tree. The tree planting took a short time and the tree will be ready to harvest fruit in th...

  • Liberty flag is flying

    John Overby|Dec 5, 2018

    I would like to congratulate the Grand Coulee City Council for their support for the Republic, Washington police chief’s stance on the Initiative 1639 gun law. I would also like to thank Councilmember Tom Poplawski for his succinct comments on the matter. It is my hope that more cities and counties join in on this. For too many times, the east side over here has been subjected to the political tyranny of the socialist/progressive/atheist agendas of King County and Olympia. Today, my “Liberty, founded in Truth” flag is flying. John Overb...

  • Re: "Gun Culture is the problem" in Letters from Our Readers, March 7

    John Overby|Mar 14, 2018

    1) It is incongruous that a semester of study in 8th grade on the Constitution would give anyone the knowledge and ability to make a learned opinion on the 1st and 2nd Amendments. 2) It is indeed chilling to hear a 9th grader claiming that when they are of voting age and in charge that they are going to “right the wrongs that past generations have made.” I recall such sentiments when I was young in the mid-sixties and that has not happened. We have only gotten worse. 3) The Bible is the only book that lays out God’s “plumb line” on the “cult...

  • Things to ponder on tax day

    John Overby|Apr 15, 2015

    Happy April 15th. Today is Tax Day and is the day we are required to give an account of our earnings to the IRS tax collectors. A lot will be written by the media and a lot will be said by the politicians about this but I am sure that a couple things will not be said: 1.) The income tax is not what our Founding Fathers had in mind in the Constitution to pay for government. It only became Constitutional by the ratification of the 16th Amendment in 1913 some 125 years later. 2.) “A heavy progressive or graduated income tax” was one of Karl Mar... Full story

  • Senate transportation bill irresponsible

    John Overby|Mar 4, 2015

    It seems ironic that on the same day that a huge increase in gas prices is seen in the area, the Washington State Senate passes a $15 billion transportation package that includes an 11.7 cent per gallon gas tax increase. It is fiscal irresponsibility to put more money into the hands of WSDOT for spending on boondoggles like Western Washington projects such as Hwy. 99/Bertha and the new Hwy. 520 bridge. The 12th. district will see little of this but the taxpayers will see much in their gas expenditures. Speaking of the 12th. district, it should... Full story

  • Free market gas case study coming

    John Overby|Jul 9, 2014

    I seem to recall the Star's editorial support of the "status quo" of gasoline prices here in the Coulee a few weeks ago. It was implied that detractors just didn't “know Jack" and that the higher prices were due to the free market system which locals are willing to pay for. It appears we will now get to see a case study in free market economics now that a new source is offering gas at 25 cents a gallon less. I just wonder if the Bureau's motor pool or the cities’ motor pools will likewise look out for the taxpayers whom they work for and sta... Full story

  • Back off on the big city approach

    John Overby|Dec 11, 2013

    I would like to thank David Noggles on his (letter to the editor) in the December 4 issue. I first heard about the CMC issues on the November 27 issue and the “red flags” started going up when I heard the three words: “just in time” when tied to “inventory.” I would also assume that since the CMC has adopted the Virginia Mason management style, that management is using similar measuring tools for such things as “performance or productivity” (more red flags). When I worked over on the “wet side” for a large well known aerospace firm, we... Full story

  • Star should rethink that position

    John Overby|Sep 11, 2013

    After reading your Sept. 4 editorial “Might want to rethink that position,” I cannot help but come to the conclusion that maybe you should be the one doing the “rethinking.” 1) Alcohol, tobacco and gambling are also legitimate enterprises in Washington. That does not mean that there are no obvious social, health and moral problems associated with them that taxpayers and participating individuals end up paying for. 2) Your thoughts on waste of public resources are not well thought out. Now, local police agencies will have to undergo another leve... Full story

  • Stop seeking federal money for local school

    John Overby|Aug 8, 2012

    In the July 11 issue of The Star, Roger Lucas’ article on Linda Evans Parlette’s advocacy for an additional $15 million to upgrade the school district’s existing fields, track and gym, the following quote was cited: “This belief is supported by the Coulee Community Act of 1957 which states, ‘It is of prime importance to the government that these communities continue to function as wholesome and attractive communities suitable as residences of personnel essential to the care and operation.’” Sen. Parlette cited this statement in letters to Re... Full story

  • Asking U.S. for rest of school projects funds is wrong

    John Overby|Jul 18, 2012

    It is very discouraging to consistently read of the editorial position of this paper and the local school district’s position of calling on the federal government for funds to build the local school. The district already has $25 million from the state to build a K-12 educational wing and to demolish the grade school. The district also has $5.5 million to build a new gym complex. If my math is correct, this is covered by the amount the state has set aside. Asking for an additional $15 million from Uncle Sam for essentially athletic uses is a m... Full story

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