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COULEE DAM—The Grand Coulee Dam School District board will now begin its meetings at 5:30 p.m., its members voted Monday night. The board now meets in the Lake Roosevelt High School library. • The Grand Coulee Methodist Church women donated $100 to the school district to purchase snacks to be used in the school’s health rooms to aid diabetic students. The school board accepted the gift. • Student enrollment for district schools stood at 707 for the month of January. Last year the January count was 667, an increase this year of 40 student...
After a bad set of games, the Lady Raiders are on a win streak, sweeping all opponents last week. Lake Roosevelt is sitting in the number-two spot in the Central Washington North, behind Okanogan. The Lady Raiders’ win-loss record stands at 9-6 overall, and 7-2 in league play. At Oroville Jan. 20, the Lady Raiders held off a strong Hornet team by the final score of 44-37. Then at Liberty Bell on Thursday, the Lady Raiders posted a solid win, beating the Mt. Lions 50-34. To finish the week the Lady Raiders defeated the Fillies of Bridgeport b...
The Raiders won two of three basketball games last week to put them in fourth place in the Central Washington North standings, with a 6-3 league win-loss record and a 9-6 record overall. The wins came at Oroville and Bridgeport. Liberty Bell defeated the Raiders to tie the season series at one apiece. “We didn’t quite perform like we wanted to this week, but we battled in a lot of ways,” Head Coach Matt Simpson said of the Raiders’ performance on the road last week. At Oroville Jan. 20, the Raiders defeated the lowly Hornets with ease. LR jump...
The Raiders came up against many schools that will have state competitors Saturday in Kittitas and competed in challenging matches and took home three medals from the Coyote Classic. “We got a chance to see teams like Ilwaco and Napavine, who will be at state and we haven’t yet seen this season,” Head Coach Steve Hood said. Gabe Moses, at 138 pounds, took home his first gold medal. Moses pinned all his opponents on the way to the gold. His opponents were Sam Smith of Napavine, Chance Robinson of Pomeroy, and Wegner of Liberty Bell. Oscar Pakoo...
Legal Notice Town of Coulee Dam Parks and Natural Resources Board Meeting To the Citizens of the Town of Coulee Dam, notice is hereby given that the Parks and Natural Resources Board of the Town of Coulee Dam will hold a regular meeting at Town Hall on Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 10:00am. (Publish Jan. 28, 2015) SUMMARY OF ORDINANCES PASSED OF THE CITY OF ELECTRIC CITY, WA On the 13th day of January, 2015 the City Council of Electric City passed the following ordinances. A summary of the content of said ordinances, consisting of the title,...
Grand Coulee Police 1/14 - Police gave the Grand Coulee owner of an abandoned vehicle on Morrison a few extra days to remove it. 1/19 - Police were called to a location on Palmer in Electric City when a man went to check on his mother and found her deceased. - A Bridgeport resident was ticketed for parking in a handicapped parking space at Safeway. - A Coulee Dam man was stopped on Midway after an officer clocked his vehicle at 48 mph in a 35 mph zone. When he smelled alcohol, he wrote the man a ticket and advised him not to drive the rest of...
Thurs., Jan. 29 4:30 p.m., HS Basketball here with Oroville. (4:30 BVJ @ Middle School Gym/GVJ at HS gym; 6 p.m. GV at HS gym; 7:30 p.m., BV at HS gym.) 5 p.m., JHS Girls’ Basketball at Tonasket. Fri., Jan. 30 4:30 p.m., HS Basketball here with Tonasket. (4:30 BVJ @ Middle School Gym/GVJ at HS gym; 6 p.m. GV at HS gym; 7:30 p.m., BV at HS gym.) Sat., Jan. 31 10 a.m., HS Wrestling at Kittitas. Tues., Feb. 3 4:30 p.m., HS Basketball at Brewter. 5 p.m., JHS Girls’ Basketball here with Oroville. Wed., Feb. 4 6:30 p.m., JHS Wrestling, Lake Roo...