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Articles from the January 4, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 30

  • Zoning issues complicate Center sale

    Roger S Lucas|Jan 4, 2017

    The sale of Center School is made more complicated by the issue of zoning. The school district has made efforts to sell the vacated school and some additional acres, but so far no one has stepped up to the plate to make an offer. The issue of zoning keeps coming up and any interested buyer isn’t certain how the property might be re-zoned. Currently, the Grand Coulee planning commission is studying a wide range of zoning issues. “We are not looking at a single property, but what needs to be done throughout the city,” stated planning commi... Full story

  • Wintery weather and slickness headed to region

    Scott Hunter|Jan 4, 2017

    Wintery weather and slickness headed to region The National Weather Service warned Saturday that a fresh round of troublesome winter weather is likely headed our way beginning Saturday afternoon and continuing through Sunday night. We could end up with 1 to 5 inches of snow, followed by some rain and freezing rain that will glaze surfaces enough to "make walking hazardous," not to mention driving. Now might be a good time to stock up on groceries for the next day or so. Below is the NOAA's...

  • Rezoning caution warranted, but so is all due speed

    Scott Hunter|Jan 4, 2017

    Advanced planning has never been an apparent strength in this community born of the Great Depression, which is why anytime the subject of zoning comes up, wise people flee to the hills. But this time it must be different. Grand Coulee’s planning commission and the citizens it serves have an important and urgent task ahead: rezoning the area that contains the former Center School, while balancing the needs of its neighbors and the rest of the city. Zoning — the statutory planning of development and growth within a community — is tricky busin... Full story

  • Ice breakers

    Jan 4, 2017

    Bob Hendrickson heads back to the boat launch at Coulee Playland after a brief excursion just after noon New Year's Day, kayaking through the ice on Banks Lake. Behind him are Ross Vordahl, Rod Hardin and Darla Orr. - Scott Hunter photo... Full story

  • Port District reports financial turnaround for golf course

    Roger S Lucas|Jan 4, 2017

    There were smiles all around last Thursday as Port District 7 officials got the year-end financial report on Banks Lake Golf Course, which they manage. At the end of 2015, port commissioners were looking at red ink to the tune of $32,000. But last Thursday, district Secretary Joanne Davidson brought smiles to commissioners when her report stated that the golf course was in the black for 2016, $17,006.16. Actually, things look better than that. The Port District paid off its golf carts in 2016, a $17,048.37 non-recurring expense. Given that,... Full story

  • Skewed crime stats put Grand Coulee in first place

    Roger S Lucas and Scott Hunter|Jan 4, 2017

    Grand Coulee got first place, but not necessarily the type of first place you’d want to receive. An FBI report for the state of Washington shows that Grand Coulee, for its size, was rated first in the state for burglaries for the year 2015. Statistics show that Grand Coulee had 23 burglaries for its population of 1,056, a statistic skewed because it doesn’t account for the population of Electric City, which the Grand Coulee Police also support, noted Police Chief John Tufts. Two other nearby communities on the list include Winthrop, which was... Full story

  • Newsbriefs

    Jan 4, 2017

    Port changes meeting time Grant County Port District 7 is changing its meeting time, according to a vote of commissioners last Thursday. The Port District has been meeting at the airport at 5 p.m. the last Thursday of every month. Commissioners, by vote, changed the meeting time to 4 p.m., effective, Thursday, January 26. Brrr! With temperatures dropping as low as 0 in the next few days, don’t forget to leave water running about the width of a pencil in any sinks on an outside wall to help avoid costly pipe freezes and ruptures. The Grand C... Full story

  • Elmer City passes budget after drama

    Roger S Lucas|Jan 4, 2017

    Elmer City has a 2017 budget, but not without a bit of strife. It was all over a $2 an hour raise for city clerk Gary Benton. The raise and passage of the town’s $915,603 budget narrowly passed Dec. 8, with one council member, Jesse Tillman, voting against the budget because of the raise, and another, Councilmember Don Bonertz, abstaining. That left the vote 2-1, with Clara Carson and Larry Holford voting for the budget, including the raise for Benton, and Tillman voting no and Bonertz abstaining. Councilmember Joaquin Marchand was not at t... Full story

