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Articles from the June 21, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 29

  • Town will consider changing into a city

    Scott Hunter|Jun 21, 2017

    The possibility of changing Coulee Dam from a “town” under state law to a “city” drew significant discussion at a town council meeting Wednesday, where the audience was packed following a door-to-door push last weekend by a candidate for council. Fred Netzel, who is running against David Schmidt for the council, said he wanted enough people at Wednesday’s meeting to ensure a basis of knowledge on the subject among townspeople and encourage open discussion. Mayor Greg Wilder said the question is one of importance for the town, which currently... Full story

  • Decisive moment

    Jun 21, 2017

    Bullfighter Drew Payne, of Wellpinit, steps in to draw the ire of a massive bull to prevent it from trampling the bullrider it just threw off at the annual Cleatis Lacy Bull Ride at the Ridger Riders Rodeo Grounds Friday night. . - Scott Hunter photo... Full story

  • Proposed federal budget cuts would take money from public to give to private schools

    Jacob Wagner|Jun 21, 2017

    Betsy Devos, secretary of the United States Department of Education, has proposed $10.6 billion in cuts for public education institutions, targeting, among other things, after-school programs, technical and career training, special education, and college grants. The proposal presented by the USDOE would use the savings from the cuts toward giving families the option to use vouchers of federal tax dollars for sending their children to private and religious schools, as well as charter and magnet schools, and for homeschooling. Locally, and in... Full story

  • Annual festival will come early this year

    Roger S Lucas|Jun 21, 2017

    Check your calendar closely. This year’s Festival of America is coming Friday and Saturday, June 30 and July 1. This year’s July 4 Independence Day holiday falls on Tuesday. Chamber of Commerce officials don’t think their annual festival would get good attendance if it were held on a Tuesday, as the work week is split in two. But there are some real treats to come on the two new dates, the Friday and Saturday just before July 4: The fireworks over the dam will fire off just after the Laser Light Show Saturday evening, about 10:30 p.m. In the pa... Full story

  • Grand Coulee turns down home dog rescue operation

    Roger S Lucas|Jun 21, 2017

    A Grand Coulee woman appealed to the city council Tuesday, June 20, to approve a "dog rescue" at her residence. Dorothy Harris, who resides on Young Street, offered to work with Grand Coulee in writing language for an ordinance that would be acceptable to the council. However, zoning got in the way. Councilmember Tammara Byers, who chairs the city's planning commission, told Harris that "there's no way that we are going to allow a rescue operation into an R-1 (residential) zone." Harris told... Full story

  • Smoke alarm gets family out in time

    Roger S Lucas|Jun 21, 2017

    A working smoke detector is credited with avoiding a bigger fire, as it allowed for getting a blaze under control at a mobile home at 904 King Street in Grand Coulee last Thursday evening. Volunteer Fire Chief Richard Paris said it appeared the fire started in an electrical connection on the underside of the trailer. Firefighters responded to the alarm at 7:10 p.m. and were able to leave the site within 45 minutes. The trailer resident and a neighbor were able to turn off the power and use a garden hose to knock the blaze down. The trailer was... Full story

  • Fireworks show a success, despite delay

    Jacob Wagner|Jun 21, 2017

    The Northwest Pyrotechnics Association put on a fireworks show from North Dam on Saturday night. "I heard a lot of 'oohs' and 'ahs' and that's what we're always looking for," said Alan Cain, a local pyrotechnician who helped organize the event and set off the fireworks. "We were seriously delayed because we were missing two keys," Cain explained of a late start to the show. One of the missing keys opened a gate where the pyrotechnician was stationed, and the other to where the equipment was... Full story

  • CBC expels member of business council

    Scott Hunter|Jun 21, 2017

    The Colville Business Council Friday expelled one of its 14 members on a split vote just before elections set for this Saturday. Following an investigative hearing, the CBC expelled Ricky Gabriel with a 9-4 vote, citing ethics violations, according to a press release from the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. The expulsion took effect immediately. The CBC said it found that Gabriel had violated three sections of its Code of Professional Responsibility, including: • Use of the council member’s position “to obtain financial gain... Full story

