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Articles from the January 18, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 34

  • Fire chief: Fireworks ordinance would be "over governing"

    Roger S Lucas|Jan 18, 2017

    A city law proposed months ago to regulate fireworks in Electric City has gone “poof” last Tuesday night after the fire chief insisted it wasn’t needed. The ordinance was doomed after volunteer fire Chief Mark Payne appeared before the council and told members it was unnecessary. Payne said he had been associated with the fire department for over 20 years, and fireworks have never been an issue. “Just because Grand Coulee has an ordinance about fireworks, it doesn’t mean that we need to,” Payne responded. The fire chief told council mem... Full story

  • Special meeting for Mosquito District 2

    Jan 18, 2017

    Grant County Mosquito District 2 board is calling a special meeting for Tuesday evening at 7 p.m., at the Electric City Hall regarding district assessment.... Full story

  • Nespelem starting late Friday

    Jan 18, 2017

    Nespelem School will start two hours late on Friday, Jan.20, and will hold no preschool....

  • Schools will start late again Thursday

    Scott Hunter|Jan 18, 2017

    Both Lake Roosevelt and Nespelem schools will start two hours late again on Thursday, both schools said late Wednesday as warming temperatures put a slick watery surface atop built-up road ice. Nespelem School will also not hold preschool again Thursday, and no breakfast will be served....

  • Local spot in four-state national trail subject of talk

    Roger S Lucas|Jan 18, 2017

    The most dramatic feature of a proposed four-state trail is centered locally, and residents can learn all about it next Monday afternoon. People can learn how this region will play a small but significant role in the development of the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail at a National Park Service information meeting Monday, Jan. 23, from 1-3 p.m. in the community room at Coulee Dam Town Hall. Denise Bausch, of the National Park Service, will make a 45-minute presentation showing the proposed... Full story

  • Pathway plan almost ready for review

    Roger S Lucas|Jan 18, 2017

    Electric City’s Pathway and Revitalization plan is about three-fourths of the way complete, and should be ready for review within a few weeks, the city council learned last week. The plan is being developed by a Washington State University group made up of a team of students and Assistant Professor Kathleen Ryan from the WSU Rural Communities Design Initiative. The WSU team has been working on the plan since last spring, including conducting two public meetings and issuing a preliminary report. When completed, the plan will be reviewed by C... Full story

  • Two resigning from GCD school district

    Roger S Lucas|Jan 18, 2017

    The Grand Coulee Dam School District directors accepted the resignations of two veteran employees at its meeting Jan. 10. Resigning were teacher and Current Technical Education Director Kathy Proctor, and Human Resource Director Mandi Stack. Proctor came to the district in 1979, and has been associated with vocational education. She will finish up a 37-year teaching career at the close of school this spring. Proctor’s husband, Gordon, retired a couple of years ago, also after many years of service, as a teacher and coach. Stack is a 1997 g... Full story

  • City may build wall in developing park

    Roger S Lucas|Jan 18, 2017

    Electric City may still get started on its new park behind the fire station early this year. A discussion at last week’s council meeting provided some hope to Councilmember Lonna Bussert that work on a needed retaining wall could be done after the city receives the finished Pathway and Revitalization plan from a Washington State University team of an assistant professor and several students. That plan is expected to be complete in either late January or early February and include details of the development of the park. Bussert was active in t... Full story

  • Legislative leaders agree: Basic Education funding to dominate 2017 session

    Grace Swanson WNPA Olympia News Bureau|Jan 18, 2017

    OLYMPIA - Finding the dollars to meet the Supreme Court's mandate to fully fund basic education as required by the state constitution is the dominant issue facing legislators in the 2017 session. A major amount of education funding is now raised through local tax levies. The state is obligated to take over its constitutional share of funding basic education, reducing the burden on local school districts and their taxpayers. Last February, voters in 131 districts in Washington approved special property tax levies totaling over $3 billion to... Full story

  • Winter access listed for Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area

