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The K-12 Parents-Teachers Association have set the second Thursday of every month to hold their meetings. This month it will be Thursday, July 11, at 7 p.m., at the Center Elementary School library in Grand Coulee. Let’s support the teachers and K-12 grade youth of the community by working together. See you at the meeting.... Full story
Scores for July 3 – Jesse V. 176/513; Bob S. 224/526; Pat Z. 174/504; Merle C. 142/390; Larry W. 104/280; Leo L. 153/409; Bob M. 158/431... Full story
From last weekend’s festival and activities. — Scott Hunter photos... Full story
Rob Skordas, who had a chiropractic practice in Grand Coulee years ago but changed careers, is now the manager of Bureau of Reclamation’s Lower Colorado Dams Office, which manages, operates and maintains Hoover, Davis and Parker dams and associated facilities on the Colorado River. Rob is the son of Tom and Kathy Skordas of Coulee Dam. In 1999, Robert Skordas changed directions in his life and took an apprentice power plant operator position at Grand Coulee Dam. In 2002, he worked in the M... Full story
June was wetter than the month’s mean. We measured 1.32 inches of precipitation at the home weather station compared to a mean of 0.99 inches. Our high temperature was 92.9°F and occurred on the last day, while the coldest day of June was on June 1 at 44.8°F. Records for June are: highest rainfall - 4.29 inches in 1937; lowest rainfall - 0.04 inches in 2003; one day maximum - 2.31 inches in 1996. I was recently asked by a reader of this column to define the difference between the words “average... Full story
Grand Coulee 6/30 - An Electric City man told police that his vehicle had been damaged while at Safeway sometime during the past month. He was asked to bring the vehicle to the police station so an officer could take pictures of the damage. He told the officer he couldn’t drive the vehicle to the police station because the license had expired. Police went to his residence to take the pictures. 7/1 - USBR Plant Protection called police to the top of the dam where a van was blocking the entrance. The driver was told to move on and said he was p... Full story
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF ELMER CITY The Town of Elmer City will conduct a Public Hearing to consider the Six Year Comprehensive Street Program for 2014-2019. The Public Hearing will be held at Elmer City Town Hall, 505 Seaton Ave., Elmer City, WA., during the regular council meeting on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. All interested persons will be given opportunity to provide written or oral comments at said meeting. Renee Tillman, Clerk/Treasurer (Publish July 3 and 10, 2013) Nespelem School District 14 BUDGET HEARING AND... Full story