Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
A series of wildland fires around the region the last two weeks have kept fire fighting agencies busy and yesterday prompted a burning ban in Grant County. A nearly 2,000-acre fire about 15 miles south of Inchelium has been 65 percent contained, the Northwest 9 Management team reported Tuesday. Evacuation levels have been reduced to level one throughout the fire region, fire officials reported. The Kewa blaze started Aug. 2, and has burned 1,912 acres of rangeland and timber. The NW 9 Management incident commander, Brian Goff, reported that...
The chamber of commerce's Economic Development Council (EDC) received an unusually strong response to a consolidation survey mailed to 2,235 residents and placed online in June. Some 546 residents responded, a 24.4-percent return. Such surveys need only generate about a 6-percent response to be considered statistically valid, information garnered by the chamber states. The subject, consolidation of local towns and cities, is not unfamiliar to residents who have been around here awhile....
Phase two of the facelift of Electric City's municipal building was completed last Wednesday with the hanging of a new sign, and there's more to come. City officials have stated that the 2017 budget will include money to replace windows and doors to city hall. Former mayor Jerry Sands got it started a few years ago with work inside that included painting, new carpet, and refitting city council chambers with a remodeled conference table and new chairs, all at bargain basement prices. Reached...
The Grand Coulee Dam School District approved the contracts of two new coaches at Lake Roosevelt High School and a fourth grade teacher for the elementary school. Approved Monday, during a special meeting, were Casey Moore, for girls’ soccer, and Loren Endsley as head football coach. Moore, who works for the Colville Tribes, recently convinced the school board to offer girls’ soccer this fall for Lake Roosevelt athletes. The board approved the proposal and found some $21,500 to begin the program. Turnouts begin Aug. 22. Six schools in the North...
About 300 alumni at the Coulee Dam All-Class Reunion gather in the bleachers for a photo Saturday afternoon. With about 500 attending the gathering, which had confirmations from schoolmates from as far back as the class of 1943, the gathering cleared expenses by about $3,000, which will be donated to the Lake Roosevelt High School athletic fund, organizer Bert Smith wrote on the group's Facebook page. - Scott Hunter photo...
There’s a good chance there will be a significant meteor shower beginning Thursday night and possibly extending for the next two nights. Experts think the annual Perseid meteor event could provide a great display this year, up to 200 meteors an hour, because Jupiter’s gravity will force them nearer to earth. Peak viewing should occur after midnight Thursday into Friday morning. If you miss it, or it inspires you, the next two nights also offer a local opportunity to delve into deep space. Janice Elvidge, education specialist for the Lake Roosev...
The volume of cases and restrictions on sentencing imposed by the state Legislature are two handicaps on his office, Grant County Prosecuting Attorney Garth Dano told chamber of commerce members at a recent meeting. Dano started out by asking chamber members if they wanted to pay more taxes, to a negative response. Then he pointed out that his office is working with three fewer lawyers than when he took office a year and a half ago. Budgets are indeed a factor in how long it takes to handle and...
Remember that old song from our younger days, which we would just keep singing and singing as we rode the bus to school or on a field trip? I was reminded of that song at a Public School Employees (PSE) Conference over the weekend. I sat at a table with a few drivers from the Wenatchee area who knew my Aunt Mickey, a now-retired bus driver, as we listened to how the whole state has a driver shortage. That got me thinking a little bit about the importance and the impact of the driver of the yellow bus that took us to and from school. First off,...
Due to the increasing expenses and no rate increase in the last five years, the Grand Coulee City Council approved a $3.68 per month increase in its water rates. But on the plus side, the minimum charge per gallon of usage was increased from 6,000 to 8,000 gallons on 5/8-inch and 1-inch meters. This was passed at the last council meeting and public hearing. Please note that there were no citizens in attendance to question this increase. Thank you, Paul Townsend Grand Coulee Mayor...
Having recently lost a father to the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s Disease, I feel strongly about the importance of research to prevent and cure this horrible disease. Alzheimer’s is currently the most expensive disease in America, not only in terms of medical care costs, but the negative financial and emotional impact it has on family members of Alzheimer’s Disease patients. Alzheimer’s will cost more than $236 billion this year alone. Not to mention the threat it poses to the long-term financial viability of the Medicare & Medicai...
When Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Rep. Morton were praising Teck Cominco for their polluting the Columbia River and Lake Roosevelt, Joe Pakootas sued the Canadian firm and is responsible for a landmark decision to protect international boundaries and stopped the polluting of heavy metals into our rivers. Cathy also voted in Congress to not hold Monsanto liable for the PCBs and runoff from their chemical product into the Spokane River. Was the fact that she was raised in Hazelton, British Columbia, and the chase for the almighty dollar what...
