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Articles from the February 19, 2025 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • City hall vandalism repairs add up

    Scott Hunter|Feb 19, 2025

    After a vandal hit Grand Coulee City Hall Jan. 4, the city was left with cleanup and repairs. Those are coming in at about $74,000 to fix broken windows, damaged floors and walls, office equipment and police cars parked outside. The city council Tuesday night OK’d spending $13,450 on new windows, including a couple not damaged in the incident but old enough to be replaced with more energy-efficient windows. The council also voted to declare surplus five of those now-unused police vehicles outside, which had served the police department when it...

  • People urged to stay off Banks Lake ice

    Scott Hunter|Feb 19, 2025

    Ice fishers and other recreators are urged to stay off the ice on Banks Lake, which will soon become unstable if it isn't already. The Bureau of Reclamation at Grand Coulee Dam will begin pumping water into Banks Lake, beginning Saturday, Feb. 22, at 10 p.m. This influx of water may result in unstable ice conditions that present serious safety risks to all ice fishers and recreationists, Reclamation announced this week. The change in operation will conclude on Monday, Feb. 24, at 6 a.m....

  • Letting go

    Feb 19, 2025

    Olivia gets a gentle send off by her mom at North Dam Park Sunday evening. The 5-year-old was undeterred by the increasing presence of grass amid the snow that had been several inches thick earlier in the day. From Thursday on, we're heading into a warming trend in the next week. Check the weather prediction on page 3. - Scott Hunter photo...

  • School levy vote update

    Feb 19, 2025

    Results of the school levy election last week remain nearly unchanged since election night with the levy passing with a 5.26% margin, 574-517. Proposition 1, the Grand Coulee Dam School District’s proposal to replace its expiring levy with a new one at the end of this year, will tax property owners about $2.13 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. County canvassing boards must certify the election on Friday, Feb. 21....

  • Utility costs up in Elmer City

    Scott Hunter|Feb 19, 2025

    Elmer City residents may notice their city bill gets a boost next month. Effective March 1, each service will cost another $1, following the passage Thursday of an ordinance increasing the monthly fee for garbage, water and sewer service by a dollar each for the bill that comes due in April. The council also passed an ordinance instituting an ongoing, planned utility rate rise of 1.5% every year, beginning in 2026. Both the $1 rise this year and the future 1.5% annual increase starting next year were discussed during council budget discussions...

  • Washington to begin speed camera enforcement in roadwork zones

    Jake Goldstein, Street Washington State Standard|Feb 19, 2025

    The Washington State Patrol will soon have a new tool to catch drivers speeding through highway work zones. Starting in a few weeks, a speed camera mounted on an orange trailer will rotate through work zones across Washington in a bid to keep workers safe on state highways. State officials showed off the new technology in a press conference Wednesday. The camera will look for cars going over the speed limit and take pictures of the vehicle and its license plate. You don’t have to smile; the photos won’t capture faces. Captured information will...

  • More Trump protesters march in Grand Coulee

    Scott Hunter |Feb 19, 2025

    Citizens unhappy with the direction of the federal government under President Donald Trump and Elon Musk, who heads up the so-called Department of Government Efficiency, marched with signs Monday from noon to 1 p.m. along Midway Avenue in Grand Coulee. A week earlier, Sheri Edwards had walked the route alone. On Monday, President's Day, the number climbed to 13 like-minded people. Several said they were pleasantly surprised by positive responses, and no negative ones, from passersby honking horn...

  • Head-on collision at dam involves seven

    Feb 19, 2025

    Seven people were involved in a two-car crash Saturday near the top of Grand Coulee Dam on SR-155. Three were injured and taken to Coulee Medical Center. According to a Washington State Patrol press memo, a 2007 Black BMW driven by Aidan Palmanteer, 18, Grand Coulee, was headed south at 4:51 p.m. when it crossed the center line into the northbound lane, striking a 2004 Nissan Armada. Both cars were totaled. The Nissan, driven by Jesus Llamas, 48, Grand Coulee, was also carrying four passengers: a 10-year-old boy, a 16-year-old girl, a...

