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Articles from the July 15, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 29

  • State investigates for fraud at mosquito district

    Roger S Lucas|Jul 15, 2015

    The former clerk of Grant County Mosquito District 2 is being investigated for misappropriation of funds totaling more than $129,000, a state investigative audit of the district states. The clerk is denying the allegations and has hired an attorney. Karyn Byam of Electric City, a 20-year clerk of the mosquito district, resigned her position March 4, after being interviewed by the investigative unit of the State Auditor’s Office. A “Fraud Investigation Report” released last week states that between 2010 and 2014, the clerk was compensated approx... Full story

  • No spill for lasers this year

    Roger S Lucas|Jul 15, 2015

    Those attending the Laser Light Show and wondering when water will be released for a backdrop for the show will have to wait. Bureau of Reclamation Public Affairs Officer Lynne Brougher said it won't likely be this year. Brougher explained that a side seal on drum gate three is leaking and the Laser Light Show will not receive water until it is fixed. That could be next spring when the water level is low enough to work on the faulty seal. Brougher did say that the Bureau of Reclamation is using... Full story

  • Two drown in local lakes

    Scott Hunter|Jul 15, 2015

    Two men drown in nearby lakes last week in separate incidents, one on Banks Lake and one on Parks Lake. The body of a man missing in Banks Lake near Coulee City on Friday was finally recovered Monday. Craig Plummer, 69, of Ephrata, went missing Friday while swimming from a boat with relatives. State park rangers and Grant County marine deputies searched for him from about 5:30 Friday night until 9 p.m. and resumed the recovery effort each day. The marine unit found Plummer’s body about noon Monday. “Craig was a great man who dedicated a ful... Full story

  • Major fires settle down

    Roger S Lucas|Jul 15, 2015

    Evacuation notices from two major fires in Douglas County have been pulled, according to the county sheriff’s office. One fire, 17 miles northeast of Waterville, and a second fire 10 miles southeast of Waterville, had together burned some 22,212 acres of brush, grass and sage, according to Tuesday’s fire report. Both fires are being managed as the Douglas County Complex. There had been no reports of structures lost or injuries by Tuesday. The Red Cross, which had opened a center for evacuees, at Ephrata High School, has since closed. The eva... Full story

  • Newsbriefs

    Jul 15, 2015

    Busy fire fighters The Grand Coulee Volunteer Fire Department answered five calls during June, reported fire Chief Rick Paris at the city council meeting last Tuesday night. One call was a structure fire and another an outside fire. Three mutual aid calls were made. Paris reported 37 ambulance calls, nine in the Coulee Dam area, 21 in the Grand Coulee area and seven transportation calls. Early hours for library The library has set early hours to avoid the heat while waiting for a new air conditioning unit. Grand Coulee’s council gave city o... Full story

  • Grand Coulee interested in recycling

    Roger S Lucas|Jul 15, 2015

    Grand Coulee’s city council has asked Mayor Chris Christopherson to pursue recycling with the Regional Board of Mayors. Councilman Erin Nielsen took up the recycling banner at the council meeting a week ago and said that it would cost money, “but this is the right time to do it.” Recycling has been a thorn in the side of regional mayors for sometime, but any way they have looked at it, there is a cost associated with it. Nielsen stated that the cities and towns in the area need to look past the cost and bite the bullet. Councilmember Tom Popla... Full story

  • Town will vacate lease on closed bowling alley

    Roger S Lucas|Jul 15, 2015

    The town of Coulee Dam has started proceedings to vacate the lease of Riverview Lanes Bowling Alley. The town council voted last Wednesday night to have its attorney start legal proceedings to abate the lease. The council learned last week that the owner of Riverview Lanes, Sherry Moore, has not made lease payments for three months and that water and electric utility services have been shut off. The town owns the building the bowling alley is located in and provides utility services. The building also houses the fire station, Melody Restaurant... Full story

  • Future of well-run festival questionable

    Roger S Lucas|Jul 15, 2015

    A Coulee Dam resident told the town council last week how well all the elements of the July 4 Festival of America celebration worked. Carol Netzel, who lives at the north end of Columbia Avenue, said that the town should write the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce a letter congratulating its officials and members on how well the celebration was planned and executed. Netzel told how polite people seemed and how the large number of visitors seemed to enjoy themselves. Netzel suggested that in future years parking areas might be... Full story