    Jan 18, 2017

    With reduced staffing and resources during the winter season, the facilities open in the Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area are limited, but the National Park Service unit last week listed several boat launches snowplowed on an “as needed” basis on weekdays during the snowy season. They include Kettle Falls boat launch, Bradbury Beach boat launch, Gifford boat launch, Hunter boat launch, Fort Spokane boat launch and first campground loop road only, Seven Bays boat launch, Porcupine Bay boat launch, Lincoln Mill boat launch, Keller Ferry bo... Full story

  • Many volunteers are worthy of honor

    Jan 18, 2017

    The guy who’s always helping out the neighbors, the member of your club or church who helps with just about everything, the member of the volunteer board or council who puts in countless hours on behalf citizens who often don’t know who makes local decisions on their behalf. These are all examples of folks you could nominate for the 2016 volunteer of the year to be honored in an upcoming issue of The Star. The newspaper will publish your letters of nomination between now and then. We encourage you to think about those who give of their time and... Full story

  • Peaceful transition a hallmark of American democracy

    Dan Newhouse Representative 4th Dist|Jan 18, 2017

    America is not the norm. As citizens of one of the world’s oldest constitutional republics, every American, myself included, sometimes needs reminding about the extent to which our freedoms and traditions are the exception rather than the rule in human history. The rule of law and constitutional limits on government power should not be taken for granted. The orderly transition of power from one presidential administration to the next is one of the fundamental principles that ensure stability for our system of self-government. For most of h... Full story

  • Town staff doing a great job

    Larry Price|Jan 18, 2017

    Regardless of how some may feel about our current administration, we really sure give credit to the employees of Coulee Dam. Every time I go into the town hall for anything, the ladies are very friendly and helpful. The maintenance crew for the town is doing a excellent job and is always helpful no matter what we might need. The fire and police departments are doing a good job, despite being short staffed. Once again, I would like to say thanks to all the employees of our town. Larry Price Coulee Dam... Full story

  • Abolishing Obamacare rewards wealthy, punishes working families

    Frank Clemente and Ron Pollack|Jan 18, 2017

    Republican plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) threaten the health care of 30 million Americans and would erode some rare progress made recently to reverse America’s growing economic inequality. By taxing rich households and big corporations to subsidize health care for working families, the ACA does what good public policy should: level the playing field to give everyone a shot, not just those at the top. Abolishing the ACA would only further tilt the field in favor of the wealthy and well-connected. It turns out that taking a... Full story

  • Thinking about those who gave

    Jesse Utz|Jan 18, 2017

    This past week I received a wake-up call. That came on the same day that I learned of Eldon Wilson’s passing and of Duane Frye’s illness. These two men have given more to our community and nation than we will probably ever know. Eldon sat beside me for many years at basketball games. While I was announcing the game, he was keeping track, running the clock and scoreboard. His heart was vested in Raider Sports; he had more passion for what was happening on the court than many of the fans and players who filled the gym. He took his job ser... Full story

  • Sixty-seven years ago

    Jan 18, 2017

    Nine 108,000-kw generators are in steady operation in this powerhouse, in addition two small 10,000-kw units not shown. – January 6, 1950... Full story

  • Meetings and Notices

    Jan 18, 2017

    Chamber This Week The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will meet at noon, this Thursday, January 19, at the Senior Center on Main Street, Grand Coulee. Steve Phillips will be speaking about the after-school mentoring program at Lake Roosevelt schools. Port District 7 to Meet The Grant County Port District 7 will hold its monthly meetings the last Thursday of the month at 4 p.m., beginning with the January 26 meeting. All meeting will be held at the airport office. Coulee Creators Meet Coulee Creators meet at 412 Federal Ave., Grand... Full story

  • Rodeo queen chosen for 2017

    Jan 18, 2017

    The Ridge Rider Saddle Club chose their Colorama Rodeo queen last weekend, who will look familiar. Caitlin O'Neil, the 2016 queen, will again promote the local rodeo scene around the rodeo circuit. The junior at Almira-Coulee-Hartline High School has participated many years in helping put on the Colorama Rodeo and other rodeos, as well. - Submitted photo... Full story

