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A Thrivent Financial free food truck will be at the Zion Lutheran Church, Friday, May 31, from 10 a.m. to noon, officials stated this week. The church is located at 318 Mead in Grand Coulee. The free food opportunity is part of the Second Harvest program, and is an annual event here. The Thrivent Homegrown Help Truck, a 24-foot refrigerated vehicle, is the newest unit in the Second Harvest Inland Northwest food distribution fleet. The truck holds from 7,000 to 10,000 pounds of food, and in its first year has distributed over 550,000 pounds of f... Full story
Dozens of local elected positions are among more than 3,000 in the state for which people interested in serving the public filed intentions to seek or keep office last week. Incumbents in Electric City fared best in primary election filings with no incumbents challenged. Mayor Gerald “Jerry” Sands will go after his second term, and council members John Nordine II, Bradley Parrish and Lonna Bussert all are unopposed. In Coulee Dam, three are running for mayor. Incumbent Mayor Quincy Snow is being challenged by F. Gregory Wilder and Shawn Der... Full story
The Sanpoil Ferry is taking shape. The pilot house is on and for the most part the structure nears completion in the big tent at Crescent Bay. Workers said there is still a lot to do before late July when the 116-foot replacement ferry is launched for testing. The aluminum vessel is being constructed by Foss Maritime, and it is the largest vessel that firm has built to date. The ferry replaces the Martha S, which has been in service since 1948, and connects motorists crossing Lake Roosevelt... Full story
Newspaper office closed for holiday The Star newspaper office will be closed Monday, May 27, due to the Memorial Day holiday. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, May 28, at 9 a.m. Articles for the May 29 issue of The Star should be in the office by Friday, May 24, by 5 p.m. Army group looking for members The Second (Indianhead) Division Association is searching for anyone who ever served in the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division at any time. For information about the association and its annual reunion in Columbus, Georgia, from Sept. 17-21, 2... Full story
The annual Memorial Day Isle of Flags ceremony to honor deceased veterans will be held at Spring Canyon Cemetery Monday, May 27, at 11 a.m., American Legion post officials said this week. The ceremony will be preceded by a Veteran’s Day Breakfast at the Vet Center in Electric City Monday from 6:30 to 11 a.m. Cost for the breakfast is $3 for children 6-12, and $6 for adults. Fourteen new flags will be dedicated during this year’s ceremony. The flags will represent: James George Birdwell, Jerry A. Bise, Wayne F. Clark, Dexter H. Edwards, Jr.... Full story
The city of Grand Coulee continues to make headway in its billings and collections in both its municipal court and ambulance programs, City Clerk Carol Boyce told the city council at its most recent meeting. Court billings had fallen three-and-a-half years behind, from August 2009 to December 2012, Boyce told the council, but now they are caught up and the time allotted to make the billings is sharply curtailed. The payment on the court billings totalled $78,125, of which just under half, $37,552, goes to the city and the remainder to the... Full story
A candidate for the Colville Business Council has filed a formal grievance against the tribal election committee, saying she was denied a recount required as automatic by tribal law, she said. Charlene BearCub, who ran for the position 2 seat in the Nespelem District, was edged out in the May 18 primary by two votes. She said the tribal election code requires an automatic recount if the difference between candidates is three votes or less. “I verbally requested a recount, TWICE, due to the confusion and the ballot counts not matching,” Bea... Full story
Hey, aren’t those wild turkeys cute? That depends upon whom you ask. One person who has changed her mind on turkeys is Helen Jordan in Grand Coulee’s East Heights. “When I came here five years ago and first saw the wild turkeys, I was so excited,” she said. Not now! How would you like it if 42 turkeys took over your lawn, patio, and driveway? That’s how many she has seen in a single occasion. For one thing, it trains you to step lightly and tip toe around your property. Recently, Helen, who is g... Full story
A Lumalaser worker installs part of the new equipment that will display the new laser show beginning Aug. 8. The equipment will be able to fire up the old show until then, beginning on Memorial Day weekend. — Scott Hunter photo... Full story
The Regional Board of Mayors voted last week to extend the garbage collection contract with Sunrise Disposal for five years. The issue now has to be ratified by the four municipal councils before it can take effect. The current contract extends to Dec. 31, 2014, and if approved by the councils, it will extend to Dec. 31, 2019. The contract got early attention because the current agreement specifies that extension would be considered before the end of May, 2013. The early extension, the mayors were told, was to allow time at the end of the... Full story
Two meetings are planned on the Colville Indian Reservation to bring the public up to date on the wolf population in the area. A meeting will be held at 6 p.m., Tuesday, May 28, at the Nespelem Community Center, and a second meeting will be held June 4, at 6 p.m., at the Inchelium Center. The meetings will be hosted by the Colville Confederated Tribes Wildlife Department with Carter Niemeyer as the special guest speaker. Currently, tribal officials say, there are two wolf packs on the reservation. Packs generally number from five to 10 animals,... Full story
An Electric City resident has requested approval to build an oversize accessory building Mike Dennis, who lives at 118 Lincoln Avenue, was told by the city council last week to make his request to the city’s planning commission. Dennis was told that perhaps the planning commission would change its rules on the size of building permitted on different size lots to accommodate him. Dennis furnished council members with the size of his lot, 16,000 square feet; the size of his house, 2,668 square feet; and of his proposed accessory shed, 1,656 squar... Full story
