Sorted by date Results 1 - 16 of 16
Incumbents in local positions appear to be keeping their seats as election results come in. Although there will be more votes to count, including 1,300 Grant County ballots, 1,760 Okanogan ballots, plus those arriving by mail postmarked on or before Nov. 2, vote counts so far for local elections have been posted. According to Grant County’s website, 25.35% of the county’s voters turned out. In the race for Grand Coulee Council Position #1, Ben Hughes leads 74 votes to 39 over Tracey Wright, with there additionally being 29 write-in votes. In th...
Long lines were a good thing, with grinning kids and some contestants scrambling for more candy last Thursday at the PTA's Trunk or Treat event at Lake Roosevelt Schools. Crews on six emergency services vehicles and people with 10 individually themed trunks handed out candy to eager children chauffeured by parents. People could vote on their favorite numbered trunk by giving a monetary donation to the PTA. The trunk that earned the most votes (money) at the end of the night was awarded the...
The Electric City council is prioritizing how they would like to spend $278,000 in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds. City Clerk Peggy Nevsimal told the council at their Oct 12 meeting that the guidance “is really loosey goosey” on how the money can be spent and how the city needs to report its spending. She and city engineer Steven Nelson, she said, have never seen money that is so “unstructured” regarding how to spend it, but there still must be a record of how they intend to use the money and how they ultimately do spend it. The cit...
The National Commander of the American Legion recognized two local veterans of World War II Monday at a luncheon at the local legion post in Electric City. Elmer Rinard and Fred Long will both celebrate their 99th birthdays this month. National Commander Paul E. Dillard and Washington State Department Commander Rick Sucee visited with veterans at their Grand Coulee Dam Post 157. Dillard is making a tour through the state and had several stops before and after the lunch. But he made a point of sh...
Locally, there have been six new cases of COVID-19 in the past week, with two new cases in Grand Coulee and Electric City, one each in Coulee Dam and Elmer City, and two in Nespelem. According to Grant County Health District data last updated Nov. 2, the Grand Coulee and Electric City area of the county has seen 150 total cases since the pandemic began, up by two in the last week, with new cases reported on Oct. 28 and 29. Twenty-five people are hospitalized in the county ranging in age from their 30s to 90s. There have been 185 deaths in... Full story
The intersection of Electric Boulevard and Crest Avenue in Electric City was never perfect, and the city has considered its fourth change to its stop signs in three years. The cross sections of streets that make up the intersection never quite lined up. Electric Boulevard, which runs southeast to northwest, lines up. However, the section of Crest Avenue that runs down a hill from the southwest, comes into it in an off-kilter, caddy-wompus way in relation to the other forks of the intersection....
As of November 2021, a majority of developing countries have vaccinated less than a quarter of their populations. The Biden administration needs to immediately convene an accelerated global vaccination campaign to stop the delta variant in its tracks. At this time last year, many people thought it would be years until the world had effective shots. But not only have companies invented multiple inoculations, they’ve pulled out all the stops to maximize production. For instance, the biggest vaccine developers have licensed their formulas and t...
We soon will celebrate Veteran’s Day. On the calendar it’s just for a day, but we celebrate our veterans 365 days a year. There’s hardly a family in the country that doesn’t have some ties to our military forces. My immediate family has ties to three military branches, army, navy, and air corps. My father was in the army during World War I, getting in as soon as he was old enough, rather late in the war. He spent most of his army time in Minneapolis, where he met and married my mother. My three brothers all served overseas in World War II. My...
Michael Wayne Wallace "Mike" passed away from breast cancer at home in Kuna, Idaho on Sunday, October 10, 2021, at the age of 70. Mike was beloved by his family and friends for his grit, warmth, humor, and passion for adventure. Mike was born at Fort Lewis, Washington in 1951. As a young man he loved working with his hands, fixing cars, playing football, any type of water sport, and hunting. His family lived throughout the northwest in Washington, Oregon and northern California. By high school... Full story
Fall is in the air and Christmas is on our minds! Trees of Sharing 2021 is launching this week se we’ll be ready to give a hand up to families by providing a Christmas gift for their children. Since the early 1980’s, the Trees of Sharing program has been a pathway for Grand Coulee Dam area residents to be a blessing to needy children living in the area. If you know a family with children under age 18 living in the Coulee as far north as Belvedere that could use some help, please take time to fill out Trees of Sharing slips for their chi...
Grand Coulee Police 10/25 - A woman reported her 2018 Ford Taurus was hit in the Safeway parking lot where her son had parked it for work. There was front end damage and the license plate had fallen off. The incident was documented for insurance purposes. 10/26 - Police observed a cut lock on a storage unit at B Street and Second Street, where the door to the unit was open. The items didn’t appear to have been rifled through. The renter of the unit said nothing seemed to be missing and put a new lock on the unit. 10/28 - While a vehicle p...
Town of Coulee Dam NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2022 Revenue Source/Ad Valorem Hearing To the Citizens of the Town of Coulee Dam, notice is hereby given that the Town of Coulee Dam will hold a Public Hearing on the Revenue Source/Ad Valorem Tax for the Budget year 2022 on November 10, 2021, 6:00pm via teleconference. All interested persons will be given the opportunity to provide written or oral comments on Revenue Sources and possible increases in property tax revenues at said hearing. Stefani Bowden, Clerk-Treasurer (Publish October 27 and... Full story
The Raider Cross Country teams competed in boys' and girls' district tournaments this past week. At the Central Washington 2B League Championship and state qualifier event at the Okanogan Valley Golf Course Oct. 27, senior runner Colton Jackson placed 16th, just two spots shy of qualifying for state. Jackson ran the 5,000-meter race in a time of 19 minutes and 40 seconds. "I think they all gave an effort that they can be proud of," Head Coach Matthew Timentwa said. The girls' state qualifier...
The Lady Raiders volleyball team lost 3-2 in their regular season closer against Brewster Oct 26 in Coulee Dam, losing by only two in the final set. "It was just a night where our little things that we usually work on weren't clicking," Head Coach Meagan Caudell said. "As for a learning experience, we know what we have to work on now going into playoffs." Caudell praised Emma Marchand and Audrey Hansen on their leadership the game. "They really left everything out on that court for their team...
The Raiders lost their regular-season football closer against Brewster on Friday in Coulee Dam with a 44-14 final score. They enter the first round of the playoffs on Friday when they face off against the Davenport Gorillas, in Davenport, at 7 p.m....
The Lady Raiders soccer team lost their playoff game in Brewster against the Lady Bears with a final score of 4-1. "It was an emotional loss on Saturday," Assistant Coach Merlee Liberty said. "The girls played their hearts out and fought really hard throughout the entire game. I am so proud of how far they've come this season. It's amazing to see how they take what they've been learning throughout the season and apply it in their games. I look forward to seeing what the girls accomplish next year!"...