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The Cleatis Lacy Memorial Bull Riding event this Friday, June 16, will feature an added attraction this year. Through special arrangements, bull riding fans will be able to see instant replays of all the action on a huge screen. Fans at the Ridge Rider event, which begins at 7 p.m., will be able to watch all the action — twice — as a large screen will allow them to catch something they might have missed in real time. The Ridge Riders have made special arrangements with a Montana firm, Lyons Productions, to haul the giant screen on a 27-...
Members of two Grand Coulee Dam School District unions responding to recent internal surveys outlined a number of complaints dealing with discipline, communication and training issues. The survey responses provide a glimpse into a district, many of whose workers are disillusioned enough that union leaders felt compelled to ask questions of the membership. While the survey respondents collectively fell short of painting a no-confidence opinion, several within the two unions stated that they...
With diplomas waiting in the foreground, Quincy Williams shreds it on an air guitar that sounded exactly like the lead guitar riff in Journey's 1981 epic song "Don't Stop Believin'," which he and the rest of the senior choir sang during the class of 2017's graduation ceremony at Lake Roosevelt Junior/Senior High School Saturday. "They like to have fun," Superintendent Paul Turner said as he certified that the students had met the requirements to graduate. - Scott Hunter photo...
The annual Koulee Kids Fest kicks off this Saturday throughout the area. The June 17 event begins at 10 a.m. and concludes at 4 p.m. Kids can get their passports at one of the following places: Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce office, Coulee Hardware, Loepp Furniture or the Grand Coulee Dam Visitor Center. Once kids get their passports, then it’s off for fun and games. There’s free mini golf, pedal boats, face painting, ice cream, kettle corn, a barbecue, chalk art, classic cars, fishing, disc golf, photo cutouts at the Coulee Pio...
There is interest again in the purchase of Center School. The sale of the old school is among the goals set by the school board for the coming year. Superintendent Paul Turner advised the board that a person from Moses Lake is pursuing the purchase of the building and adjacent acreage (8.5 acres in all) from the district. Turner told the board that the party interested had toured the site and was actively pursuing the purchase. The school was purchased for $155,000 from the Continental Land Company in October 2015, and has been on and off the...
The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus rolled into town on Thursday, and held two packed shows that night during a heavy rainstorm. The circus crew raised the big-top tent in the morning, and a small crowd took the tour, getting close to a lion and two tigers, a clydesdale and ponies, a calf, dogs, goats and more. The jungle cats included Francis, a 500-pound lion; Solomon, a 450-pound male tiger; and Delila, a 375-pound female tiger. The cats eat between 10 and 15 pounds of meat each day, and...
This Saturday night, consider heading to the North Dam area to see a free fireworks show put on by the Northwest Pyrotechnics Association. Local man Alan Cain, a member of the NPA, brought the event together by getting the necessary permits from the powers that be: the city of Grand Coulee, the fire department, the Coulee Area Park and Recreation District, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. “It should be absolutely awesome,” Cain said. “We’re hoping that we will surprise people, and that they’ll have a good time.” The group will likely star...
The Bureau of Reclamation is paving the 260 feet of Eden Harbor Road nearest Lake Roosevelt in Grand Coulee. The road is expected to be closed until June 20 according to a USBR press release....
In and of themselves, two surveys of union members in Grand Coulee Dam schools paint an alarming picture of conditions in the schools, but their hues can be softened or sharpened with other factors that add more light. The surveys, outlined in a front-page story this week, explicitly reveal poor grades for administration by teachers and support personnel, many of whom feel a keen lack of communication and direction in regard to discipline and job expectations. Less explicit may be the unspoken, but important, factors one might read between the...
In a political statement four years ago, Gayle Swagerty talked about getting public involvement. Since taking the position of council person, she has made little effort to get the public involved or even give the public adequate opportunity for comments. Now, Councilperson Swagerty wants to meet with the public she has pretty much ignored over the past years. All registered voters should go and talk with Councilperson Swagerty to become informed about her positions and views concerning our town’s problems. In addition, be an informed voter a...
While I would like to hang up my phone and put down my pen and just wait for the U.S. to heal by itself, I just can’t sit idle. Participation in the direction of our nation is the basis on which our country was founded. We all recognize the phrase “No taxation without representation.” What concerns me more and more is the concept of “representation.” It used to be that we would elect representatives who represented us, their constituents. But ever since the Supreme Court upheld Citizens United, Representative Dan Newhouse and his colleagues lis...