  • This week in history

    Feb 19, 2025

    February 21, 1942, only 76 days following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Julius Otto Kuehn was found guilty of spying and sentenced to be executed. In November 1941, Kuehn had offered to sell intelligence on U.S. warship movement in the area of Hawaiian to the Japanese. Kuehn was a member of the Nazi party and arrived in Hawaii in 1935. The FBI was suspicious of him and his contacts with Germans and Japanese. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the FBI raided the Japanese Consulate and found officials burning reams of paper. Those...

  • Cartoons good, tax cut bad

    Feb 19, 2025

    In response to your “Behold! I am Reverse Robin Hood” cartoon: I enjoy your cartoons immensely! Where is the outcry from Republican legislators concerning raising the Debt Limit to Four and a Half-Trillion Dollars to cover tax cuts? Why in heavens name would legislators consider tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy while cutting vital programs across the board for American taxpayers? An adage is, if a man earns ten dollars and spends twelve dollars, he is an unhappy man. The same is true of government spending and taxing. Currently, foc...

  • Protecting America's Role in the Fight Against Hunger

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Feb 19, 2025

    In the fight against hunger, the United States has been the global leader in delivering much needed aid for decades. For nearly 70 years the Food for Peace program within the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has successfully fed over four billion people in more than 150 countries with American agriculture products. With the recent decision by the Trump administration to freeze all funds for USAID to examine and identify waste, fraud, and abuse, my colleagues and I introduced legislation to move the Food for Peace...

  • Story of a brave man

    Roger S. Lucas|Feb 19, 2025

    While a member of FIUTS (Foundation International Understanding Through students) I met a young lady from Saigon, who when she learned I was going to Vietnam asked me to visit her parents. My wife and I sponsored two students at the University of Washington under the program. One was from Thailand and the other from Hong Kong. While in the program we met dozens of students who had been sponsored by others in the area. The young Vietnamese lady asked me to look her parents up and convey her greetings if I had the time. I took down their address...

  • Why fewer Americans are moving

    Tom Purcell|Feb 19, 2025

    We sold my mom and dad’s dream home last autumn — the Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired mid-century modern house they called home for 25 years. Staying put is becoming more commonplace in America. According to The Atlantic, America, once the most mobile society in the world, has become increasingly stagnant, with fewer people moving between cities, states and even neighborhoods. The American Economic Association’s research finds that internal U.S. migration is at a 30-year low. The Atlantic argues that declining mobility leads to fewer econo...

  • Benjamin Nathaniel Frier

    Feb 19, 2025

    Benjamin Nathaniel Frier, age 43, passed away peacefully at his home in Elmer City, Washington on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. Ben enjoyed the outdoors and called the state of Washington his home for most of his life. Most of his career was with the State of Washington, Department of Corrections, the highlight of which was his time leading the Pawsitive Dogs program. Through that program Ben developed a deep connection with the Spokane Humane Society and served on their board for a time....

  • Joseph Allen Beagle

    Feb 19, 2025

    Joseph Allen Beagle passed away Wednesday, February 5, 2025 in Ephrata, WA at the age of 93. Joe was born in Trego Montana to Orla and Dortha Beagle. A graduate of Libby Montana High School, Joe went on to serve in the Air Force April 1955 to May 1960. Joe worked in the logging industry in California before moving with his family to Electric City WA in 1988. Here, he raised 4 of his 10 children. His days were filled with watching his children in sports, summer camping trips, working, and...

  • End of quilt tying coming soon

    Feb 19, 2025

    Just a reminder the Zion Lutheran Church is still tying quilting thruFebruary 2025. The quilts are given to both foreign and local originations. Contact Evelyn Russell 509-633-0648 for information. Anyone is welcome to come. Bring a sack lunch if you wish; we have a good time visiting and working together. Last year, the ladies tied 93 quilts to be distributed. Some are kept for local use in the Grand Coulee area....

