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Rod Broadnax concluded a busy week at his new job with a report to the Grand Coulee Dam School District Board of Directors, when he was sworn in as the new superintendent of the district. Broadnax told the board he’d met with several teachers and other staff members during the week at their request. “All meetings were very collaborative and very supportive,” he said. The administrative team will be studying a book this year, he informed the board. “Is my School Better Because I lead it?” by...
The National Weather Service in Spokane has issued a Red Flag Warning for much of this region for wind and low relative humidity, which is in effect from 2 p.m. Sunday to 11 p.m. Monday. A Red Flag Warning means critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now or will be shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. * Affected Area: Fire Weather Zone 705, the foothills of the Central Washington Cascades;...
Sewer rates will likely go up in Electric City after the city council approved a funding package obtained by Grand Coulee to redesign and refurbish the wastewater treatment plant they both use. A grant/loan package from the Washington State Dept. of Ecology will fund the final design stage of the project for $1.452 million in engineering bills from Gray & Osborn, Inc., Electric City’s share of which is about $268,620. The total project cost is projected at over $12 million. The cities are looking at a completion date of 2027 or 2028. Loan p...
At the conclusion of Saturday afternoon's Grand Entry under the arbor at the Colville Tribes' Celebration Grounds, royalty and honored dancers in regalia stop at the center pole with the eagle staff bearing an MIA flag at center, an American flag at left and the flag of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation at right, flanked to its right by Joy Abrahamson, Miss Colville Confederated Tribes and visiting royalty. About 300 dancers took the floor that afternoon, one observer...
To enforce or not to enforce was the question Tuesday night as Electric City officially entered the dog days of summer. The city, it seems, has been sending letters to several residents about the city’s pet code, many of whom have been ignoring them, some by a wide margin of error. The city gets complaints, has tried to persuade owners into compliance through other means, and it’s now down to writing tickets, but city employees wanted some guidance on how hard-nosed they should be about it. City Clerk Peggy Nevsimal gave the council exa...
It began with a roadside fire July 5, along SR-155 south of Electric City where a small blaze burned grasses both sides of the highway near jeopardizing homes. In the following days, various agencies in the region would call for immediate evacuations of areas where a wildfire had started quickly. Thunderstorms with multiple lightning strikes didn't help amid conditions the National Weather Service had predicted would include low relative humidity with stiffer winds, calling for a "Fire Weather...
Recently, while in Coulee Dam visiting family, I had the opportunity to visit the Colville Tribal Museum. Having grown up in the area, this is something I have wanted to do for some time. I was not disappointed. Upon entering, we were welcomed by a very friendly and knowledgeable lady. The exhibits were nicely arranged allowing easy access for everyone. The old photography and stories were interesting, and the artifacts were beautiful. Any questions we had were answered. The museum is a beautiful addition to the area and is something of which...
While taking a walk recently I had the opportunity to visit with my neighbor, Brad McConnell. Brad has lived next to me for nearly five years and this is the most extensive visit we’ve had. As we were talking about travel, he shared his experience in the Statue of Liberty. That’s right, “in” the statue. The Statue of Liberty is probably the most familiar patriotic symbol we have in this country. It is located on Liberty Island with New York City as a backdrop. Brad spent the better part of a day at the statue. A good part of the time, he was...
Native communities are disproportionally impacted by the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls (MMIW). Having engaged with the tribes and law enforcement officers throughout Central Washington; it’s clear they need more resources, assistance, and qualified personnel to safeguard our communities. In response, I introduced the Parity for Tribal Law Enforcement Act to enhance hiring, improve retention, and bolster the effectiveness of tribal law enforcement officers, ultimately leading to safer communities for all. Tribes a...
Marie Yolanda Wyatt, age 88, a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and a retired dental assistant died peacefully in Moscow, ID on June 26, 2023 with family members at her side. Yolanda was born on October 24, 1934 in San Antonio, TX to Constance McClintock (Grandma Mac). In her early years, she lived with her extended family and attended elementary and high schools in San Antonio. While in high school she participated in the band as a percussionist and in her senior year as the Drum Major....
Jeffrey Michael Perantie, born on July 11, 1970, in Renton, Washington, bid farewell to this world on July 3, 2023, at the age of 52. He leaves behind a legacy of love, kindness, and cherished memories that will forever remain in the hearts of those who knew him. Jeffrey was a devoted son, the beloved child of Corinne Mae Kirk. He was a cherished brother to Rob, Shawn, and Don, and their bond was a source of strength and support throughout their lives. The love and camaraderie shared between...
Picnic Set Okanogan County Democrats Family and Friends Picnic will be Sunday, July 16, from 1-4 p.m. at the Omak Eastside Park Dance Pavillion. Grant County Mosquito Dist. 2 to Meet Grant County Mosquitao District #2 will hold its monthly meeting, Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 4:00 pm at 210 W. Coulee Blvd in Electric City. Area AA Meetings AA meetings are held Monday through Saturday at the Vets Center in Electric City. Call Paul at 631-4551. New Hope Group meetings are held Wednesdays at 6 p.m. at the Vets Center. These are open and...
Eagles Ladies Auxiliary #2577 offered their first Safe Sitter Class June 24, 2023. This class is offered to teach babysitters about child care skills and duties. Youth ages 11 to 18 who want to learn to be safe sitters are urged to take this free class. The next class is set for July 22, 9 am to 1 pm. Contact Birdie. 509-631-0303 to sign up...
Grand Coulee Police 7/2 - Several vehicles were reportedly being driven erratically by people who had been drinking at the Eden Harbor marina area. Police searched the area and adjacent areas for the vehicles but didn’t find them. - A woman was locked inside of her Continental Heights apartment due to a malfunctioning deadbolt. Police contacted the Grant County Housing Authority, the building owner, who said they would come fix it. 7/3 - An unoccupied Mercedes was left at a Grand Coulee Avenue gas station. Police checked to see if it was stolen...
Town of Elmer City Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the Town of Elmer City will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, July 13th at 6 p.m. to consider the Six Year Comprehensive Street Program for 2024 – 2029. All interested persons will be given opportunity to provide written or oral comment at said meeting. City Hall is located at 505 Seaton Avenue and is accessible to the handicapped. To join the meeting via Zoom, call City Hall for instructions. Kelly Ross Clerk/Treasurer 509-633-2872 (Publish July 5 &11, 2023) City of Grand Coulee N...
7/11/2023 - Write on the River and NCW Libraries are happy to announce the three winners of the 12th Annual High School Writers Competition. Jadyn Matson, Chelan, won first-place for her fiction entry, “At the Edge of the World.” Honorable mentions went to Jada Wood of Cashmere for “Helios” and Isabel Menna of Leavenworth for “Lost Princess Found: A Story of Resurrection.” The winners will share $200 in cash awards and will be featured readers at Write on the River’s next Four Minutes of Fame open mic event. Learn more about the winners and rea...
A lot is happening in the coulee this summer....