  • Local candidates should lead by example

    Glo Carroll|Jun 21, 2017

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the... Full story

  • Time to involve the people

    Bruce Bartoo|Jun 21, 2017

    Last Wednesday evening, the Coulee Dam Town Council met to consider, among other agenda items, if the Town of Coulee Dam will change its status from being a Town to that of a City. Town Hall made little effort to inform the public and give adequate opportunity for comment on this matter. The relevance of this statement is: If not for the efforts of Larry Price, candidate for Mayor, and Fred Netzel, Bob Poch, Marcia Warnecke and Tim Brooks, candidates for Council-person positions, very few people in Town would have known about the Mayor’s p... Full story

  • Objecting to Coulee Dam councilman's behavior

    Ed Bartley|Jun 21, 2017

    At this past week’s Coulee Dam’s Town Council meeting we observed an extremely angry outburst from Dave Schmidt (a town council member) directed towards some of Coulee Dam’s citizens when they objected to a comment made by Mr. Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt does not have the same views on a lot of issues and that is fine. It doesn’t matter who was right or wrong. What I question and dislike is Mr. Schmidt’s verbally replying in an extremely loud voice in a public meeting. I feel that as an elected official in a public meeting, he should have enough se... Full story

  • Why are signs restricted, not letters?

    Carol Daily|Jun 21, 2017

    My husband and I were told we had to take our candidate-for-mayor sign down. By law, you can only have signs up so far ahead of the election. The week before we were told to take it down there was a letter in our Star newspaper to vote for a new mayor. That letter was written by our other candidate. So why was the letter allowed but not our sign in our yard? Carol Daily Coulee Dam Editor’s response: Laws about outside election signs do not govern letters to the editor.... Full story

  • Fake news about the jungle!

    Bob Valen|Jun 21, 2017

    Reading the recent piece about the circus visit, I found a statement to be two-thirds correct. “Jungle cats” is a misleading title for the three big cats that are part of the circus. Lions, specifically African lions, are not jungle dwellers, unlike the tigers. Now, there is an exception. The Asiatic lion, a sub-species of lion, is found primarily in India. It does dwell in a jungle-like environment. When I visited the big cats before the circus shows began, I was not able to ask the lion if he was of Asiatic or African descent. Given the tsu... Full story

  • Artists unite

    Jesse Utz|Jun 21, 2017

    I do not consider myself an artist. Yes, I am a writer and an amateur photographer and even have grander ideas about drawing and painting. But I do not consider myself an artist. So when I found myself Monday night in a circle of chairs in the Colville Tribal Museum surrounded by local artists, I felt a little out of place at first. Yes, my wife sat beside me; that was why I was there, but somewhere during the conversation and presentation I found myself actually wanting to do more with my photo... Full story

  • Sixty-seven years ago

    Jun 21, 2017

    Chute Section - The feeder canal changes at this point (Sta. 89/50) from its regular trapezoidal section to a rectangular chute section in order to discharge its enormous flow into the equalizing reservoir. - June 15, 1950 photo.... Full story

  • Meetings and Notices

    Jun 21, 2017

    Chamber This Week The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will meet at noon this Thursday, June 22, at the Eagles Lodge, Grand Coulee. A rep from CMC will be presenting. Okanogan County Demos to Meet Okanogan County Democrats will meet at the 12 Tribes Casino on SR-97 between Omak and Okanogan Sunday, June 25. The meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. Coulee Creators Meet Coulee Creators meet every Tuesday 1-4 p.m. Contact Marlene Oddie 509-386-5715 or for details. Enter east end of building, push in door knob to... Full story

  • Senior meals

    Jun 21, 2017

    Wed., June 21 - Dinner Pulled Pork Sandwich, Potato Chips, Pea Salad, Mixed Fruit, Cupcakes Thurs., June 22 - Dinner BBQ Chicken, Potato Salad, Corn, Fruit Cup, Cookies Fri., June 23 - Breakfast German Sausage, Eggs, Hashbrowns, Toast, Fruit Bowl, Orange Juice Mon., June 26 - Breakfast Biscuits & Gravy, Eggs, Fruit Bowl, Orange Juice Tues., June 27 - Dinner Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Garlic Bread, Salad & Fruit Bar, Pie Wed., June 28 - Dinner Nick's Beef Stew, Homemade Bread, Mixed Fruit, Ice Cream w/Topping Thurs., June 29 - Dinner Chicken... Full story

