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Articles from the June 6, 2012 edition

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  • Coulee Dam enforcing cleanup law

    Roger Lucas|Jun 6, 2012

    About half of those who are notified by letter that their properties are in violation of Coulee Dam’s town ordinances respond, Police Chief Pat Collins said last week. The town last week sent out a dozen letters informing property owners that they were in violation of the town’s ordinance. Collins was asked by city council members at their last meeting about some properties in town that had tall grass and debris in their yards. He said then that letters were being prepared advising residents to clean up their places. “Our officers, when they... Full story

  • Kennedy joins CMC board

    Scott Hunter|Jun 6, 2012

    Jerry Kennedy joined the board of commissioners for the public hospital district that runs Coulee Medical Center last week. Kennedy was sworn in at the regular monthly meeting of the commissioners of Douglas, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan Hospital District 6. A former emergency medical technician and past president of the Coulee Medical Foundation, Kennedy has long been interested in a strong hospital for the area. He is a principal at Foisy and Kennedy Insurance and Real Estate. Former commissioner... Full story

  • Carts before the course a port issue

    Roger Lucas|Jun 6, 2012

    Port District 7 commissioners labored over a golf cart issue at their meeting last Thursday. They eventually agreed that their choice in taking over a former lease on 21 golf carts and two utility carts wasn’t a good one, but they went ahead and agreed to the lease. The issue on the golf carts was that several of the golf carts and one of the utility carts were not operable. Commissioners found that the only choice they had was to assume the previous lease with Golf Carts, Inc, a Spokane firm. If the lease wasn’t signed, commissioners were afr... Full story

  • CCT chair named to tribal/federal budget council

    Jun 6, 2012

    The Chairman of the Colville Business Council has been named as a delegate to the Tribal/Department of Interior Budget Council by the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians. Michael O. Finley was elected as one of two ATNI delegates to this group—formerly known as the Tribal Budget Advisory Council—at ATNI’s mid-year convention, held recently in Lincoln City, Ore. “It’s an honor to represent ATNI on the Budget Council,” Finley said. “This group helps to develop agency budgets for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, setting priorities for expenditures... Full story

  • Former USBR area manager to come out of retirement

    press release, USBR|Jun 6, 2012

    Former CCAO Manager Exits Retirement to Return to Reclamation BOISE, Idaho – Regional Director Lorri Lee announced today that Gerald (“Jerry”) Kelso is exiting retirement to return to the Bureau of Reclamation in his former position as Columbia-Cascades Area Manager for the Bureau of Reclamation. "We are very fortunate to have Jerry Kelso back on the job. He brings with him a depth of institutional knowledge and experience that will serve us well as we move forward to build new partnerships on many diverse projects throughout the regio... Full story

  • Suggested new Keller Ferry name on agenda

    Jun 6, 2012

    State Department of Transportation officials next Tuesday will present to the Transportation Commission, meeting in East Wenatchee, a suggested name for the new Keller Ferry being built to serve State Route 21 across the Columbia River on Lake Roosevelt. The route connecting Lincoln and Ferry counties, currently served by the 64-year-old Martha S., has been operated by DOT since 1931. The agency collected name suggestions from the public, which were then reviewed by a naming committee made up of tribal, community and state representatives. The... Full story