  • New Grand Coulee police officer sworn in

    Jan 4, 2017

    Grand Coulee Mayor Paul Townsend, right, welcomes the city's eighth police officer in a swearing-in ceremony held Monday at city hall. Mathew Ponusky, left, of Spokane, will attend a four-month academy training session in either Spokane or Seattle as soon as there is an opening. Ponusky replaces Sean Cook, who left the department two years ago. The police department has been operating one officer shy since that time. - Roger S. Lucas photo... Full story

  • Time to nominate the volunteer of the year

    Jan 4, 2017

    You know who they are. They work in your church or volunteer at the school. Maybe he or she picks up litter every week along the highway, or is the one who can always be counted on to shovel a sidewalk when someone else can’t. Or maybe it’s someone who volunteers on a board or commission or city council, putting in countless hours on behalf of the community. The Star will honor the 2016 volunteer of the year in an upcoming issue and will publish your letters of nomination between now and then. We encourage you to think about those who give of... Full story

  • Correction

    Jan 4, 2017

    The Star newspaper reported last week that Carl Russell had resigned as president of POWER. He only had resigned as manager of the fish pens in Electric City. He is still president of POWER. The Star regrets the error.... Full story

  • Barbara Lackner

    Jan 4, 2017

    Barbara Lackner passed away Monday, January 2, 2017. A memorial service is set for 2 p.m., Saturday, January 7, at Grand Coulee Community Church. Strate Funeral Home is helping with arrangements. A complete obituary will be in next week’s Star Newspaper.... Full story

  • Ronald W. Whitehead

    Jan 4, 2017

    Ronald W. Whitehead, 63, was born February 23, 1953, at Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane, Washington. He passed away peacefully at Hospice of Spokane North on Wednesday, December 21, 2016, after suffering several years of cancer and surgeries. He had just retired from Grand Coulee Dam after working there for over 30 years and had worked for Safeway 11 years in his younger years. He was a very busy, energetic person, enjoying walleye fishing, meticulous gardening and yard, golfing, his cats... Full story

  • Monte D. Moomaw

    Jan 4, 2017

    Monte D. Moomaw, 82, of Wenatchee, Washington, crossed over Saturday, December 24, 2016, with his wife and children by his side. Monte was born on December 6, 1934, in Toppenish, Washington, to Wallace and Ellen Moomaw. Monte attended Brewster High School, where he excelled at academics and athletics. He enlisted in the Air Force for two years and then came back to Brewster to marry his high school sweetheart, Marilyn Whitehall, on June 19, 1954. Monte was a man of many trades. His adventures... Full story

  • Ronald Dee "Ron" Myszewski

    Jan 4, 2017

    Ronald Dee "Ron" Myszewski, 50, born July 7, 1966, in Woodland, California, passed away Thursday, December 29, 2016, in Grand Coulee, Washington. Cremation has taken place and no services are planned. Please sign Ron's online register book at Arrangements are under the direction of Strate Funeral Home of Grand Coulee.... Full story

  • Health district says flu has arrived in force

    Jan 4, 2017

    The Grant County Health District has received reports of positive rapid tests for influenza A within the last seven days. Health Officer Dr. Alexander Brzezny issued an alert to the Grant County healthcare community and media. “Be aware of increasing influenza activity in Grant County and Washington State,” Brzezny said, “as well as influenza in residents of long-term care facilities (LTCF) with acute illness. All healthcare facilities should enforce their policies regarding healthcare worker’s influenza vaccinations and masking.” The distr... Full story

  • It's a boy for the Fergusons

    Jan 4, 2017

    Nicole and Barney Ferguson, of Keller, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Bradley James Ferguson, born Monday, December 26, 2016, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. He weighed 6 lbs., 2 oz., and was 21 inches in length at birth. Maternal grandparents are Jerry and Linda Novotney. Paternal grandparents are Jack Ferguson and Robin Peoples. Great-grandparents include JoAnn Graham and Betty Ferguson.... Full story

