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Animal control workers removed over 60 cats from a home in Electric City Monday. Representatives from Pasado’s Safe Haven, a rescue operation from Monroe, Wash., along with Grand Coulee Police Chief John Tufts, completed taking the cats from Mardee Davis at 103 W. Grand Avenue. Davis said Tuesday that she had called Pasado’s for help. “I have been trying to get help since things started piling up on me,” Davis said. Friends are coming this weekend to help her clean the place, she explained. Davis said she had been busy helping her ailing... Full story
Dillon Wells, of Lake Stevens, Washington, takes a careful glance over Grand Coulee Dam on a tour stop at the top. This season's tours started up April 1, and personnel said the week most Washington schools took spring break was busier than expected. Some national forest and park sites reported similar unexpected numbers of visitors that early in the year, with temperatures higher than normal. - Scott Hunter photo.... Full story
You may soon be able to “putter” around in Electric City. No, they aren’t turning the city into a putt-putt golf course, although some might argue it’s a good idea; but last Tuesday night the city council voted in favor of allowing golf carts and ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) to be used on city streets. Don’t head out to purchase your golf cart just yet. The devil is always in the details. One councilman, Brad Parrish said that the city’s ordinance on the matter should reflect the state law on the use of such vehicles on city streets. Si... Full story
The Colville Business Council (CBC) voted 11-0 to include a referendum vote by the membership regarding the legal status of marijuana on the Colville Reservation, Tribal Chairman Jim Boyd announced Tuesday. In addition to picking half the tribal council, the membership will be asked its opinion on the drug in the upcoming General Election, to be held on June 13. The referendum vote will pose to the voters the question of whether the Colville Tribes should amend its laws to more closely parallel the laws of the state of Washington as... Full story
A turkey hen, that was getting tamer by the day, was hit by a vehicle a week ago and taken by Tribal officers in an effort to heal the bird. Jessica Redmon, at 1029 River Drive in Coulee Dam, had the turkey in her yard most of the time, and she said, “It would come right up to you.” “I never tried to touch it because it was a wild bird, but it attracted a lot of attention in the neighborhood,” Redmon said. It had a habit of stopping traffic on main road through town, which is State Route 155, but was lucky for a time. She had been “really... Full story
An extension of the current police contract between Grand Coulee and Electric City is getting closer, both city council committees agree. Currently, Grand Coulee provides police services to Electric City for $115,000 annually. That likely will change when the new package is finalized. Council members Erin Nielsen and David Tylor have been negotiators for Grand Coulee, with former councilmember John Nordine and Councilmember Aaron Derr for Electric City. With Nordine’s recent move to mayor, his assignment falls to council newcomer Rich M... Full story
Electric City has received about 20 letters from residents giving public comment on a number of zoning changes proposed by the city’s planning commission. The main item of controversy is the size of accessory buildings. The planners had recommended 1,728 square feet as the maximum size, and the city council bypassed the work of the commission and lifted the square footage restriction completely. That prompted three of the four members of the planning commission to resign in protest. Citizens still have until May 26 to submit comments to city h... Full story
City seeks a hearing examiner Electric City is seeking a hearing examiner. The person must know land use law, real property law, enforcement of municipal regulations, city planning and development, and similar permitting issues and must be familiar with the city’s zoning and building codes. At its last meeting, the city council decided to seek a hearing examiner. Deadline for veteran’s flags approaching The deadline for arranging for a dedication flag for your deceased veteran is May 15. Arrangements can be made for the flags by contacting Ben... Full story
