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Articles from the August 7, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 29

  • Newsbriefs

    Aug 7, 2013

    Triathlon volunteers to meet A meeting of volunteers for the Grand Columbian Triathlon, scheduled for Sept. 21, has been set for Wednesday, Aug. 14, at the LaPresa Restaurant in Grand Coulee at 6:30 p.m. Dana Barkdull, of TriFreaks, the sponsoring firm, stated that it takes a lot of volunteers to put on the triathlon and asked everyone who would like to participate to attend the meeting. Group on bikes at meet and greet The Coulee Dam Community Church will host a group of bicyclists next week on a Rhode Island-to-Seattle trek to raise money... Full story

  • Dye test to be conducted at Grand Coulee Dam Thursday

    press release, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation|Aug 7, 2013

    The Bureau of Reclamation will conduct a dye test Aug. 8 at Grand Coulee Dam, the bureau announced in a press release Wednesday. The pool below the dam may be slightly discolored as engineers inject the upstream face of Grand Coulee Dam with biodegradable blue dye. The movement of the dye will help to determine the path of the seepage near the Right Powerplant, which has been present and slowly increasing for a number of years. Determining that path will aid engineers in the planning of future maintenance needs. The dye is safe for the...

  • Wilder leads in race for mayor

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 7, 2013

    Challenger Greg Wilder garnered 67 percent of the primary vote ended Tuesday night to place himself solidly in the general election race against Coulee Dam Mayor Quincy Snow. A third candidate, Shawn Derrick, placed third with 17 votes. Wilder picked up 160 primary votes to Snow’s 61. “I think the people sent a clear message,” Wilder said Tuesday night after the returns came in. The final count will be made on Friday, allowing time for ballots mailed at the last minute, Okanogan County election officials stated. A total of 238 ballots had b... Full story

  • Board to review energy grant, construction site

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 7, 2013

    The school board will meet tonight (Wednesday) in an informal setting with members getting a look at how the district’s energy grant was spent, and then given a walk-through of the new K-12 school site. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. and members of the board will meet at the Lake Roosevelt High School Industrial Arts Building. The meeting, officials said, will last about an hour and the public is invited to attend. The energy grant, just under a half million dollars, enables the district to upgrad... Full story

  • Fire cause still unknown

    Scott Hunter|Aug 7, 2013

    The cause of the fire that destroyed the Colville Tribes’ administration building July 29 is still unknown, Tribal Police Chief Cory Orr said Tuesday. Orr said private investigators had been unable as yet to determine a cause and federal investigators from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are continuing the investigation. The building’s charred remains all collapsed into the basement of the building, leaving a black pile of rubble to sift through. Investigators still have to do that, Orr noted. He said earlier sta... Full story

  • Shop suffers another break-in

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 7, 2013

    The Galaxy Smoke Shop has been broken into again. An employee, Jesus Lopez, said that he noticed the door ajar when he reported to work at 9:45 a.m., Sunday. Lopez reported that the door had been damaged around the deadbolt, and the door pushed in to gain entry. The shop was also burglarized July 18, and a 26-year-old, Michael Stead, was arrested after that break-in. When officers entered the building Sunday, they noticed that packs of cigarettes had been scattered all over. Some $80 in cash that had been lying under the cash register in plain... Full story

  • Ferry to be christened next week

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 7, 2013

    The Sanpoil, the new Keller Ferry, will be christened in special ceremonies Aug. 14, at the south shore terminal, officials reported. Ceremonies will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., after which the Sanpoil will go into service, replacing the Martha S. The $12 million 20-car ferry was built in pieces by Foss Maritime at its Rainier, Ore., plant and trucked to Grand Coulee for assembly at a special location at Crescent Bay. Monday the Sanpoil was out on Lake Roosevelt going through tests conducted for... Full story

  • College president touts successes

    Aug 7, 2013

    Just under a year ago, Terry Leas took over as president of Big Bend Community College, and he is impressed with the organization he has joined. Speaking to the Grand Coulee Dam Rotary Club Wednesday at the Siam Palace, Leas outlined the Moses Lake two-year college’s strengths and challenges. He said the people of the institution have impressed him with their commitment to finding out what works and pursuing it. “The college really works as a community, as members of a team,” focused on teaching... Full story