  • Meetings and Notices

    Jan 4, 2017

    No Chamber This Week The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will not meet this week. American Legion to Meet The American Legion Post 157 holds legion meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 10 at the Vets Center in Electric City. Coulee Creators to Meet Coulee Creators meet at 412 Federal Ave., Grand Coulee, Wash., every Tuesday, 1-4 p.m. They will also meet Monday, Jan. 9, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Marlene Oddie 509-386-5715 or for more details.... Full story

  • What's cookin' at the Seniors

    Jan 4, 2017

    Wed., Jan. 4 – Dinner Ham, Mac and Cheese, Mixed Vegetables, Zucchini, Fruit Salad, Cupcake Thurs., Jan. 5 – Dinner Chicken Pot Pie (peas, carrots and onions), Fruit Slices, Pudding Parfait Fri., Jan. 6 – Breakfast Breakfast Meat Omelette, Hashbrowns, Toast, Fruit Bowl, Orange Juice Mon., Jan. 9 – Breakfast Ham, Eggs, French Toast, Fruit Bowl, Orange Juice Tues., Jan. 10 – Dinner Turkey Noodle Soup (onions, carrots and peas), Homemade Bread, Fruit Cup, Flip-Flop Jell-O Wed., Jan. 11 – Dinner Salisbury Steak w/Mushroom Gravy, Ranch Potatoes, M... Full story

  • Legals for January 4, 2017

    Jan 4, 2017

    SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 1037 of the City of Grand Coulee, Wash. On the 28 day of December 2016, the City Council of the City of Grand Coulee, Washington, passed Ordinance No. 1037. A summary of the content of said Ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF GRAND COULEE, WASHINGTON, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2017, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK/TREASURER OF THE CITY TO MAKE THE NECESSARY TRANSFERS IN SAID BUDGET WITHOUT FURTHER ORDER OF THE COUNCIL. The full text of... Full story

  • Coulee Cops

    Jan 4, 2017

    Grand Coulee Police 12/25 - A Moses Lake man asked police to check on his brother because he hadn’t heard from him for quite awhile. The man was fine, but didn’t have any minutes left on his phone so he couldn’t call his brother. The officer let him call his brother on his own phone. - An Omak man stopped near the Crescent Bay turnoff was cited for not having insurance, driving with a suspended license and for driving 10 mph over the speed limit. 12/26 - A 36-year-old man was cited for violating a no-contact court order when he was seen near... Full story

  • Cold, but fun

    Jan 4, 2017

    Kids in Coulee Dam's Cole Park Monday take advantage of the region's snowfall, which was in perfect, cold and crunchy condition for sledding on the sunny afternoon near the Coulee Dam Federal Credit Union. - Scott Hunter photo... Full story

  • Who wants you to believe it?

    Jack Stevenson|Jan 4, 2017

    We say that we live in the information age. The available quantity of information is immense. The reliability of that flood of information is uncertain. That situation is not entitely new; there have always been rumors. But electronic communication gives us access to more rumors and false information than we can easily process. We need reliable information to conduct our daily lives and exercise our responsibilities. How do we distinguish between accurate information and false information? It is not easy. Traditionally, we have relied on... Full story

  • A foster care crisis grows in Washington

    Hayley Stoebner|Jan 4, 2017

    There is a growing crisis in Washington’s foster care system. There are currently more children entering foster care than the present number of foster homes can handle and the need for more homes is urgent! Sadly, due to the shortage of homes, many of the children from Grant and Adams counties end up being moved to other counties in the state, and this can seem like light years away from everything familiar to a child! (The outcomes for children in foster care are much better when they are maintained in their home community.) In some areas o... Full story

  • Childhood greats who passed in 2016

    Jesse Utz|Jan 4, 2017

    The year 2016 saw many of my childhood heroes and icons pass away. As the year wound down, they seemed to come in waves and it got me thinking more and more about the celebrities who entertain us throughout the years, and in some cases become part of the family. David Bowie passed on Jan. 10, and although he was not one of my favorite musicians, he was an icon in the music industry. He influenced many of the bands we currently listen to and broke the mold on showmanship and entertainment. Alan Rickman passed four days later, and although you ma... Full story

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