Like fishing for walleye, rainbow trout and smallmouth bass in Banks Lake? Then you better enter the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce-sponsored Triple Fish Challenge, April 25-26, at Coulee Playland. Bring in the highest total weight for the three fish species over the two-day challenge and you could win the grand prize, an Achilles four-person inflatable boat with outboard motor with a value of $3,400. How is that for a grand prize? The action kicks off at 9 a.m. each of the two days and the weigh-in each day will be at 3 p.m.... Full story
You can save some big bucks this year by purchasing Colorama Carnival tickets early. Chamber of Commerce officials, the sponsoring agency for the event, said advance daily tickets are now on sale at seven locations: The Credit Union, Chamber of Commerce office, Coulee Hardware, Coulee Medical Center, H & H Grocery, Loepp Furniture and The Star newspaper. Advance session tickets are $25. If you wait until the event, the session ticket costs go to $30. But the value of purchasing early is even greater. With your $25 advance purchase you get five... Full story
You can now stop by a local business and purchase your Colorama Button. For the $3 cost not only will you show your support for the big annual celebration, but it could be a lucky button and be your ticket to one of the many prizes at the May 9 drawing. This year you have to be present for the 1 p.m. Saturday drawing at North Dam Park to be eligible to win a prize. The Colorama Buttons are numbered. Grand Coulee Dam Chamber of Commerce officials will draw numbers out of a hat and award prizes... Full story
A free dinner, badminton, and the full display of Lake Roosevelt students’ artistic and scientific sides will be featured at the final Family Fun Night of the year next Wednesday at the school. Organizers Kim Stanger and Victor Camarena said the event, the fourth this year, will feature displays of student art, of all kinds. Some will be visual arts, but students will also perform in song and on instruments and recite poetry in the courtyard at Lake Roosevelt Schools. There will be a destructive aspect to the night, too. Students have been l... Full story
During a recent illness, I was having some serious health problems and needed medications. I had, just had, an 8:30 doctor’s appointment. It was already late afternoon and I couldn’t get my new defibrillator to work, and my meds weren’t ready. I called to the clinic for help. Melissa Stanley, RN, said she would come by my house to fix it after work. By then it was 5 p.m. She quickly had the faulty one fixed. While talking to her, I mentioned the antibiotic and two other meds that still weren’t ready. She got on the phone and went to the pha... Full story
A couple of weeks ago I was talking to a group of teenagers who were part of a scouting organization. The first question I asked was, “What do you think of when you think of the police?” A 17-year-old boy raised his hand and said, “Ferguson.” I was hoping to hear something about the police helping and protecting people. It hit me that now would be a good time to recognize the elephant in the room. Because of events (or perception of events) in the state and nationwide, law enforcement has received a black eye. For some people, the image o... Full story
In the run-up to a solar eclipse on March 20 of this year, European tabloids had a Y2K-style field day. In the middle of a bright, sunny day, European solar panels together produce about as much electricity as 90 large nuclear power plants. Germany, with the largest solar commitment, obtains as much as 50 percent of its electricity from the sun during the sunniest hours. The eclipse was scheduled to arrive in the middle of the day and panic was setting in. Eclipses occur over very broad regions, so grid operators can’t count on a sunny Spain t... Full story
Over the past month, a few funny things have happened. Well, to be honest, at the time it was not funny at all. Remember when our parents used to say, “Someday you will look back at this moment and laugh.” Well they were right, like they mostly always were. My wife and I needed new shoes. We had put off the purchase as long as we could. We both have been trying to eat healthier and exercise more. So during a recent trip to a not-to-be named department store, we found the running shoes we liked at a really good price. We made the purchase and... Full story