  • City's sidewalk projects growing

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 7, 2013

    The state’s Transportation Improvement Board came to town and Grand Coulee’s city council liked what they heard at their meeting Tuesday night. Executive Director Stevan Gorcester told the council that the TIB would be interested in assisting the city repair or replace sidewalks on Main Street and on Federal Avenue at a cost far beyond what a present grant is for. The TIB had okayed a sidewalk on Spokane Way, but when members found out that Center School was moving, the project was nixed. The city hurried and came up with a project to imp... Full story

  • Challenger leads in school board race

    Aug 7, 2013

    At least one Nespelem school board member could be in jeopardy of losing his seat after Tuesday’s primary election. Challenger Nancy J. Armstrong-Montes received 69 votes compared to 31 for longtime school board member Andrew C. Joseph, Jr. Joseph is also a member of the tribal Colville Business Council. A third candidate, Zekkethal “Val” Vargas-Thomas, got 11 votes. Montes is a retired school teacher and her strong primary support indicates that there might be interest in change for the district. The Position 5 seat is for four years. In an... Full story

  • Blaze guts Coulee Dam home

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 7, 2013

    A late night fire last Wednesday destroyed a home at 1131 Tilmus Street in Coulee Dam. The house was occupied by Gloria Simpson, and firefighters said that there were no injuries. The blaze was reported at 10:30 p.m., with fire units responding from Coulee Dam, Grand Coulee, the Bureau of Reclamation and Elmer City. Grand Coulee Fire Chief Richard Paris said that one room in the house was left pretty much intact, but the rest of the residence was lost. “It appears that 90 percent of the structure is gone,” Paris said. Investigation of the bla... Full story

  • Raptor knows best

    Aug 7, 2013

    Fledgling ospreys in a nest in Coulee Dam appear to be taking a parental lecture Monday morning, with Grand Coulee Dam’s Third Powerhouse in the background. — Scott Hunter photo... Full story

  • Altruism on Tilmus as neighbors help save a home

    RC Covington|Aug 7, 2013

    A week ago, I was recovering from knee replacement at Lincoln County Transitional Care Center in Davenport. The procedure had been done at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane. I experienced a reaction with unexpected outcomes that delayed my return home, so it was great to finally leave Davenport for my home of 30 years in Coulee Dam. I was only home a short while as I traveled regularly to Spokane to consult with my orthopaedist. I had no idea what was about to happen last week. Much of my time since coming home has been spent either resting or d... Full story

  • Re: "Safeway manager making changes"

    Lloyd Olbricht|Aug 7, 2013

    I would like to welcome the new Safeway manager, Mr. Ryan Dykes, to Coulee country. I'm sure Safeway has made a good choice in asking you to come and give them and us some much needed help. I know that you have already been asked to give us help with being able to afford to purchase local fuel. It is very disappointing to drive through our neighboring communities and see listed prices 30 cents lower than our hometown stations. My friends and I wish that Safeway would buy the nearby closed service station so we could afford to shop at home.... Full story

  • Season of lost husbands and the NFL

    Jesse Utz|Aug 7, 2013

    I have been addicted to fantasy football since I was in high school. There, I admitted it. That’s part of the healing process. I can now move on. At the worst part of the addiction I was in six or seven leagues at the same time. That was a stressful time and it made watching the games even more confusing. Now, I know some of you out there have no idea what I’m talking about and there are others that just salivate at the idea of a keeper league. Others, like wives or girlfriends of a team own... Full story

  • Reining in the Federal Government

    Cathy McMorris Rodgers|Aug 7, 2013

    When our country was founded, Thomas Jefferson declared that governments should only derive their power from the “consent of the governed.” Four score and seven years later, at Gettysburg, President Abraham Lincoln reminded us that ours was a government “of the people, by the people, for the people.” Last week, the House of Representatives paid worthy tribute to the legacy of our Founding Farmers. We have renewed our commitment to putting people before politics. Last week, House Republicans took legislative action to curb an out-of-control, ove... Full story

  • Coulee Recollections

    Aug 7, 2013

    Ten Years Ago At the Coulee Community Hospital district meeting July 30, Director of Nursing Services Bev Haffner said CCH has already delivered 92 babies this year at the hospital. The hospital had only projected 56 baby deliveries through 2003. At the Village Cinema - Pirates of the Caribbean. Kids from the Grand Coulee Dam Area and Nespelem will spend next week playing a game based on the television show “Survivor.” The Grand Coulee Dam Program called Survivor 21st Century will pit teams of h... Full story