Theodore Roosevelt, who championed the cause of conservation during his presidency, once said, “Conservation means development as much as it does protection. I recognize the right and duty of this generation to develop and use the natural resources of our land; but I do not recognize the right to waste them, or to rob, by wasteful means, the generations that come after us.” We have a responsibility, not simply to preserve the natural world around us, but to improve the economic condition of the communities that depend on natural resources and...
Grand Coulee High School Class of 1966, 12-year vets – From left: back row – Rick McClain, Chuck Perkins, Fred Manzer, Sherry Adams, Ronda La Pierce, Jenny Gobin, Eva Warner, John Weber, Marvin Palanuk; second row – Mike Allen, Dick Behrens, Connie Perry, Ron Kosloski, Randy Sanderson; front row – Donna Hart, Joanne Lacy, Sue Jasper, Marilyn Seresun, Bunny Rice....
A Celebration of Life will be held for Lori Garcia, Sunday, August 14, 1 p.m., at the Eagles Lodge in Grand Coulee, Washington. Come join family and friends for a potluck and karaoke. Lori passed away Thursday, May 26, 2016, at 1:12 p.m., at Hospice Home of Spokane, Washington, after a 10-year battle with cancer....
Darsilla (Darcy) Lee Mast, 72, died Monday, June 27, 2016, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. She was born August 17, 1943, in Tonasket, Washington, to parents Ralph and Dardenella Netherton. Darsilla was raised in Oroville and graduated from Oroville High in 1961. After graduating, she married Ralph Mast. In their 54 years of marriage, Darcy and Ralph, a park manager, lived in many different Washington State Parks around the state. Upon retiring in 1998, they settled in Coulee City, Washington, where Darsilla became active...
Viola Freda Golden passed away Monday, August 1, 2016, in Colville, Washington. She was born April 30, 1931, in Glendive, Montana, to Henry and Ida (Morast) Raab. Viola was a hardworking, Christian woman and loving mother. She lived for many years in Coulee Dam where she worked at the Green Hut Café, the school kitchens, as well as for the National Park Service at Spring Canyon and in the headquarters building. Viola is survived by her children: April (Ken) Outland, San D Sparks (Diane...
Long-retired former Grand Coulee Dam School District superintendent Jim Keene and new superintendent Paul Turner putt Thursday evening at Banks Lake Golf Course during a Rotary Club best-ball scramble. - Scott Hunter photo...
Washington State University Extension announces a series of food preservation classes starting in August. The classes are for people just learning how to preserve food and for veteran food preservers who need a refresher course to be sure the foods they are preserving are done safely, according to Margaret A. Viebrock, WSU Extension Educator and class instructor. Classes to be offered are: • Tuesday, August 23 – “No Fear When Using a Pressure Canner.” This class will help eliminate the fear of using a dial or weighted gauge pressure canner....
Chamber This Week The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will be meeting at noon this Thursday, August 11, at the Eagles Lodge in Grand Coulee. Ron Mackie of NCI Datacom will be speaking about the internet opportunities his company can bring to the local area. Care and Share Food Bank Is Open Fridays The food bank at the Church of the Nazarene has normal operating hours every Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. It is located at the Church of Nazarene, Hwy 174, Grand Coulee. The bank still can use clean, plastic grocery bags. Local AA Meetings...
Coulee Dam has narrowed the field of candidates for a new chief of police to two, the mayor said Tuesday. The top candidates, from an original field of five, are Mark Farrel, a recently-retired colonel from Pinedale, Wyoming, and Paul Bowden, who has served as chief in Wilbur for two years. Farrel currently lives in the Seattle area. Bowden is the husband of the Coulee Dam town clerk, Stefani Bowden. Mayor Greg Wilder said the town’s civil service commission had forwarded three candidates for his consideration. He put together an interview c...
Grand Coulee Police 7/28 - An employee at Coulee Gas reported they had found several 5-gallon grease cans in their dumpster. The cans had a label of a firm in Omak on them. The firm was notified. - A man on Williams Avenue in Electric City told police that he had left his garage door open to help keep the house cool while he was out of town. When he returned, a gas can filled with gas was missing. He estimated the loss at $70. - A woman on School Avenue in Electric City informed police that when she was cleaning out her trailer a young man had...
Big reunion starts Friday The 2016 Grand Coulee All- School Reunion is here this week. All former Grand Coulee School District students, teachers and employees are invited to gather at North Dam Park at 7 p.m., Friday night, to renew old friendships. On Saturday the group is invited to tour the old high school (most recently the middle school) and the new Lake Roosevelt School. The Saturday potluck will be at noon Saturday at North Dam Park, and music is scheduled at 8 p.m. that evening at Electric City Bar and Grill. Horse equipment needed A...