Charlene BearCub was literally robbed through council/elections committee corrupt manipulation of the absentee votes in the Colville Confederated Tribes primary elections, thus, she is not advancing to the General Elections in June as she rightfully should. I protest CCT Primary Elections as manipulatedly corrupt and thusly null and void; therefore, I, too, demand a recount, at the very least of absentee ballots in Position 2 of the Nespelem District. Perhaps, better yet, ‘completely re-do’ the primary vote for Position 2. I further opine abs... Full story
We plant our gardens, wash our windows, get our animals ready for summer. We rotate our canned goods, plan summer events, dream of sitting out with our neighbors and chatting while the warm breeze runs through and the sun calls it a day. Now imagine that it’s all gone -- all of it. We are now sitting, clutching our pets on our driveway, with everything we own destroyed, a pile of rubble a monument to what was. Our neighbors have no more than we do, they are in the same position. There is not a way to make dinner, to bathe, to communicate, to l... Full story
I would like to remain anonymous and hope that my letter will still be printed. The reason I don't want my name revealed is because it has to do with the safety of my family and my property. I am writing this because of the letter written about the burglary during Colorama. I have spoken to our police department on numerous occasions about the drug dealer problem in our community and I think the community needs to be aware that our police department’s hands are tied. These people have been busted on numerous occasions and it falls on the c... Full story
The USBR does not like the livability of the area. Too bad Power Manager Mark Jenson wasn’t here before the Third Powerplant. Coulee Dam was a lot nicer town. Lost: a very nice restaurant, Green Hut Café, hotel, motel, gas station, dentist office, movie theater, a lot of houses, bowling alley (a very nice swimming beach, yacht club, camping area, boat dock, all behind the dam). Now this area is mainly used for security and cops to drive and set for long periods of time. Maybe they like to a look at the damaged hillside were the USBR made an ey... Full story
On behalf of the Friends of Rachel Clubs at Lake Roosevelt High School, Grand Coulee Dam Middle School and the students of Center Elementary I want to say thank you to the community members that offered support and encouragement to our students and parents marching in the Colorama parade. For those unfamiliar with Rachel’s Challenge, the program is based upon the writings of Rachel Joy Scott, who was the first victim of the 1999 school shooting at Columbine High School. One of the many goals o... Full story
Ten Years Ago The public has the chance to help determine what proposed playground changes will look like in Coulee Dam. The town council last week approved spending approximately $25,000 to purchase new playground equipment. A donation by General Electric Co. could ensure that this year’s Fourth of July festival will feature the largest fireworks show yet. Coulee Dam Mayor Quincy Snow said GE is donating $10,000 toward fireworks. And they’ll set up a 40-foot wood structure to support fireworks shaped into the GE logo in the staging area by... Full story
Shirley Ann Nolan, 85, passed away Thursday evening, May 16, 2013, in Grand Coulee, Washington just one day prior to her 86th birthday. Shirley was born May 17, 1927, in Seattle, Washington, the only child of Allen and Leah Spratlin. Following graduation from high school, 17-year-young Shirley Spratlin married handsome US Navy, Electrician’s Mate, Elmer “Al” Nolan in Grand Coulee Methodist Church on July 3, 1944. A well-known and loved waitress at Grand Coulee’s “Green Hut Restaurant”, Shirley was always proud of her 25+ years serving “he... Full story
Milan P. Lawrence died Sunday, May 12, 2013, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. He was born in Port Said (Cairo) Egypt in 1927. In the early 50s he obtained a student visa and moved to San Diego, Calif., where he later received a degree in political science from san Diego State University. He worked with title and insurance companies in the housing markets as an underwriter, analyst, bookkeeper and accountant. He moved to Coeur d’Alene, Mukilteo, then to Electric City, Washington. In 1... Full story
Jane Arlene Rice passed away Friday, May 17, 2013, at NCWH. Jane was born September 17,1947, to Grace and Al Rice of Seaton’s Grove. Jane is survived by sisters Elaine Witters of Okanogan, Aleta Rice of Pullman, and brother Todd Rice(Katrina) of Wongarbon, NSW, Australia. Jane’s favorite people in the world were her nieces and nephews: Beth Yarnell (Dave) and son Jarrod of Riverside, Ben Poch (Alicia) and children Danielle, Carly, and Eli of Kent, Nick Poch and sons Jackson and Zach of Pul... Full story
Cowboy Cody McCleary leaps from his horse just as it bolts away from the steer the bulldogger was supposed to wrestle down at the Colorma Rodeo May 10. Professional rodeo photographer Biffle French, featured in last week’s Star as the guy who got run over as he opened the gate for a bull that got out, submitted this photo. “I really expected him to buck a bit instead of immediately galloping toward me at full speed with murder in his evil red eyes,” French said. — Biffle French photo... Full story
Randi and Daniel Wiggins are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Brooklynn Noelle on Monday, April 1, 2013, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 7 lbs., 1 oz., and was 20 inches in length at birth. Sibling includes DJ Wiggins, age 3. Maternal grandparents are Karyn and Jeffrey Hayden. Paternal grandparents are Camilla Smith and Daniel Wiggins. Great-grandparents are Judy and Earl Wiglesworth.... Full story
Nicholas J. Circle and Deanna M. James of Nespelem are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Dacy Marie Nikkayla Circle, born on Saturday, May 11, 2013, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 9 lbs., 3 oz., and was 22 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Warren M Circle 5-1/2 and Reuben Z. Circle 3. Maternal grandparents are Patty L. Simpson and Daniel D. James. Paternal grandparents are Lavonne E. Elwell and Albert D. Circle. Great-grandparents are Kathleen Simpson and Rhea Adolph.... Full story
The Junior Class is sponsoring a community-wide talent Show to be held on Thursday, May 30th at Lake Roosevelt High School gym. There will be a spaghetti dinner beginning at 5:30 and the show will start at 7:00. If you are interested in participating please contact Karyn Byam @ 631-2275 or Pam Byam @ 633-0529.... Full story