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Articles from the February 6, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 25

  • County sheriffs resisting new gun law

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 6, 2019

    Local county sheriffs are weighing in on Washington’s controversial Initiative-1639 which is related to guns and is being challenged in the courts. I-1639, which took effect on Jan. 1, raises the age limit for buying semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21. Beginning July 1, it requires purchasers to pass an enhanced background check, show proof of firearms training, and wait 10 days before getting the gun. The new law also makes gun owners guilty of “community endangerment” if their gun is not properly stored and is accessible by a child or by an...

  • Regional wrestling tourney canceled

    Scott Hunter|Feb 6, 2019

    The the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association announced Friday that all regional wrestling tournaments set for Saturday have been canceled due to bad weather conditions affecting travel. Instead, apparently every athlete who qualified for regionals will instead go to the state tournament next week in Tacoma. That means 23 Lake Roosevelt High School athletes will be headed to the Tacoma Dome for the tournament that starts in a week. Here's WIAA's email sent Friday morning: "Due to...

  • Raider the dog making a difference at Lake Roosevelt

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 6, 2019

    A stray dog found its way into Lake Roosevelt Elementary School and has been a staple there ever since. The 8-month-old, black Labrador female dog, now named Raider, had been hanging out around the school for about a month last fall when eventually school employee Cindy Parra found her by the football field eating a bag of chips out of a child's backpack. Parra grabbed her, and Shamara Steffler, the dean of students at the school, adopted her. The school board in October approved for Raider to...

  • Newsbriefs

    Feb 6, 2019

    Free tax preparation offered Free in-person tax preparation will be available at the Grand Coulee Dam Senior Center for people of any age. The program, which is offered by the American Association of Retired Persons, is open to the public on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. between Feb. 13 and April 10. Deported, returned, jailed A Bridgeport man was sentenced to five years of prison Friday after he had been deported, came back to the United States and was captured again, U.S. Attorney Joseph H. Harrington’s office announced in a press r...

  • Group protests ethics charges on councilwoman

    Scott Hunter|Feb 6, 2019

    A group of protesters gathered outside the Colville Business Council's meeting chambers Friday as part of the council debated a move that would lead to expelling one of their own members. Ethics charges had been filed, dropped and apparently filed again on Councilmember Andrea George, who won a seat at the council last summer to represent the Nespelem District. Amid chants and drumming outside the tribal headquarters Friday, cars and pickups drove by on SR-155 and honked in support of those...

  • By changing it, bill would skirt court ruling that Legislature must follow state records law

    Emma Epperly, WNPA Olympia News Bureau|Feb 6, 2019

    Legislation proposed on the last day of January would largely exempt state legislators from the Public Records Act, according to the attorney who led the fight against a similar bill last year. That bill was passed in a last-minute move after a Thurston County Superior Court judge ruled in January 2018 that the Legislature was subject to the Public Records Act and had not been in compliance for years. Both sides appealed the decision and litigation still continues in the Washington Supreme Court. A public outcry over last year’s bill led to the...

  • Lawmakers aim to 'ditch the switch' on daylight saving

    Madeline Coats, WNPA Olympia News Bureau|Feb 6, 2019

    OLYMPIA — Lawmakers are pushing for a bill to allow year-round observation of daylight saving time in the state of Washington, with the intention of the practice spreading throughout the country. House Bill 1196 was co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of 14 representatives and introduced by Rep. Marcus Riccelli, D-Spokane. “I want to ditch the switch,” said Riccelli at a public hearing. “We’re already on daylight saving time eight months of the year.” According to the bill, the state and all of its political subdivisions would follow Paci...

  • What a weekend!

    Jesse Utz|Feb 6, 2019

    I was going to tell you all about Alianna Rose this week and how she came into the world. As I thought about it, I realized that it was not my story to tell. It is the parents’ story; it is for Levi and Davida Seylor to share with all of you. As much as I want to tell you all about being a brand-new grandparent of a little angel, I am going to refrain. But what I am going to share with you is about a wonderful facility and the people that work in this place called Coulee Medical Center. This p...

