Sorted by date Results 1 - 24 of 24
A man driving a stolen Grant Transit Authority bus out of Moses Lake was pursued by more than two dozen police on the morning of Feb. 3, with the chase ending in a minor crash. The bus had been reported stolen at about 7 a.m., and Moses Lake Police and other agencies were watching for it when a Grant County Sheriff's deputy spotted it about 30 minutes later. The driver, 62-year-old Richard D. Manley of Grand Coulee, was on highway 28 near Stratford. He turned north on Pinto Ridge Road. Lake Roos...
An Omak teenager has died, and a young man is charged with multiple related crimes after a one-pickup rollover on SR-155 in the middle of the night. The name of the 15-year-old girl who died at the scene of crash was not released. According to the Washington State Patrol report, she was not wearing a seatbelt when the northbound 1998 Ford F-150 swerved on the highway at milepost 69, where the driver overcorrected, then rolled over on the right shoulder shortly after 1 a.m. Saturday morning. The driver, Martin T. Stanley, 20, of Omak, is facing...
Just in time for Valentine's Day on Sunday (updated), the North Central Region will enter the less-stringent Phase Two of Washington State's Roadmap to Recovery planned approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, the governor announced Friday, after setting the move-up date to Monday previously. The move up allows for indoor dining at restaurants, with restrictions, and some, including Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward, had publicly appealed to the governor to have a heart for the restaurant industry, which...
The top administrator at the organization that has been providing vaccines at Coulee Medical Center said Wednesday that existing appointments for a first-round vaccine against Covid-19 are to be canceled due to lack of supply. "We don't have enough," said Theresa Sullivan, chief executive officer of Samaritan Healthcare in Moses Lake. She told county leaders on a scheduled Zoom call this morning that nearly 2,100 appointments for the first vaccine must be canceled in order to make sure they...
A meeting held by the city of Electric City on Jan. 23 to engage with its citizens and get their input on various issues was a success, the mayor says. “We had a pretty good event,” Mayor Diane Kohout later told The Star. People representing the city included Kohout, herself, Councilmember Cheryl Hoffman, Planning Commissioners Al Miller and Ian Turner, City Engineer Steve Nelson of Century West, and Public Works Director Jared Armstrong. “We all felt it was a good start to bring our residents information about potential projects and needs...
The current plan for fan attendance at Lake Roosevelt sporting events is to allow each player to give two tickets to fans, be they family or friends, for home events only, with no opposing team visitors allowed. Athletic Director Tim Rasmussen updated the Grand Coulee Dam School District Board of Directors on the matter at their Feb. 8 meeting. Rasmussen said some schools won’t even allow home-event attendance, something he wanted to avoid. Additionally, the school is purchasing cameras and partnering with a company to livestream sports e...
Lake Roosevelt Schools could get new sports facilities built if they are "shovel ready" when and if grant money becomes available. Grand Coulee Dam School District Superintendent Paul Turner spoke to The Star on Monday about plans to issue a Request for Qualifications soon for an architect to work with on facilities projects. Turner said the school board needs to look at the "bigger picture" of the district's facilities and decide what their vision is. "When we built [the new school] we had...
Washington’s governor last week defended his plan to phase in the opening of businesses by region, saying he knows it goes too slow for some people. “Everybody can have a rational argument against what we’re doing, but you can’t argue with the results,” Gov. Jay Inslee said, “which is that we are ahead of 45 other states.” According to Inslee, that translates to an extra 8,000 saved lives in the state with more than 700,000 individuals already vaccinated. However, many Republicans remain unsatisfied with Inslee’s approach. Several hours b...
Grant County Health District reporting four more confirmed COVID-19 associated deaths Monday, bringing the county’s pandemic toll to 109. None of the deaths announced Monday were associated with a long-term care facility. All four residents had underlying conditions putting them at higher risk of severe complications due to a COVID-19 infection. Three men in their 70s, one from Coulee City, one from Moses Lake man and another from Quincy, plus another man from Moses Lake in his 80s, all perished. Grant County Health District delays the a...
Okanogan Behavioral HealthCare (OBHC) has been notified by Sen. Maria Cantwell’s office that the agency has been selected to receive almost $453,000 in federal aide to allow the organization to expand access to and improve behavioral health services in Okanogan County, including services for substance/opioid use disorders. “We are especially grateful for this funding because it comes at a time when we are seeing increased need for behavioral health services, especially with the added stressors of Covid-19,” said Dennis Rabidou, chair of the O...
School finance is becoming more and more challenging. When we keep losing ground we cannot continue to make up the deficit by asking our community members to fill the funding gaps. For factual information look into all Washington state school ballot measures. Most districts are asking for $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed property values. One in our region is asking for $2.50 per $1,000 but not continuing with their capital projects measure to balance the costs for their voters. If the GCDSD would have kept their levy total at $1.50 it would still...
The closing of Steamboat Rock Park’s Boat Camp and access due to erosion doesn’t make sense. The fact that there is reluctance to identify the reason more succinctly leads one to suspect there is more to the story than reported by the Bureau of Reclamation and State Parks. The lack of information from the Bureau of Reclamation, at least, gives me a chance to guess on the reason. In the early part of this century, the grave of a Native American was found in that general area. It did not appear to be a part of a burial ground, but one has to won...