  • It's a boy for Campbell/Conant

    Jun 21, 2017

    Alice Campbell and Daniel “Parks” Conant Jr., of Coulee Dam, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Daniel Parks Conant III, on Saturday, February 11, 2017, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. He weighed 6 lbs., 7.5 oz., and was 18.5 inches in length at birth. Maternal grandparents are Sundown Campbell and Vertis Campbell Sr. Paternal grandparents are Carla Bierle Marconi and Daniel P. Conant Sr. Maternal great-grandparents are Lisa Kume and Bob Vance Campbell. Paternal great-grandparents are the late Daw... Full story

  • Grand Coulee community blood drive Monday

    Jun 21, 2017

    Inland Northwest Blood Center, along with the Grand Coulee community blood drive volunteers led by Leha Bodeau, are planning a blood drive for Monday, June 26. Donation hours will be from 11:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the community room in Coulee Medical Center. INBC needs an average of 200 blood donors every day to meet the needs of more than 35 hospitals in the Inland Northwest. A single donation can save the lives of up to three people! For more information contact Tina Lingo at 509-981-7023.... Full story

  • Ayling retires from credit union

    Jun 21, 2017

    LuAnn Aylings retired June 10 from the Coulee Dam Federal Credit Union after serving members there for 34 years. Ayling started her credit union career in 1983 as a teller, and soon after was promoted to the loan department. She was promoted again to loan supervisor, and for the past 27 years has served as vice president of lending. "Thousands of lives were impacted and helped because of LuAnn's experience, knowledge and desire to help others achieve their financial dreams," credit union... Full story

  • Beverly "Bev" Davis

    Jun 21, 2017

    Beverly “Bev” Davis, 68, of Nespelem, Washington, died Sunday, June 18, 2017, in Grand Coulee, Washington. A 7 p.m. Wake will be held Tuesday, June 20, 2017, at Nespelem Community Center, Nespelem, with 10 a.m. funeral service on Wednesday, June 21. Burial will follow at Chief Joseph Cemetery in Nespelem. A complete obituary will run in next week’s paper. Strate Funeral Home of Grand Coulee, is assisting Bev’s family.... Full story

  • Class of 2021marks a milestone`

    Jun 21, 2017

    Eighth grade classes from both Lake Roosevelt and Nespelem held recognition ceremonies....

  • April students of the month

    Jun 21, 2017

    Third through Sixth grade, from left,Front Row: Jaelynn Vallee, Carmen Thomas, Eva Marchand, Middle Row: Summer Mori, Betsy Vil-lafana-Cruz, Caden Portch, Finn Beery, Aspen Smith, Back Row: Mick Perman, Jacob Swogger, Aylia Marchand, Kyndra Marconi, Wyatt Toulou... Full story

  • Bowling Scores

    Jun 21, 2017

    WEDNESDAY SENIORS Karen Musser 127+116+151=394 Bob S. 130+178+139=447 Scott E. 166+185+202=553 SPRING LEAGUE TEAM W L Team 4 11 5 Team 3 8 8 Team 2 2 14 High Game: Scott 192; Amber 116 High Series: Scott 528; Amber 324... Full story

  • Reservation youth share tech at state summit

    Linda McLean|Jun 21, 2017

    Nespelem Elementary School students participated in the Governor's Summit on Career Connected Learning May 31 at the Microsoft Conference Center in Redmond, Washington, on the Microsoft Campus. The event was also simultaneously broadcast across Washington state for viewing at 26 remote sites. To prepare for a presentation at the summit, up to 13 Nespelem students met daily after school, working with EV 3 Lego Robots, learning coding, adding sensors and lessons with the Mars Space Challenge. The... Full story

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