  • Community blood drive planned

    Jan 18, 2017

    Inland Northwest Blood Center along with the Grand Coulee community blood Drive volunteers led by Melanie Slatina are planning a blood drive for Monday, January 23. Donation hours will be from 11:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the community room in Coulee Medical Center. INBC needs an average of 200 blood donors every day to meet the needs of more than 35 hospitals in the Inland Northwest. A single donation can save the lives of up to three people! For more information contact Tina Lingo 509-981-7023.... Full story

  • It's a girl for Jack-Schmidt/Whalawitsa

    Jan 18, 2017

    Brenda M. Jack-Schmidt of Bridgeport, Washington, and Jason E. Whalawitsa of Nespelem, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Violet Rose Whalawitsa, born Sunday, January 8, 2017, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. She weighed 5 lbs., 5.3 ozs., and was 21 inches in length at birth. Siblings include: Monica Jack, Chris Whalawitsa, Hailey Whalawitsa, Jaimen Schmidt, Leah Whalawitsa, Chloe Whalawitsa and Josiah Schmidt. Maternal grandparents are Myrtle E. Jack and the late Andy Jack....

  • Freezing filaments

    Jan 18, 2017

    Duncan Oddie, who with his wife Marlene, owns KISSed Quilts, changes out light bulbs Sunday on the decorative strings that criss cross Main Street, a project of merchants on the street. He was one of a handful of volunteers swapping the lights out in sub-freezing weather with the help of lift equipment from Flowers and Sons. - Scott Hunter photo... Full story

  • Free tax help at the senior center will begin February 14

    Jan 18, 2017

    Income tax time is here! Free tax preparation is being offered at the Grand Coulee Senior Center again this year. Volunteers trained in cooperation with IRS and AARP will be available every Tuesday, Feb 14 through April 11, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This service is available to anyone with low or middle income. You do not have to be seniors or members of the senior center to take advantage of this free help. However, special attention is given to those 60 or older. Taxpayers need to bring: a copy of last year’s tax return, and social security c... Full story

  • What's cookin' at the Seniors

    Jan 18, 2017

    Wed., Jan. 18 – Dinner Pot Roast, Mashed Potatoes ad Gravy, Mixed Vegetables, Fruit Salad, Frosted Cake (Birthday Dinner) Thurs., Jan. 19 – Dinner Chili and Cornbread, Green Veggies, Fruited Jell-O, Brownies Fri., Jan. 20 – Breakfast German Sausage, Eggs, Muffins, Blueberry Pancakes, Fruit Bowl, Orange Juice Mon., Jan. 23 – Breakfast Sausage Patty and Eggs, Hashbrowns, Muffin, Fruit Bowl, Orange Juice Tues., Jan. 24 – Dinner Ham-Hock and Beans, Broccoli and Cauliflower, Fruit Cup, Cream Pie Wed., Jan. 25 – Dinner Baked Chicken, Potato Sala...

  • Ladies defeat the Hornets, lose to Bears

    Jacob Wagner|Jan 18, 2017

    The Lady Raiders tasted both victory, on their home court last week, and a grizzly defeat on the road. Hosting the Oroville Lady Hornets in Lake Roosevelt's gym Jan. 10, everything went smoothly for the Lady Raiders, who won 63-34. "We were able to find a groove early, and everything seemed to fall into place," remarked LR Head Coach Wallace Pleasants. Kayla St. Pierre led the Lady Raiders with 16 points against the Lady Hornets, whose league win-loss record stands at 3-7 after their loss to... Full story

  • Raiders lose two games

    Jacob Wagner|Jan 18, 2017

    The Oroville Hornets skimmed a victory last week at Lake Roosevelt from the Raiders, who also took lessons from unbeaten Brewster later in the week. The score was close all night against Oroville Jan. 10, with the Raiders taking the lead on their home court briefly with about three minutes left. But the Hornets took the lead back and held onto it as the clock ran out with a final score of 59-53. "As disappointed as I am that we didn't pull this one out in the end, which I thought we were going... Full story

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