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Articles from the June 12, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 29

  • Class of 2013 30-Year Reunion … it could happen Part II

    Jesse Utz|Jun 12, 2013

    Welcome back to the epic event called the 30-year class reunion of the class of 2013. We are back stage now at this glamorous gala of quite possibly the best class ever to graduate from LRHS. The crowd is still recovering from the awesome illusion just pulled off by Magician Justus DeWinkler and we are now getting prepared for a special honor. World renowned security specialist and founder of the Men in Black Investigative Services, Abe Batten is going to demonstrate his sharp shooting skills....

  • Koulee Kids Fest map for tomorrow posted

    Scott Hunter|Jun 12, 2013

    Our Grand Coulee Dam Area Visitors Guide online site has the map of activities for Saturday's Koulee Kids Fest, at which some lucky kid will win an iPod Touch. Check it out here:

  • State grant on hold for better planning

    Roger S Lucas|Jun 12, 2013

    A Grand Coulee project that started as a sidewalk down Spokane Way, and then changed to a sidewalk down Federal Avenue, is on hold, for the prospects of something better. Public works director Dennis Francis told the city council at its June 4 meeting that the state’s Transportation Improvement Board suggested that the city come up with a more comprehensive plan to enhance the community, and that the $215,000 grant that had been OK’d for the Spokane Way sidewalk project would be put on hold. The city changed the original plan to build the sidew...

  • LR Class of 2013 graduates

    Jun 12, 2013

    Lake Roosevelt High School’s class of 2013 went through commencement exercises Saturday afternoon with speeches, songs, awards and scholarship announcements. School board director Ted Piccalo handed 36 diplomas to the smallest graduating class in the school’s history, which nevertheless contributed more than 3,200 hours of volunteer work to the community and amassed some $206,940 in scholarship offers. Below is a listing of those offers: 2013 Lake Roosevelt High School Scholarships Grand Cou...

  • Special filing period to open

    Roger S Lucas|Jun 12, 2013

    Okanogan County announced a special three-day filing period, June 26-28, for a variety of positions not filed for during the regular election filing period. In Nespelem two council positions will be open. Council position 2, currently held by Dennis Montes, is open for a two-year term. And council position 3, currently held by Dawn Ensminger, is open for a four-year term. In Elmer City, council position 2, held by Gail Morin, will be open for a four-year term. Morin filed for mayor. In Okanogan County Fire District 2, the position currently...

  • Quilter's passion leads to business in local area

    Scott Hunter |Jun 12, 2013

    If anyone could figure the odds of an international finance engineer ending up in Grand Coulee running a quilting business, Marlene Oddie could. She’s opening her KISSed Quilts business at 12:15 p.m. Friday in the little shop that was last an ice cream parlor at 301 Main Street in Grand Coulee. Oddie, with masters degrees in engineering and business administration, spent a decade steeped in the world of high, arcane finance, figuring out complex problems in derivatives markets around the w...

  • Kids Fest set for fun Saturday

    Roger S Lucas|Jun 12, 2013

    Kids, there’s a special day for you this Saturday, June 15. It’s the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce’s Koulee Kids Fest. Details and a map are available to help you plan your day, inside this week’s Star newspaper. A host of prizes will be awarded to some lucky kids. The grand prize, being awarded by the chamber, is an iPod Touch. Other prizes include a remote controlled Spy Tank, an inflatable boat set, three AquaZookas, four tickets to Ephrata Raceway Park, gift certificates, free ice cream cones, a digital video camera, t-shirt...

  • Newsbriefs

    Jun 12, 2013

    Proctor retiring Longtime teacher and coach Gordon Proctor will be honored tonight, beginning at 5:30, for his 35 years with the Grand Coulee Dam School District. Proctor has been at Lake Roosevelt High School since 1978, and retires at the end of the school year. The reception will be at the Ridge Riders Rodeo Grounds. The public is welcome. Rodent reduction The Bureau of Reclamation had Banks Lake Park and the top of North Dam closed off Tuesday morning until 11 a.m. for marmot control. Council cancelled The Coulee Dam council meeting for Wed...

  • City: Don't worry about colored water

    Roger S Lucas|Jun 12, 2013

    Electric City officials said Tuesday that if residents notice colored water coming out of their faucets not to worry. The colored water is the effect of chlorine action to any material that has accumulated in water pipes and within a short time will correct itself. Public works director Ken Dexter said that if residents note any coloration in their water, they should run the faucet for a little while to see it clears up. If there are any concerns, residents can call city hall. Dexter said the Department of Health has been notified of the...