  • Angelia Ann (Angie) McKay

    Aug 7, 2013

    Angelia Ann (Angie) McKay of Keller, Wash., passed away on Monday, July 29, 2013 outside Elmer City, following an automobile accident. She was born on March 17, 1950, in Oklahoma City, Okla., to Marion and Jacqueline Burrows. Angelia enjoyed soaking in the hot tub, playing dominos and cards with friends, reading, the outdoors, Bible study and prayer groups and crafting flower arrangements. She was a member of the Keller Community Church, where she did “We Care Ministries” in the nursing hom... Full story

  • Class of '73 to celebrate

    Aug 7, 2013

    Lake Roosevelt High School class of 1973 will hold its 40th class reunion the weekend of August 9 – 10. Friday, Aug. 9, a get-together at Pepper Jack’s will begin at 7 p.m. Saturday a final visit of LRHS will be held from 11 a.m. to noon. From 6 to 6:30 p.m. a get-together starts at the Electric City Bar and Grill. A taco bar will be available. Then on Sunday, Aug. 11, a breakfast buffet will be held at the Electric City Bar and Grill beginning at 10 a.m.... Full story

  • It's a boy for O'Dell and Jackson

    Aug 7, 2013

    Mercedes O’Dell and Jacob Jackson of Coulee Dam are proud to announce the birth of their son Kato Capone Jackson on Saturday, July 27, 2013, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. He weighed 8 lbs., 5.2 oz., and was 21 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Ryder Waters and Jacoby Jackson. Maternal grandparents are Vanessa O’Dell and Anthony Miguel. Paternal grandparents are James and Jeannie Jackson. Great-grandmother is Laurie O’Dell.... Full story

  • Busy at the beach

    Aug 7, 2013

    Tru and Carol Cole, 8 and 4, swim at Crescent Bay Tuesday as yellow jackets prowled the sandy beach. The water was the only safe place, commented their mother. — Scott Hunter photo... Full story

  • Meetings and Notices

    Aug 7, 2013

    Chamber to Meet The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will meet this Thursday August 8, at noon at Siam Palace in Grand Coulee. Ivan Snavely from the Grand Coulee Dam Visitor Center will talk about working at the VC. Grant County Mosquito District 2 to Meet Grant County Mosquito District 2 will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 7 (tonight) at 7 p.m. at the Electric City City Hall. Owner to Speak on Grant County Journal The Grant County Historical Society will hold a board meeting Tuesday, August 13, at 11 a.m. at the... Full story

  • Legal Notices for August 7, 2013

    Aug 7, 2013

    City of Electric City NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORT SUBDIVISION: The City of Electric City has received an application for a SHORT SUBDIVISON on the project listed below. This public notice is consistent with the requirements of ECMC Chapter 19.07.070.This notice is only intended to inform all interested parties of the proposed project and to seek comments from the public. It does not indicate approval of the proposed project. Comments will be taken until August 22, 2013. Date of Application: July 16, 2013, Determination of Completeness:... Full story

  • Safety and education are highlighted during Keller Play Day

    Aug 7, 2013

    July 27, 2013 – The Keller Community Club hosted the Annual Keller Play Day, at the Keller Rodeo Grounds. Twenty-seven youths, along with their parents/guardians, came together for a day of horse education, fun and games. Activities were provide for those on horseback, as well as those who participate in the 4-H Horseless Horse Project and for youths that do not own a horse but are interested in learning about them. Community volunteers provided arena activities that included barrel racing, p... Full story

  • July was flat out hot

    Bob Valen|Aug 7, 2013

    I’m still wiping my brow of perspiration from all that heat. The National Weather Service reported some near- and new-high temperature records throughout the region. Here at the home weather station we had a new record of 102.3°F on July 2. We recorded a total of 18 days at or above the 90°F mark. We didn’t come close to the all-time high of 113°F that occurred in 1939. Our low for the month was on the 13th at 52.9°f. Precipitation was a measly 0.29 inches, well below the mean of 0.48 inches.... Full story

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