Sorted by date Results 1 - 14 of 14
Following a public hearing Nov. 25, school directors decided students will attend Lake Roosevelt Schools for four days each week instead of five, beginning in the fall of 2025. People at the hearing expressed support and concerns, urged the board to consider how it would affect academic progress, and questioned whether enough research had been done into the idea. Superintendent Rod Broadnax assured people the decision would have no impact on the district funds and the board’s decision would have to be based on what’s best for the kids. Boa...
Even "River" made extra room for turkey on the 5K Trot the Coulee at Steamboat Rock State Park on Thanksgiving morning, along with his humans Christie and Kevin Portch, and friends Mitch and Diane Sorensen. The event drew 110 people, plus quite a few happy dogs, to Run The Dam's annual event. - Scott Hunter photo...
KELLER – The Keller Ferry, M/V Sanpoil, that crosses the Columbia River on State Route 21 is out of service until further notice due to a mechanical issue with the vessel’s steering and rudder system. The vessel was initially taken out of service on Friday, Nov. 22, due to a similar mechanical issue with the vessels steering. After repairs were made earlier in the day, the vessel returned to service until operators began experiencing similar issues around 8 p.m., Nov. 27. It is once again out of service until further notice. Travelers pla...
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's rope access team - made up of 11 employees from multiple regions with various disciplines - completed an inspection of the Grand Coulee Dam spillway. The volunteer group started at the top of the dam and worked their way down to inspect the overall health of the spillway. The rope access team inspected an area just under 10 acres and descended more than 12,000 feet of rope in five days, totaling 60 hours, said a Reclamation Facebook post this week. The...
President-elect Donald Trump is about to resume a second term as president with such a slim GOP majority in the House of Representatives that it offers the party little if any room for error. Republicans deliriously reveling about their supposed “huge election mandate” may want to keep a lid on such unabashed glee. As final results are being tabulated from California, the party appears to have the smallest House majority in more than a century. Republican Rep. Michelle Steel lost her Orange County seat to Army vet Derek Tran, while as of this w...
The Lucas family had a logging operation during the Great Depression near Bovill, Idaho. My oldest uncle, Ralph Lucas, was in charge, but the crew was full of members of the family, including my dad. It was all virgin forests then and had never seen a saw nor work crews. The logs were so large that you could only get three on a truck or railroad car. Only a few mills had saws large enough to cut the logs, so they sold to the mill at Potlatch, Idaho. There wasn’t much machinery in those days, so timber was cut by crosscut saws with two men on t...
One of the most significant shifts from our recent elections is America is headed back to an “all of the above” strategy that expands our energy options rather than further restricting them. In the last four years, there has been an expensive shift away from carbon fuels (gasoline, and natural gas) to subsidizing wind, solar and electric vehicles (EVs). President Trump would be wise to look at inclusive strategies incorporated in the 2005 Energy Policy Act signed into law by President George W. Bush which focused on incremental imp...
December 7, 1941, Japanese Naval aircraft attacked the United States Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The first official word of the attack came from Admiral Kimmel, Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. It was a quickly worded dispatch, “AIR RAID ON PEARL HARBOR X THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” More than 2,300 were killed. Extensive damage occurred across the naval base. U.S.S. Arizona destroyed; the Oklahoma capsized. Twelve ships sunk or beached. Nine other vessels damaged. Hundreds of aircraft lost. Less than a half year later, on Apr...
Marline Minor, Coulee Dam, 64, passed away Saturday, November 23, 2024. Arrangements are being made by Barnes Chapel, Brewster, Wash....
Grant County Fire District #14 will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6:00pm at the Electric City Fire Station....
Coulee Dam Police 11/25 - Police responded to Douglas Avenue and Stevens Avenue where a couple had been in an argument while driving, stopped in the road, and switched seats. The woman allegedly threw a remote control for the car at the man’s face, leaving a mark. The man didn’t wish to press charges for assault in order to not make things worse. The case was, however, forwarded to the prosecutor’s office for review. The two separated for the day after the police interaction. Afterwards, the officer learned that both of them had suspe...
LR basketball starts with promise Lake Roosevelt's basketball season is already building steam after taking the Devils to school in the Raider gym Monday night, with the LR girls beating Wilson Creek 63-15 and the Raider boys winning 79-20. Tuesday night's contests against Davenport were less easy lessons, with the Lady Raiders getting schooled 54-22, and the boys winning by only 19 points instead of 59. The games gave clues on promising upcoming seasons, though. Jeremy Crollard, the Lady...
CITY OF GRAND COULEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City of Grand Coulee City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 10, 2024, at 3:00 PM at the City Hall Building located at 306 Midway Ave, Grand Coulee, WA. Said Public Hearing will be for the purpose of receiving comments from the public or interested persons related to the Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) and Collection System Improvements Project. The council chambers are handicap accessible. Additional arrangements to reasonably accommodate...