After this year, four matriarchs in the school district will be cuddling grandkids, snow birding, and beach combing. All four have left their marks on the youth of the area, and as the youth turn into adults they will take the lessons learned from these four and apply it to their lives. So let’s take a look at the four as they ride into the sunset. Kathy Proctor: Her business instincts and instruction go way back at Lake Roosevelt. She even taught me once, and many of you also. She is ingrained in the Raider Wrestling Program and in local r...
Privately owned boats and docking facilities of the Coulee Dam Yacht Club were damaged by the heavy winds of June 9, 1948, which drove driftwood across Lake Roosevelt into the dock area. - June 11, 1948 photo...
Raymond William Harrington Sr., 86, passed away peacefully at his home in Grand Coulee, Washington, on Tuesday, June 6, 2017. He was born March 20, 1931, in Tacoma, Washington, to Raymond Daniel Harrington and Hazel (Doyle) Harrington. He lived most of his life between Kettle Falls, Washington, and Grand Coulee. Raymond joined the service in July of 1951, and served at Suwon Airbase as a Medic for 18 months. He married Neva J. Winings on August 10, 1953, shortly after he was stationed at Smyrna,...
Richard W. Johnson, 77, passed away peacefully on Sunday, June 11, 2017, at his home in Electric City, Washington. Richard is survived by Hazel, his wife of 55 years; his daughter, Dana Solis (Joe); his son, Scott Johnson (Heather); six grandchildren; and his sister, Elaine. He retired from the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in 1993 as a Production Shop Planner (welder) after 33 years of service. Richard always enjoyed hunting, fishing and working outside. Sharing these activities with his...
David Paul Ruzsa, 55, born Monday, March 19, 1962, in Portland, Oregon, to Sandor and Norma Ruzsa, left us much too soon Saturday, June 10, 2017, from Grand Coulee, Washington. A 1981 graduate of Evergreen High School in Vancouver, Washington, David went on to a technical institute in Arizona, where he obtained his HVAC certification and received his AA Degree from Clark Community College in Vancouver. He also achieved his BS Degree and continued to be a lifelong student. From his boyhood years...
Friends of Sidney Lull: The family requests any donations be made in Sid’s memory to: Assured Hospice, 1417 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, WA 98837....
Savanah Rose Pera and Derick Lyle Stanczak, of Grand Coulee, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Payton Mae Pera Stanczak, born Thursday, May 18, 2017, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 7 lbs., 13 oz., and was 21 inches in length at birth. Maternal grandparents are Shawn and Jenifer Pera. Paternal grandfather is Mike Johnson....
Trevor McCleary, 2013 Almira Coulee-Hartline graduate married Nicole Nagy of Liberty, Kentucky, May 2017. Both are Senior Airmen/E-4 serving in the U.S. Air Force. Trevor and Nicole met while stationed in Italy. After their current assignments in South Korea, Trevor and Nicole will be stationed in England....
The Regional Board of Mayors has asked that needed repairs at the Delano Transfer Station go out for regular bid. The group’s insurance firm, Clear Risk Solutions, had inspected the transfer station earlier this year and came up with an estimated $20,000 to $25,000 of needed repairs. Electric City, which manages the transfer station, had asked for bids from its small works roster since repairs were estimated to be under $35,000, not meeting the threshold for having to advertise and go out for the full bidding process. One bid was received f...
A meeting last week to discuss Electric City’s park and recreation plan failed to attract local residents. However, it did attract a pair of city council members, the city’s planner and two members of the community park advisory committee. Councilmembers Birdie Hensley and Lonna Bussert, both park proponents, city planner Kurt Danison, and park committee members Brad Parrish and Cindy Greely all attended. The issue went to the council last night to see if members would approve money to move forward with engineering costs for the two pro...
Chamber This Week The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will meet at noon this Thursday, June 15, at the Eagles Lodge, Grand Coulee. The Mosquito Control Board will be the program. At the Library This Week Events planned at the Grand Coulee Public Library for this week include Story Time at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, with the reading program beginning on Monday, June 19. Erik Brooks, popular children’s author, will be a special guest at the library on Wednesday, June 21, at 11 a.m. For more information check with the libr...
Kindergarten students of Kim Iverson's recently held a graduation at Nespelem School. They include: Sally Lucei, Sitarah Palmer, April Bigwolf, Alex Vallee, Dorla Selam, and Jase Thomas. - submitted photo...
Lake Roosevelt Elementary students recently selected as May Students of the Month....
Lake Roosevelt Junior/Senior High School Secretary Sheila Darnold was honored as support staff person of the year during the class of 2017's graduation ceremony Saturday. Gretchen Whitelaw was honored as teacher of the year. - Scott Hunter photos...