  • Woman injured hitting deer

    Scott Hunter|Jun 12, 2013

    A 21-year-old Nespelem woman was injured when the car she was driving hit a deer on the highway south of Grand Coulee Monday morning. Breanna Salas, 21, was driving a red 2002 Chevy Impala when it struck a deer on SR155 19 miles south of Grand Coulee about 6:10 a.m. Salas was injured and taken to Coulee Medical Center. The car, which came to rest on the shoulder, was “totalled” and impounded to Randy’s Towing, the Washington State Patrol reported. A passenger, Justin Chuckulnaskit, 33, was not injured. He and Salas were wearing seatb...

  • Box of memories sheds light on man's father

    Roger S Lucas|Jun 12, 2013

    Dave Baum has a box of old newspapers, secret documents, and other memorabilia from the World War II era that his father saved and handed down to him. The newspapers declare such things as the bombing of Tokyo, the landing at Normandy and the eventual surrender of Axis powers. Dave’s father Charles was in the thick of it and eventually piloted one of the boats that made it to Omaha Beach on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Among items in the box was a secret photo document showing the complete Omaha B...

  • Space tomatoes still floating around

    Roger S. Lucas|Jun 12, 2013

    Those tomato seeds that went into space back in the 1990s are still working their wonders here in the coulee. Nancy Carlson, teacher, now retired, obtained seeds from NASA and used them as a science project for fourth and fifth graders. It was a perfect opportunity to not only watch the seeds grow, but a chance to plant science seeds of a different nature along the way. While Carlson didn’t note any difference between the tomato seeds that gone into space and ordinary tomato seeds and their u...

  • Gardening in the Coulee

    Glo Carroll|Jun 12, 2013

    A friend, Frank Ward, said that if you are a gardener, you have got to love weeding. In my life, I have discovered many truisms that I like to call BFOs: Brilliant Flashes of the Obvious. Spot on! This is my 6th Summer growing a garden — in my whole life. I’m from San Francisco where if we want a greener lawn, we paint our concrete a richer green, or talk to Mr. Gardener. I decided to garden my first year here, and let me tell you what does NOT work: 1. Planting whatever the heck you want just because you like it 2. Planting in April bec...

  • Tribal members should be idle no more

    Truman Covington|Jun 12, 2013

    Through our strong native spirituality and our strong native pride, we, the Colville Confederated tribal peoples across our rez and off will indeed rebuild that indigenous circle of life that our current tribal council has destroyed … ever stronger and more united … to encompass new government by the peoples, for the peoples … not only within our government fiscally but also moving forward in prosperity and a more sustainable, brighter future through improved tribal program delivery system administratively, which will not be bridled through cou...

  • Apple tax dodging highlights need for reform

    Clemente |Jun 12, 2013

    Talk about taking your business to “the Cloud.” In an ingenious effort to avoid billions of dollars in taxes, Apple, Inc., has been levitating subsidiaries between American and Irish soil, claiming that from a tax-law perspective, they exist in neither country and so are subject to neither country’s taxing authority. And, sadly, the scheme has worked: no taxes have been paid to the U.S., a relatively paltry sum was paid to Ireland. Though this was Apple’s most audacious tax-dodging scheme, it wasn’t the only one. Congressional investigators rec...

  • Journalists shouldn't drink genetically modified Koolaid

    Jun 12, 2013

    I was greatly disturbed to read Tracy Warner’s column on Wenatchee World’s editorial page on June 5, 2013. His editorial, regarding genetically modified crops, specifically wheat, comments on the recent discovery of genetically modified wheat on a farm in Oregon and the ensuing consternation that it has caused, both at home and abroad. It is his opinion that Japan and Korea are “acting irrationally” in their response regarding the future importation of Pacific Northwest wheat. Further, he goes on to express disdain for proposed labelin...

  • Brandon Tyler Ricks

    Jun 12, 2013

    Brandon Tyler Ricks aka: “B”, “Bran”&”Rock-n-Roll Ricks”(26) began his earthly journey in Burien, Wash., January 9, 1987, and tragically departed us much too soon from Fife, Wash., on Sunday, June 2, 2013. At three years of age, Brandon moved with his family from Seattle to the Grand Coulee area, attending school there from pre-school through Lake Roosevelt High School. There he played football and basketball and excelled as a wrestler. Brandon’s high school years will be remembered fo...