  • Re: "Colville Business Council approves controversial horse removal contract" 1-30-19

    Wiyaka Steinke|Feb 6, 2019

    Thank you for the update on the Colville Business Council’s Jan. 24th decision to send over a thousand majestic wild horses to slaughter in direct violation of their own Tribal Code Chapter 4.14. It appears to me to have been a rushed decision without allowing enough input from the tribal membership and experts’ views. It sickens my heart to think of the helicopters breaking up the highly structured social and emotional groups among the wild horses, not to mention threatening the genetic viability of the herds. The fact that they will ine...

  • Look, up in the sky, it's a polar vortex!

    Bob Valen, Weather Watcher|Feb 6, 2019

    It caused a great uproar in the news media and with those living in parts of Canada and the U.S. The Upper Midwest felt the effects of the ever-present Polar Vortex. TV news reporters stood outside showing viewers just how cold the air was — frozen things were displayed for all to see. People shot video of themselves holding frozen shirts, pants or their wet, frozen hair. More importantly, the TV reports and newspaper articles addressed the health consequences of truly cold air. Add some wind t...

  • Coulee Recollections

    Feb 6, 2019

    Twenty Years Ago Last Tuesday night about 8 p.m. John Nelson heard a racket outside his trailer in Delano. When he went outside to find out what was going on he told police he saw three dogs being attacked by a cougar. Coulee Dam citizens voted to join the North Central Regional Library District Tuesday, voting 193-66 to allow the district to annex the town. John Fruchtl, 87, bowled a 279 at Riverview Lanes, the highest game for the year. The level of Lake Roosevelt has locals concerned for the tourism season, with the level to lower to 1220...

  • FBLA group on to state

    Feb 6, 2019

    Seven Lake Roosevelt Students qualified for Washington FBLA State on April 10-13 in Bellevue, Washington, after competing at North Central Regionals in Wenatchee, January 19. Those qualifying include back row, from left: Kaitlyn Nordine, 1st place, Website design, 4th place Help Desk (9th grade); Jerry Martin, 4th place, Sales Presentation (10th grade); Reniff Herndon, 3rd place, Help Desk (9th grade); Showaway Hunt, 5th place, Help Desk (9th grade); Lillie LaPlace, 1st place, Global Business,...

  • This week in sports

    Feb 6, 2019

    Wed., Feb. 6 5 p.m., JH girls’ basketball here with Oroville 6 p.m., JH wrestling at Nespelem Fri., Feb. 8 6 p.m., Raiders Basketball against Liberty Christian at Hanford Middle School, Richland 7:45 p.m., Lady Raiders Basketball against Liberty Christian at Hanford Middle School, Richland Sat., Feb. 9 TBD, HS Basketball Districts at Hanford High School, Richland 10 a.m. HS Wrestling Regionals at Oroville GO RAIDERS!...

  • Bowling Scores

    Feb 6, 2019

    THURSDAY MIXUPS TEAM W L San Poil Valley 58.5 25.5 Only Nine! 44.5 35.5 The Star 34 50 High Game: John Stensgar 244; Mae Stensgar 166 High Series: John Stensgar 576; Mae Stensgar 464 Splits: Scott E. 2-7/2-10/4-6-7-9-10; Logan Stensgar 3-4-6-7; Mae Stensgar 2-4-10; Soy Rethunder 2-7-8 FRIDAY DAM KEGLERS TEAM W L #3 71.5 48.5 #5 71 49 Native Spirit 67 53 Flying W 54.4 65.5 #1 46.5 73.5 High Game: Kevin Rosenbaum 266; Mae Stensgar 175 High Series: Dale Bjorson 719; Mae Stensgar 484 SENIOR BOWLING Lanes 3/4: Frank E. 192/422; Mike L. 172/494;...

  • Auditions for The Frog Prince coming up

    Feb 6, 2019

    An audition will be held for the Missoula Children’s Theatre’s production of THE FROG PRINCE (Monday, March 11, at the Lake Roosevelt High School gymnasium) from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Those auditioning should arrive at 3:30 p.m. and plan to stay for the full two hours. Some of the cast members will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the audition. Among the roles to be cast are three sisters – who also happen to be Princesses — two students to play the lonely Frog, Ollie the Aspen Tree, bumbling Knights, kindly Swamp T...

  • Nespelem School students of the month

    Feb 6, 2019

    Here are Nespelem's students of the month!...

