Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 29
North Dam Park, which hosts numerous events in the area, including Colorama, markets, softball tournaments, and more, is in danger of no longer being maintained, but funding could still be secured for 2023. A special meeting is scheduled for the local park district in charge on June 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the former middle school in Grand Coulee in the former teachers’ lounge there, which the public is welcome to attend. Years ago, the city of Grand Coulee had responsibility for the park, but relinquished control to the US Bureau of Reclamation, w...
The class of 2022 follows the lead of class President Audrey Hansen in moving their mortar board tassels over to the graduated side at Saturday's ceremony at Lake Roosevelt High School. More photos of the annual event, held inside the gym for the first time since 2019, are available on page 7. - Scott Hunter photo...
A UH60 Blackhawk helicopter demonstrated its fire-fighting abilities last week by sucking water out of Banks Lake through a "snorkel" into its 1,100 gallon tank, then dumping the water onto the runway at the Grand Coulee Dam Airport. The Washington State Department of Natural Resources contracts with the California-based company High Performance Helicopters to station aircraft throughout the state, including at the Grand Coulee Dam Airport, in case of wildfire. Administrative and Accounting...
People agree that housing for seniors in the area is needed, but the effort comes with a hefty price tag in the $15-$20 million range. The Grand Coulee Dam Area Senior Center spent $7,500 on a feasibility study for senior housing in the area in collaboration with Centerline Development, which owns the former Center School and surrounding land on Spokane Way in Grand Coulee. The study’s conclusion that there would be demand for such a facility and service led to a $20,000 engineering study. The senior center contributed another $17,500 toward t...
The town council in Coulee Dam Wednesday night approved spending $3,020 to "move dirt" in a canyon just above the city hall, a residential neighborhood, and a motel so that police can use it for a shooting range. Officer Josh Watkins introduced himself to the council as the firearms instructor for Coulee Dam's two-officer police department and explained the need for such a space. Watkins said the biggest benefit would be the ability to get free training. Police have training requirements to...
The Grand Coulee Dam area is in the spotlight of a new video being made to highlight the attributes of the area. Voortex Productions, out of Wenatchee, is working with the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce to produce a promotional video. "I am so excited about this project!" chamber Executive Director Rachelle Baughman said. "The purpose and mission behind this video is to highlight the Grand Coulee Area and unite the community. We want to give our community something to be proud of, as...
This weekend will feature lots of smiles, as did last weekend. The difference will be in the fact that the average age of smilers will be reduced. Last Saturday, seniors graduated from high school; this Saturday kids get a chance to wear out their parents, or vice versa, at Kids Fest. Whether you love every activity presented is not really important, just remember to enjoy seeing all those smiles. Scott Hunter editor and publisher...
Some of us grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school every day. The words “one nation, indivisible” are a potent memory. Are those words history? The thirteen colonies declared their independence from England on July 4, 1776. Congress adopted the name “United States” on September 9, 1776. In 1777, they designated June 14 as American Flag Day. The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution were ratified in 1791. It is surely probable that the writers of those amendments would have been stunned by the 1989 U.S. Supreme Court decisio...
Gov. Jay Inslee and Sen. Patty Murray, both Democrats, issued a draft report which estimates that breaching the four lower Snake River dams and replacing their electricity and other benefits would cost between $10 and $27 billion. Meanwhile, the lone Idaho Republican, Congressman Mike Simpson, supporting dam removal---impoundments located in a neighboring state--is willing to pony up $33 billion tax dollars. That’s a lot of taxpayer money even today when President Biden and Congress toss around trillion-dollar spending programs like h...
My Aunt Voe used to put me up in an upstairs feather bed when I would visit. I don’t know what kind of feathers she used, but they made an extremely soft mattress and likewise the sleep. Voe was what you could correctly say “old fashioned.” Yet she was a counselor to many of the younger members of the family. She was the postmaster at the Palouse post office, knew everyone in town, and more about them than was necessary. Anyway, Voe had a foot in both worlds — one in the early 1900s and the other in what were then modern times. In additio...
A year and a half ago, when President Biden was sworn into office, gas prices were $2.39 a gallon. Today, gas prices have more than doubled, averaging $5.01 per gallon. The Labor Department reported Friday that inflation rose to 8.6% in the 12 months ending in May, its highest level since December 1981. Virtually no sector of the economy was left untouched. Electricity is up 12% from a year ago, groceries 11.9%, and rent 5.9%. It’s not rocket science; the policy decisions being made by this Administration have directly impacted the state of o...
Koulee Kids Fest this Saturday will bring in a magic show, a car show on Main Street and kids' activities throughout local businesses. The whole event is tied together with "passports" that kids get validated at activities they take part in, qualifying them for a grand prize - a hoverboard. Look on page 9 of this issue to see the map of participating sites. There's everything from jump rope to flower planting to corn dog dipping. Passports are available at Coulee Hardware, Loepp's, Coulee Wall...
Lots of fun activies have begun New hours of operation go into effect this week at all 30 NCW Libraries branch locations. At the Grand Coulee Library hours will be Monday: closed; Tuesday: 10am - 6pm; Wednesday: 2-6pm; Thursday:10am - 6pm; Friday: 2-6pm; Saturday: 10am-2pm; Sunday: closed. Please visit to find the new hours at each library. Reading Challenges A fun-filled summer of reading challenges, arts and crafts, science demonstrations, story times, have kicked off at all 30 NCW Libraries locations and the...