  • Foul vs. fowl issue not settled in Coulee Dam

    Roger S Lucas|Jul 15, 2015

    The chicken issue was a wash, but the need for a code enforcement officer gained momentum at the council session in Coulee Dam last Wednesday. The proposed “four hen” ordinance to allow keeping chickens in town made it through the first reading when Mayor Greg Wilder broke a 2-2 council tie vote. The chambers were crowded with about 30 folks attending, all anxious to see how the chicken issue would be resolved. There were the “fowl” folks and the “foul” folks, about equally divided. But as discussions expanded it became pretty clear that... Full story

  • Beer tent did not cause sky to fall

    Glo Carroll|Jul 15, 2015

    I had a unique opportunity to see first hand the impact of the Beer Tent during the Festival of America. THERE WAS NONE. NOTHING. There was NO negative impact. It was right here, I could hear it and see it. Before the Festival, people predicted there would be violence, loud activity, people using the town as a potty. NONE OF THAT HAPPENED. It was peaceful, pleasant, clean, respectful, and potties were delivered to the site and used. We can be so quick as a community to say NO because “In 1974 they tried it and so and so fought and such and s... Full story

  • Even local Facebook group sensitive on marijuana

    Tom Hawkins|Jul 15, 2015

    Things have certainly gotten interesting here in the Grand Coulee area, especially regarding cannabis issues. I got the R-76 petitions in the mail (only one packet finally arrived after Don Skakie had sent them multiple times via U.S. Postal Mail). It also appears that many of the folks who were active in the discussions about cannabis rights issues recently have gone back into “silent mode” following the Grand Coulee City Council decision to disallow legal cannabis business in our city. On the Facebook group “Grand Coulee Community Annou... Full story

  • Vibrant small towns embrace art and self-expression

    John Crabtree|Jul 15, 2015

    Pablo Picasso said the purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. And if you look in small towns and rural places you will find art and cultural expression in the most unlikely of places. Small towns develop art and cultural experiences to encourage tourism and create local economic opportunities, certainly. But they also recognize that successful efforts to revitalize their communities and mainstreets depend on something deeper than simple economics. No matter their size, thriving communities have an inner vibrancy, an... Full story

  • Backyard lessons from a man

    Jesse Utz|Jul 15, 2015

    My Grandpa Utz delivered the Wenatchee World newspaper locally after he retired. He was the local distributor and on many, many occasions I traveled with him as he drove around the Nespelem area spreading the written news. We had many conversations as we put miles on his little Chevy Luv and papers in your hands. The conversations were about music, (he was old school western fan) driving and many other subjects. He told me stories of his childhood and life in the military. He tried to instill in me the importance of work ethic and honor. As a... Full story

  • GCHS Class of 1965 reunion this weekend

    Jul 15, 2015

    Fifty Years ago - The Grand Coulee High School class of 1965 will be holding its reunion this weekend. Pictured from left - bottom row: John Flowers, Jerry Brenchley, Louise Sackett, Brina Racy, Mick McKinnon, Susan Alling, Harry Sharr, Dale Clark; 2nd row - Glenn Shear, Carleta Rawe, Jim Flowers, George Sanford, Terry Dunning, Mark Cunningham; 3rd row - Barbara Wilson, Gary Sanderson, Kerry Perkins, Peggy Carlson; 4th row - Dan Sutton, Susan Cunningham, Jim Crawford, Lila McKinnon, Wally... Full story

  • Florence Jean Aumick

    Jul 15, 2015

    Florence Jean Aumick, 97, was born April 2, 1918, in the Jewell County, Kan., sod-brick home of Edward Ray and Florence Ruth Pratt. Tuesday, July 7, 2015, from Grand Coulee, Wash., she left to join her Lord Jesus, whom Florence has faithfully served for so many years. Following her 1936 graduation from high school, Miss Florence Pratt married her life's love Edward B. Aumick in Omak, Wash.,on December 31, 1939. A faithful member of Grand Coulee's United Methodist Church, Florence was active in...