  • Meetings and Notices

    Feb 19, 2025

    Area AA Meetings In Electric City, the New Hope group holds its meetings Monday through Friday evenings at 6pm at the Vets Center. There is also a noon meeting every Wednesday. These meetings are open and non-smoking. For more information, contact Paul 631-4551 or Phyllis 631-1187. In Nespelem, the group Bound and Determined holds its meetings Monday evening at 7 p.m. at the Catholic Church. Contact Myrna at 634-4921. Food Bank Open Care & Share Food Bank regular hours are Fridays 1-3 p.m. Questions call Pastor Shawn at 633-2566. Attention...

  • Coulee Cops

    Feb 19, 2025

    Grand Coulee Police 2/8 - Police documented an incident in which a man who was upset about a package being sent back went into the post office and allegedly threw papers at an employee and also slapped her on the forearm, scratching her in the process. She didn’t wish to press charges, only for the incident to be documented. - Someone reported hearing a female screaming before leaving in the passenger seat of a vehicle heading from Main Street towards Coulee Dam. An officer pulled the vehicle over at Riley Point, a pullover spot near the Grand...

  • Raiders get respect with all-league honors

    Feb 19, 2025

    Lake Roosevelt’s Ivan Alejandre was named player of the year, and Ed Wolfe coach of the year in the Central Washington 2B Boys Basketball League. Alejandre, a senior was also named to the league’s “first team,” along with sophomore Kayman Jordan. Champ Louie, a senior, was tapped for second-team honors, and senior James Kensler earned an honorable mention. Freshman Shae Crollard was named to the girls’ basketball all-league first team. Honorable mentions went to sophomore Kenzie Brown and Deliz Atkins, an eighth-grader. In wrestling, Rodger Ca...

  • Raiders head to district championship game

    Scott Hunter|Feb 19, 2025

    The Raider boys took down La Salle's basketball team by 12 points Saturday at the District 5 tournament to get into the district championship for first or second place Feb. 22 in Moses Lake. The LaSalle Lightning came to play, keeping the margin low most of the game. But the Raiders' dogged determination refused to let up. LR won 69-57. Champ Louie started the scoring for the Raiders in style, hitting two treys back-to-back to establish a six-point lead that proved to be the advantage in much...

  • Raider wrestlers all head to state

    Feb 19, 2025

    The Lake Roosevelt Boys wrestling team placed eighth as a team out of 18 at the District 5 tournament Saturday and qualified all eight wrestlers for the Mat Classic state tournament at the Tacoma Dome Feb. 20-21. A state sendoff for them will happen at the Lake Roosevelt gym at 9 a.m. on Thursday. At 106 pounds, Collin Christman placed fifth, and Jack Steffler placed ninth. At 113, Rodger Cate took the championship, and Dillan Yazzie came in seventh. Kaden Christman, at 120, took second place. At 132 Isaac Circle took seventh place. 150 Colin...

  • Lady wrestlers onto state

    Feb 19, 2025

    The Lake Roosevelt Lady Raiders battled hard at the District 5 Tournament, finishing 10th as a team and qualifying six wrestlers and one alternate for the Mat Classic at the Tacoma Dome Feb. 20-21. A state sendoff for them will happen at the Lake Roosevelt gym at 9 a.m. on Thursday. State qualifiers at the WIAA District 5 Girls 1B/2B/1A tourney: Wt. Wrestler Place 145 Sienna Atchison 6th 145 Ayamae Batten-Bib 8th 155 Abby Vargas 4th 170 Selma Lewandowski 6th 170 Jahzara Simpson 4th 190 AJ Cannon 2nd Alternate: 115 – Cora Nic...

  • Legals

    Feb 19, 2025

    INVITATION TO BID City of Electric City Highway 155 Sewer Main Lining Project Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City of Electric City until 1:01 PM on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at which time bids will be opened and publicly read aloud. Bid proposals may be sent by mail, or hand delivered, to the City Clerk at the City of Electric City, City Hall, 10 Stevens Avenue (PO Box 130), Electric City, WA 99123, prior to the opening. The envelope shall be plainly marked with “SEALED BID for the City of Electric City – Highw...