  • Robert F. Lehto

    Jun 12, 2013

    Funeral Mass for Robert F. Lehto will be held at 1 p.m., on Saturday, June 29, 2013, a St. Henry’s Catholic Church in Grand Coulee. Mr. Lehto passed away on Good Friday, March 29, 2013. He will be interred in the family plot in Spring Canyon Cemetery. He leaves behind his children and grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, brothers and sisters....

  • Phyllis Louise (Brooks) Sears

    Jun 12, 2013

    Family and friends are invited to join us for an informal memorial gathering for Phyllis Sears, at McGinnis Lake Saturday, June 29, at 2 p.m. She passed away to join her father Perry, mother Ella, brother Bud, and sister Betty on October 16, 2012, just two weeks and two days short of her 92nd birthday. Phyllis was the first child of five born to Perry H. Brooks and Ella (Swayze) Brooks on the Colville Indian Reservation. She graduated a straight A+ student from high school as their Valedictorian, and shortly thereafter, in 1939, she married...

  • 70th reunion celebrated

    Jun 12, 2013

    Five men and one woman were on hand last week to celebrate their 70th Mason City High School class reunion. The five men were graduates of 1943, and the woman graduated in 1946. In the picture, from the left are: Dick Kerfoot, Jim Stansfield, Duretta Warde Misfeldt, Roy Dimone, Jim Rabideau and John Kriete. By unanimous vote of the five, Duretta was invited to be part of the celebration. The group was interviewed by Judith Sattler Irons in an effort to develop an oral history for later use by...

  • Donna Mae to Rickard celebrate century mark

    Jun 12, 2013

    A celebration for Donna Mae Rickard’s 100th birthdaywill be held in Omak and Coulee Dam. The Omak celebration will be Monday, June 24, from 2-3:30 p.m. at Apple Springs, 1001 Senna. In Coulee Dam the event is scheduled for Sunday, June 30, from noon – 2 p.m. at the Coulee Dam Community Presbyterian Church at 509 Central Drive. A salad luncheon is planned. No gifts, cards welcome....

  • Tigers Class of '63 reunion set for 21st

    Jun 12, 2013

    Grand Coulee Tigers graduating class of 1963 will host their 50th-year reunion with a spaghetti feed at the Eagles Lodge on B street in old Grand Coulee on Friday, June 21, Kaye (Pozar) Fegert said. A happy hour get-together will begin around 4:30 p.m., with dinner served from 6 to 8 p.m. The cost of dinner is $5 per person. All graduating classmates from any year are cordially invited to join the celebration, she said. “Join us and catch up with old friends and share memories and stories....

  • Meetings and Notices

    Jun 12, 2013

    Chamber to Meet at Pepper Jack’s The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will be meeting at Pepper Jack’s at noon on Thursday, June 13 . The program will be presented by Lucas Bird and his mom Sjana who will be talking about Lucas’ racing career. GCD Lions Club to Meet at Siam The GCD Lions Club will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, June 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Siam Palace. Installation of new officers will be held. KISSed Quilts Ribbon Cutting Friday KISSed Quilts will be holding its ribbon cutting/grand opening at 12:15 p.m. on Fr...

  • Summer meals program to start for kids

    Jun 12, 2013

    The Grand Coulee Dam School District last week announced the sponsorship of a Simplified Summer Food Program for Children. Meals will be made available at no charge to attending children 18 years of age and younger. Meals will be served at Center School, 317 Spokane Way, Grand Coulee, from July 1-Aug. 1, Monday-Thursday only. There will be no service on July 4. Meals to be served include breakfast, between 8:30-9:00 a.m; and lunch, served between 12-12:30 p.m. All meals must be eaten on site....

  • School district fills positions

    Roger S Lucas|Jun 12, 2013

    The school board approved hiring four new teachers at its special meeting last Wednesday night. Matt Simpson of Brookings, Ore., was hired as a physical education/weight training teacher at Lake Roosevelt High School. Simpson was also hired as boys’ head basketball coach for LRHS. Shamra Steffler was given a first-grade teaching position at Center School. She had a long-term substitution assignment last year at the school and is from Grand Coulee. Shannon Cavadini was hired as a fifth-grade teacher at the Grand Coulee Dam Middle School, and c...

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