Amelia and Michael Stanger of Electric City, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Sophia Leona Stanger, born Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. She weighed 7 lbs., 12 oz., and was 21 inches in length at birth. Maternal grandparents are Dewayne “Yogi” McClung and Dalene Marchand. Paternal grandparents are Robert and Lily Stanger. Great-grandparents include Stella McClung, Leona Swawilla, Lottie McCraigie and Kenneth “Butch” Stanger....
Jessica and Mike Matchett of Creston, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Miles Matchell, born Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. He weighed 7 lbs., 15 oz., and was 20 inches in length at birth. He joins a brother Michael Mathett Jr., almost 2....
A new breaker panel installed a few years ago apparently did its job, stopping a possible fire from a heater in the weight room in the lower level of the gym at Lake Roosevelt Jr/Sr High School. Firefighters from all local departments converged on the facility when the call when out around 1 p.m. Monday. A fire in the old breaker panel years ago led to that electrical upgrade. After checking out the cause Monday, firefighters set a fan to help air out the room. - Scott Hunter...
Grand Coulee Police 6/6 - A man on Spokane Boulevard reported a man running through his yard headed toward Four Corners. Police spoke to the runner who said he cut through the yard to save time. The property owner reported that the same man had previously gone through his vehicles. Police told him to call if he saw the man there again. 6/8 - Two men were reported as arguing near the former Pepper Jack’s restaurant. The men were gone by the time police arrived. - Police stood by while a woman retrieved belongings from a former residence on B...
Hannah Wapato, of Coulee Dam, made the Dean’s List at the University of Idaho for the spring quarter of 2022, which ended May 13, the school announced last week. Wapato is attending the university’s College of Agricultural and Life Sciences for a bachelor of science degree in Family and Consumer Sciences. To qualify for the Dean’s List, U of I students must maintain at least a 3.5 GPA on a minimum of 12 graded credits during the semester....
With no president, a committee to consolidate local towns, starting with Electric City and Grand Coulee, is without a leader. With the COVID-19 pandemic throwing a wrench into things, and Ben Hughes, who had been heading up a consolidation committee, moving from the area last year, the effort towards consolidation has lost some steam. Before the pandemic, the committee, with input from planning consultancy group SCJ Alliance, was working toward consolidating the cities of Electric City and Grand Coulee, both of which are in Grant County. From...
It was a little past Arbor Day, but it's the spirit that counts. Homeowner Rob Carroll waters a newly planted scarlet Hawthorn tree in front of his home on Stevens Avenue in Coulee Dam June 3. The city tries to plant at least one each year in keeping with its Tree City USA status, and Carroll said he'd appreciate one back in the city-owned planting strip that once held trees at regular spacings. From left are Mayor Bob Poch, Clerk Stefani Bowden, and the city crew members who did the hard work,...
The Class of 2022 Valedictorian: Aehsley Piturachsatit The Class of 2022 Co-Salutatorians: Ashley Baker & Almeta Desautel High Honor Roll Students who earned a cumulative GPA of 3.5 to 4.0. Students wear Gold Honor Cords: Alonzo Adams Reniff Herndon Ashley Baker Aehsley Piturachsatit David Borden Gemma Sacchi Isaijah Derr Sadi Trotter Almeta Desautel Camryn Wendt Audrey Hansen Honor Roll Students who earned a cumulative GPA of 3.25 to 3.49. Students wear Silver Honor Cords: Makenna Alling...
Hello everyone, my name is Aehsley Piturachsatit and I am the Lake Roosevelt class of 2022 's valedictorian. I am so beyond grateful for the opportunity to be up here today, not because I am one for public speaking. Believe me that could not be farther from the truth, I remember calling my mom after finding out I was 1st in the class and telling her, "I might need to get a couple Bs to avoid speaking." However, I have to thank my internal phobia of Bs for making sure I could proudly stand here...
Good morning family, friends, and teachers. Thank you for joining us here today to celebrate the graduating class of 2022 ! My name is Ashley Baker and I am happy to stand here today as one of the co-salutatorians for my class. When I first sat down to write this speech, I did not know what to do. Do I write about the memories and the fun? What's important to me? What is the message I am supposed to send across today? So, I did what any student does, when we need the answer for something. I...
CO-SALUTATORIAN ALMETA DESAUTEL Hello Everyone, for those of you who may not know me, my name is Almeta Desautel (yes, Nate Desautel’s daughter) and I am the co salutatorian for Lake Roosevelt›s graduating class of 2022. While I sat writing this speech, wondering what I could possibly say on a day as important as this, I reflected back to the moment that inspired me to strive for this position. It was the day I heard Khani Priest give her speech as the 2018 class salutatorian directed towa...
Hello friends and family if you don't know I am Audrey Hansen one of the class speakers, and class president. I, like many of my classmates, remember our very first day of freshman year. We were given our first lockers upstairs on the North side of the hallway. Getting a bottom locker was the most of our worries. Excited to make our way through that hallway. Up to the point we are on the opposite wall, crazy. Who would've thought the small 1 by 2 and half foot place you hold your school work...