  • All Raider wrestlers qualify for regionals

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 6, 2019

    The Raiders hosted the 2B District 6 tournament on Saturday, and all 22 Raider wrestlers qualify for regionals. Raiders placing first at the event were David Crowe, who wrestled in the 132-pound weight class; Kaleb Horn, at 138; Tony Nichols, at 152; Sherwin Vargas, at 220; and Terrance Saulque, at 285. Horn spoke about his matches against Scott Kuntz from Tonasket, whom he pinned in 32 seconds; and Kevin Sanabria from Tonasket, whom he defeated 11-2. "The first match was a pretty good go," Horn...

  • Raider wrestling coaches earn top district honors

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 6, 2019

    Steve Hood, Lee Largent, and Victor Camarena have all been named district wrestling coaches of the year for the Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association as voted on by their fellow coaches in the district. Hood won the 2B District 6 wrestling coach of the year; Largent won the award for assistant coach of the year; and Camarena won the award for junior high coach of the year. "It's awesome," said Raider wrestler Kaleb Horn, who has won state championships twice and is going for a third...

  • Lady Raiders beat toughest opponents in league

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 6, 2019

    The Lady Raiders won three games last week to wrap up their regular season ranked second in the Central Washington 2B league. Lake Roosevelt hosted and defeated the top-ranked Brewster Lady Bears Jan. 29 by a highly respectable 18 points, 51-33. Ellie Hansen led the Lady Raiders with 18 points, sinking eight of her nine shots at the basket and making two free throws. She made seven rebounds, as well. "It is always nice to beat the top team in league," Coach Matt Pleasants said. "The girls came...

  • Legals for February 6, 2019

    Feb 6, 2019

    Grant County Conservation District Board of Supervisors PUBLIC NOTICE The Grant County Conservation District Board of Supervisors hereby informs the voting public that the incumbent has been re-elected to the currently open seat by reason of being the only person filing for the position by the filing deadline. Therefore, no poll site absentee balloting or mail balloting will be performed pursuant to WAC 135-110-370. For further information, please contact the District at (509) 765-9618. (Publish January 30 and Febuary 6, 2019) PUBLIC NOTICE...

  • Raiders finish regular season strong

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 6, 2019

    The Raiders had a busy week of raids, defeating Liberty Bell, Waterville, and, most importantly, the top-ranked Brewster Bears in a nail-biting, last-second victory. The Raiders hosted the Brewster Bears, winning 61-60 Jan. 22 in Coulee Dam. The Raiders jumped out to an early lead in the game, and from there it was a one- or two-point game for either team. But by the end of the game, the Raiders were down by four points with 27 seconds left. "We called a play and Cameron St. Pierre hit a huge...

  • Coulee Cops

    Feb 6, 2019

    Grand Coulee 1/29 - A Burdin Boulevard woman said she watched a man and woman walk past her car. The man allegedly pushed her mirror out of position, the woman put her hands “all over the car,” and the complainant yelled at them to stop. - A man thought to be wanted on a warrant and to recently have run from police was spotted slouched down in a truck on Lakeview Boulevard. Two officers detained the man, who was cleared on the warrant and taken to the police station to be cited and released on charges of resisting arrest and obstructing an offi...

  • Colville Tribes respond to horse controversy

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 6, 2019

    The Colville Tribes responded with a press release last week regarding a controversial decision to approve a contract to round up approximately 1,250 horses from the reservation. The nearly $500,000 contract awarded to Sun J Livestock was approved on Jan. 24. “The Colville Business Council responsibly addressed the need to better protect our lands, water, wildlife and native plants on the reservation with these decisions,” Colville Business Council Chairman Rodney Cawston said in the release, dated Jan. 29. “These decisions also provide a plan...

  • Long road home awaits Raiders, win or lose

    Scott Hunter|Feb 6, 2019

    Good luck to the Lake Roosevelt basketball teams and their fans in Richland today; win or lose (just saw that the girls won 46-43) , they may all have to take a long way home. Washington State Department of Transportation is showing I-82 closed between Yakima and Ellensburg, as well as minor state highways SR-24 and SR-241 through rural areas between here and there. SR 17 closed from Othello north, SR 21 is closed at Washtucna. That might leave US395 to Spokane and US 2 the only way home. But...

  • Late start Monday a.m. for GCDSD schools

    Feb 6, 2019

    Lake Roosevelt Schools will start two hours late Monday, Feb. 11, the school district said Sunday night. The delay is due to expected weather expected to bring several inches of snow overnight....