When you travel, expect the unexpected. Always have money on you for the country you are visiting. My first trip to Vietnam started out as an embarrassment, and nearly was a disaster. I forgot to exchange money before leaving Hong Kong, so when I got off the plane in Saigon, I only had U. S travel checks with me. I got my bag and headed to the bus for transport to my hotel. Before I could get to the bus, a Vietnamese man grabbed my bag to carry it to the bus. It was obvious he wanted a tip. All I had with me, except for travel checks was a...
Last month we addressed the general state of air quality monitoring across the nation and more specifically here in the state of Washington and locally. To summarize, the agencies that are charged with the matters of informing their public of air quality issues are lacking. Regrettably, their bureaucratic hands are somewhat inhibited due to funding shortfalls amid other things. Regarding awareness of local air quality, up until the past few years, we simply didn't know what was happening with...
Why would any company spend $5.5 million for a 30-second Super Bowl ad that leaves viewers perplexed, as some glitzy and abstract commercials did? After production costs are tacked on, you’d think advertisers would want their messages clearly understood, especially in difficult times. Some prominent advertisers, such as Coca Cola, Budweiser and Pepsi, traditional large buyers, skipped Super Bowl LV; however, Weather Tech did not. After the game, the list of best and worst ads was released. It did not include three commercials sponsored by W...
The winter meeting of the Grand Coulee High School Alumni Association will take place Wednesday, February 17, 2021, at 1 p.m., at the Senior Center, 203 Main Street in Grand Coulee. The meeting will be held with social distancing and masks are required. A major subject for discussion will be the All-Class Reunion scheduled for August 13-15, 2021. Scholarship applications will be available at the meeting, with May 1, 2021, being the deadline for mailing applications for consideration for this year’s awards. All LRHS Seniors are eligible to a...
SAVE THE DATE! Grand Coulee Community blood drive will be on Monday, February 22, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. in Electric City at the American Legions Building. All those who are considering or have scheduled to donate blood, thank you! YOU are appreciated! Remember, YOU alone can help up to 3 people with a single blood donation. As the only supplier of blood to area hospitals, Vitalant needs 200 donors per day to supply the community with the components needed for Chemotherapy, Transfusions, and Major Surgeries. To make your appointment click here:...
Anissa Ostenberg and Pete Campbell of Nespelem, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Tymber Aleah Campbell-Ostenberg, born Monday, January 25, 2021, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. She weighed 7 lbs., 14 oz., and was 19.5 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Chanley, 4, Lavayah 3 and Qwyntyn 1. Maternal grandmother is Alexanana Boyd. Paternal grandparents are Vera Best and Alfred Carden. Great-grandparents are Peggy and Del Ostenberg and Albert and Elloise Best....
Grant County Mosquito District 2 to Meet Grant County Mosquito District No. 2 will be holding the monthly meeting Thursday, February 11, 2021 via phone conference at 5:00 pm. To join the meeting, call 1-425-436-6260, then enter the access code 4096451, and then press the # sign. New Cancer Support Group Cancer patients, caregivers, and survivors have been gathering semiweekly to talk, in a safe environment with honesty about the physical, emotional and spiritual impact of cancer. The group meets the first and third Thursdays of the month at 6...
Whether planning your first, second or tenth vegetable garden it can be overwhelming. There are so many tasty vegetables and never enough space and time to grow them all. Start with a plan. Locate your garden in a sunny location with moist, well-drained soil. Save those partially sunny areas for greens like lettuce, chard and kale as well as root crops like radishes and beets. These prefer full sun but will tolerate more shade than tomatoes, peppers, squash, broccoli and other plants we eat the...
Students on the Nespelem Middle School High Honor Roll with GPA: 3.4 - 4.0 FIFTH GRADE Anela Somday Walter Leach-Owhi SonjaRai Heldman Viviene Clark Ca’mahyah Finley SIXTH GRADE Furyus Louie Jorell Marchand Juel Swagger SEVENTH GRADE Norma Lowery Matthew Washington EIGHTH GRADE Lola Yazzie Champ Louie Taylor Thomas...
CALL FOR BIDS Town of Elmer City MULTI-USE PATH PROJECT PHASE 2 Sealed Proposals will be received by the undersigned at the Town of Elmer City, 505 Seaton Avenue, Elmer City, Washington 99124 up to 10:00 a.m.; Pacific time on Wednesday, February 24, 2021, for furnishing the necessary labor, materials, equipment, and tools, thereof to construct the Multi-Use Path Project Phase 2. This Contract provides for the construction of approximately 1,400 LF of multi-use pathway along Elmer City Access Road, from the Phase 1 improvements to Front Street...
Grand Coulee Police 2/2 - After an E Street woman reported fraudulent charges on her credit card, the credit card company contacted Adult Protective Services on her behalf. Police spoke to the woman’s son and girlfriend who explained the charges, showing that they have permission to use the card to help pay the woman’s bills and other expenses. The matter was cleared up. - Police looked into a report of animal neglect regarding a horse on E Street whose ribs are showing. The owner of the horse showed the officer that she has food for the hor...
The highway to Omak is closed from there to Nespelem due to a serious traffic accident near the closed mill in Omak, the state Dept of Transportation says. There is currently no estimated time for reopening SR-155....