1 years ago The Grand Coulee Dam Middle School fifth-grade “Math Is Cool” team finished fifth place at the regional spring competition in Moses Lake, competing in division two against 45 other teams, representing 39 schools from around Washington State. Team members include: Jesse Adkins, Mathew Ives, Tilly Christiansen, Chanell Jim, Ty Egbert, James Norris, Liz Ferguson, Lee Williams and James Kirkpatrick. Jesse Adkins received the “top scorer” plaque for GCDMS. GCD Rotary Club President David Bastian said a community Taco Feed, this Saturda... Full story
Mary Magdalene (Ernest) Palanuk was born on Valentine's Day, 1915, in Stratford, Oklahoma. She went on to Glory Thursday, April 16, 2015. Mary moved to Grand Coulee with her brother Edward and wife Margaret after his return from the Navy in 1938. She worked in the Almira area helping with housework, then for Dover and Sue Perry at Dover's, a local cafe. At work, she met Marvin Stephen (Mike) Palanuk, "The Handsomest Man She Had Ever Seen." After two weeks of courtship, they were married on New... Full story
Eileen Lucretia (Kurth) Sanders, 77, of Princeville, Hawaii, passed away peacefully on Friday, Feb. 20, 2015, in Bellevue, Wash. Eileen was born on September 4, 1937, in Almira, Wash., to the late William and Audrey (Peddicord) Kurth. She attended Grand Coulee High School and graduated in 1955. She went on to earn a teaching degree from College of the Puget Sound in 1959 and married George L. Sanders that same year. Eileen worked as an elementary school teacher in the Puyallup, Washougal, Camas and Federal Way School Districts for 27 years,... Full story
Jamie Fry and Clinton Conant of Nespelem are proud to announce the birth of their son Kacyn Scott Conant on Friday, April 10, 2015, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. He weighed 7 lbs., 3.5 oz., and was 20 inches in length at birth. Sibling is Mercedes Fry, age 5. Maternal grandparents are JoAnna Fry and Ray Fry. Paternal grandparents are Scott Conant and Debra Wagner. Great-grandparents are Lois James, Sheila Cleveland, Suzie McKinney and Modesta Fry.... Full story
You can still be part of the big Colorama Parade, May 9. All you need to do is stop by the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce office or go online to for your parade entry form if you want be part of the parade and dazzle your family and friends along the parade route. The chamber of commerce is still accepting entries in eight different categories: Community entry, Organization/club, Business, School band, Classic car, Hot Rod, Equestrian, and Junior. Pick a category... Full story
Chamber To Meet The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will meet at the Melody Restaurant in Coulee Dam on Thursday, April 23, at noon. Guest speaker is Mike Earney, canine coordinator or the Grant County Sheriff’s office. He will be speaking o the Grant County K9 program. Open Sewing at Senior Art Room Tuesdays from 1-5 p.m. there will be open sewing at the senior center art room. There is no charge. For more information contact Marlene Oddie of KISSed Quilts, 509.386.5715. TOPS Meetings TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 1524 m... Full story
Raider baseball started last week with a 13-3 win over the Manson Trojans in Coulee Dam. It wasn't a forgone conclusion. Manson held the Raiders scoreless for two innings from their 4-1 deficit in the third inning, whittling the Lake Roosevelt lead to 4-3 by the fifth. Then the Raiders came alive, batting in loaded bases and even stealing home to add nine points, while allowing only two more for the struggling Trojans. Then LR hosted the Okanogan Bulldogs in a doubleheader Saturday. The... Full story
Raider track saw another successful day April 18 at the Quincy Invitational, where the good weather helped many to a great performance. “Every time an athlete performed, they achieved a season-best and many set personal records,” Head Coach Lori Adkins said. “It was an absolutely great day!” Octavio Alejandre improved his shot put mark for the season and came home the meet champion in the event. Alejandre threw 47 feet, 11.5 inches, which is only 4 inches from a career PR. Katelynn Schilling took second in the shot with a new career PR. Sch... Full story
Raider Golf continues to grow with the season as the young golfers gain experience. Eighth-grader Darin Whiteman impressed Head Coach Steve Files on April 15 at Oroville by shooting a 102 and finishing third overall on the 18-hole course. Coach Files had this to say about the course, “We held our own on a very difficult nine-hole course,” Files said, “very fast greens and tight fairways.” “We’ve been making steady improvement in matches and have been working hard at practice so far,” Files said. “Our kids have been upbeat and supportive of e... Full story