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Washington State University Extension will begin a series of food preservation classes starting in August. The classes are for people who are just learning how to preserve food and also for veteran food preservers who need a refresher course to be sure the food they are preserving is done safely, according to Margaret A. Viebrock, WSU Extension Educator and class instructor. • Monday, August 6 - No Fear When Using a Pressure Canner This class will help eliminate the fear for using a dial or weighted gauge pressure canner. This session will a... Full story
Summer fun continues at the Grand Coulee Library with a “Constellation Craft” being held at 10 a.m. on Friday, July 20. There are also stories, crafts and reading challenges for all ages. Remember 10 hours of reading or being read to enters you into a drawing for a donated bicycle, plus you can win prizes along the way as you discover adventures and dreams through reading. Upcoming - • Friday July 27 at 10 a.m. - Master storyteller Deb McVay • Friday August 3 at 10 a.m. - NCRL Puppet Show • Wednesday August 8 at 10 a.m. - Kaleidosc... Full story
Local students making the Eastern Washington University dean’s list for Spring 2012 includes Brandon Collins, Cody Crim, Karah Duclos, Denise Ellenwood, Joshua Friesen, Jordon Heintz, Marlena Kennedy and Susan Peone.... Full story
With “We Serve” still its motto, the Grand Coulee Dam Lions Club club starting its 78th year with new challenges and new ideas. Rod Loch, of Coulee Dam has taken over the reins of the club this year, with John Nordine of Electric City as vice-president. They have accepted the challenge to lead this club into the future. Membership has been greatly reduced the past couple years for several reasons, and are looking forward to increasing the membership. The club has looked closely at projects of years past and have placed several on hold unt... Full story
by Al Camp, The Chronicle A reformed drag racer is becoming quite the terror at Republic’s Eagle Track. Steve Hood, who teaches automotive classes and coaches the wrestling team at Lake Roosevelt High School, added another first-place trophy racing his four-cylinder Ford Mustang. “It’s always a good deal when you win,” Hood said. “I’ve been racing up there for quite a while.” Hood, 55, initially got his taste for speed drag racing a 1968 Chevrolet Nova. “I got my arms twisted helping one of my automotive students (Leon Desautel) go up... Full story
The final plans for the Grand Coulee All-School Reunion Aug. 17-18 have been made, with a self-guided tour of the old high school from 10 a.m. to noon and then the potluck picnic at the North Dam Park on Saturday starting at noon and continuing till all are through talking and catching up with each other. There will be door prize drawings and live music starting at 5 p.m. The Friday night schedule for individual class get-togethers are tentatively set with a no-host buffet at Pepper Jack’s for all wishing to attend with a reservation; these c... Full story
Electric City is wading its way through the benefits package it provides its employees. Front and center is its vacation leave package, which is essentially a standard 40 hours (one work week) of vacation time after a year, two weeks from 2-5 years, three weeks from 6-12 years and four weeks after 13 years. The city credits employees by the month, such as 3.34 hours per month in the first year. It’s the fractions that bother Councilmember Birdie Hensley. She raised the concern at the July 10 council meeting, saying it was awkward figuring v... Full story
A Keller woman was sentenced July 16 to 120 months and one day in prison for discharging a firearm during a crime committed Oct. 2, 2011. United States Attorney Michael C. Ormsby, for the Eastern District of Washington, said Leona Sutton, 34, was sentenced for using a firearm during a crime of violence and assault with a deadly weapon. The Keller woman was sentenced by Judge William Fremming Nielsen, who ordered that after imprisonment she serve three years supervision by the court and pay restitution of $5,796.24. Sutton is an enrolled member... Full story
The Grand Coulee Dam School District board approved the resignations of Gary Darnold as 8th grade girls basketball coach at the Middle School and Brandon Byers as Lake Roosevelt’s head baseball coach. The board also approved the appointment of Randy Bowman as lead maintenance person for the district. The school board approved a contract with Fulcrum, a consulting company that did an air quality project at Center School for the district, and a hazardous material project at Wright Elementary, to work with IRS Environmental on the abatement of h... Full story
Grand Coulee Police 7/15 - Officer Dan Holland responded to a Regional Tactical Response Team call in Moses Lake and assisted in serving a search warrant for an armed gang member. The man was also known to be an illegal immigrant. Police found a woman in the house, but the man was not there. - Police were informed that a woman had a 9mm gun and planned to shoot someone. Police went to the area where the woman was supposed to be located and asked about her at a residence on Burdin Boulevard. The person there said the woman in question had left... Full story