  • Ramona M. Peone

    Jul 15, 2015

    Ramona M. Peone 92, was born August 28, 1922, into the Northern California home of Thomas and Sadie D. Denman-Kibby and passed away in her Keller, Washington home on Monday, June 29, 2015. A proud member of the Wiyot Tribe of California, Ramona ("Blue Jay") to her California family), graduated high school in 1940 and thereafter worked painting airplanes in San Francisco, California. Six years later on August 10, 1946, Ramona married Charles E. Peone, Sr. in Kettle Falls, Washington. Ramona... Full story

  • It's a girl for Smith/Rizzonelli

    Jul 15, 2015

    AdriAnn Smith and Alan Rizzonelli of Grand Coulee are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Stormy Diem Rizzonelli born Friday, July 3, 2015, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 5 lbs., 4 oz., and was 18 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Caden Arnold 6, Damien Blake 9 and Jaxsin Rizzonelli 3. Maternal grandparents are Lori Hauser of Electric City and Robert and Shannon Smith of Waterville. Paternal grandparents are Alan Rizzonelli Sr., Ofie Poore and Jim Poore. Great-grandmother is Betty G... Full story

  • Police heroes at library Friday

    Jul 15, 2015

    The summer reading program is full swing at the Grand Coulee Public Library. It is for children 0-18. Sign up is free. You can sign up at: Upcoming events: Friday,July 17 - Police Heroes - 10:30 Wednesday, July 22 - Deb McVay - 10:30 Friday, July 24 - Firefighter Heroes - 10:30 Tuesday, July 28 - NCRL Puppeteers - 11:00 Friday, July 31 - Comic Con (Tweens & Teens) - 2 - 4... Full story

  • Replacing sidewalks on Main

    Jul 15, 2015

    Halme Builders crews replace sidewalks on Main Street in Grand Coulee Tuesday while businesses remain open. The $390,000 project, which includes Main and Federal sidewalks, is funded by a state Transportation Improvement Board grant. — Scott Hunter photo... Full story

  • Senior Menu for July

    Jul 15, 2015

    Senior Menu for July Wed., July 15 - Dinner Turkey & Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Fruit Salad, Pumpkin Dessert. Happy Birthday! Thurs., July 16 - Dinner Hamburger Steak & Onions, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Mixed Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, Parfait. Fri., July 17 - Breakfast German Sausage & Eggs, Hashbrowns, Toast, Fruit Bowl, Orange Juice. Mon., July 20 - Breakfast Sausage Links, Eggs, Pancakes, Fruit Bowl, Orange Juice. Tues., July 21 - Dinner Taco Salad, Fruit Bar, Ice Cream Wed., July 22 - Dinner Pork Roast, Mashed Potatoes &... Full story

  • Meetings and Notices

    Jul 15, 2015

    Chamber at the Senior Center The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will be meeting this Thursday, July 9, at noon, at the Senior Center on Main St., Grand Coulee. Darla Orr will be speaking about the Senior Center Meals Program. Care and Share Food Bank The food bank at the Church of the Nazarene normal operating hours are every Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. It is located at the Church of Nazarene, hwy 174, Grand Coulee. The bank still can use clean plastic grocery bags. Local AA Meetings Confused in the Coulee AA meetings are held on... Full story

  • Happy winners … and losers

    Jul 15, 2015

    High fives all around conclude a softball game in a local recreation league Tuesday night at North Dam Park. The Geezer Beachers got smoked by the Galaxy Smokes 16-4, but it was all good. More photos of the game are available online.... Full story

  • Shepard makes Dean's List

    Jul 15, 2015

    Phoenix Shephard son of Donna Deckman of Electric City, was placed on the Dean’s List for Spring Quarter 2015 at Central Washington University.... Full story

  • Golf Scores

    Jul 15, 2015

    MERCHANTS’ LEAGUE 2015 Team Gross Net 1. Grand Coulee Lodge 307 248.3 2. MorningStar 315 246.3 3. CTFC 320 230 4. Oasis 332 275.8 5. Eagle Cove 339 220.3 6. Slicers 345 231.3 7. Mama’s Boys 345 235 8. San Poil Valley 348 261.8 9. Omak State Farm 351 251 10. Lydig 352 242 11. C.D. Concrete 358 260.5... Full story

  • Legals for July 15, 2015

    Jul 15, 2015

    IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR OKANOGAN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN WESLEY COMBS SR., Deceased NO. 14-4-00108-7 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 The Personal Representative named below has been appointed Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal... Full story

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