News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Articles from the August 21, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • Electric City citizens want water cleared

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    Complaints of brown water and chlorine smells in Electric City’s water supply brought a large number of residents to the city council meeting Aug. 13. Lillian and Jay Sooter, of 103 Sunset Drive, questioned the city’s response to brown water from their tap and a smell of chlorine so strong that they had to use bottled water. Jay Sooter said the smell of chlorine was so bad that he couldn’t take his pills with city water. Ted Christianson, who also lives on Sunset, said he had to buy bottled water to drink and to cook with. He asked the counc...

  • Powerful storm hits area

    Scott Hunter|Aug 21, 2013

    A powerful storm packing high winds and lightning has knocked out power in parts of Grand Coulee and Coulee Dam. Sketchy reports, unconfirmed have come in about trees down all over, some across mobile homes in Lakeview Terrace , transformers knocked out in Coulee Dam and Grand Coulee. Highway 155 from Coulee Dam to Grand Coulee is blocked due to a downed powerline near Pole Park and likely will be for 5-6 hours. Another line is down at the south edge of the town of Coulee Dam at SR-155 and Grant Avenue, but there is a detour down Stevens...

  • State won't fund smaller sewer plant project

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    Coulee Dam’s wastewater treatment project is apparently dead, at least for now. The town’s plan to build a $4.92 million plant was derailed by objections from town residents, and the council’s decision to go for a less expensive first phase was shot down by the state Department of Ecology. Council members appeared stunned last Wednesday night when a letter from the DOE, the lending agency, stated that the town’s interest in a scaled down project was denied. “To change the scope of a funded project after it has gone through a statewide...

  • Newsbriefs

    Aug 21, 2013

    Car wash to benefit team The Lake Roosevelt Raiders will hold a car wash Saturday from 11:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the NCNB bank parking lot. Go Raider, clean cars. Picnic date changed A community-type picnic for Coulee Dam and Elmer City residents scheduled for Aug. 24, has been rescheduled for Sept. 21, organizer Gloria Carroll said Monday. The delay will allow more candidates in the local election to attend, she said. Purpose of the gathering is to give residents of the two towns an opportunity to know each other better, and for candidates...

  • Guiding girders in place

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    A crane lowers the cap into place on the elementary school portion of the new K-12 school building project Monday. A worker at the top of the structure helps guide the girder in place. A number of activities, including pouring concrete, building the retaining wall, and getting the high school side of the project ready for steel framing, are all going on at the same time....

  • Chamber pitches aggressive tourism campaign

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    Chamber of commerce Manager Peggy Nevsimal presented an aggressive promotion program for 2014 to the Electric City council last Tuesday night. Electric City, as well as Grand Coulee and Coulee Dam, finances part of the chamber’s tourism promotion activities with hotel/motel taxes collected for that purpose. Nevsimal outlined a $62,000 promotion schedule for the upcoming year, nearly double the chamber’s $34,000 promotional efforts in 2013. She pointed out that lodging establishments are 70 percent empty in the winter and 20 percent empty dur...

  • Bank of America to close Friday for good

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    Bank of America will close its Coulee Dam branch at 4 p.m., Friday, Aug. 23. The move was announced by B of A some months ago. News that Washington Federal had purchased 51 of the branches being closed by Bank of America in the state brought temporary hope to local customers, but that was quickly dashed. The Bank of America ATM machine is also on the way out. A spokesman for the Duclos family, owners of the building, said Monday that the B of A machine will not remain. The office space is available for rent. Calls to Bank of America’s public i...

  • New Keller ferry is up and running

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    An Electric City couple was the first to board the new Keller Ferry, the Sanpoil, last Wednesday when it made its inaugural trip between Lincoln and Ferry County connecting SR-21. Lowell and Birdie Hensley were among some 200 people who gathered near the ferry to see Sanpoil elder Jeanne Jarred break the traditional bottle of champagne against the hull. This time the bottle was full of a non-alcohol beverage. The Sanpoil pieces were trucked to Crescent Bay in Grand Coulee for assembly and testing. Scores of local residents watched the Sanpoil...

  • Bear visits town

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    A bear that wandered into Coulee Dam caused a little excitement for occupants of the Columbia View Apartments and later for residents on Tilmus Street. Police got the call from dispatch center about a bear near the apartment complex, but when police got there it had moved on to Tilmus. Robert Loch, who resides at 1137 Tilmus, advised police that the bear was in his backyard. Police described the bear as a “large black bear.” Police were joined by a tribal officer who requested a tribal resource officer be called to deal with the bear. The res...

  • Grand Coulee's bomb dog retiring

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    Grand Coulee Police Department’s “bomb” dog Potter is being retired. Potter is handled by police officer Sean Cook, the second dog handled by him since he has been in the department. The city council Tuesday night passed a resolution declaring the dog surplus after nearly nine years service here. Potter and Cook have answered calls all over the United States, even once going to provide cover at a PGA golf tournament at Pebble Beach, Calif. Potter was present at the council meeting, and made the rounds greeting Mayor Chris Christopherson, City...

  • School board takes stock of energy project

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    Members of the school board and district officials tour the Lake Roosevelt High School industrial arts shop Aug. 7 as part of a special meeting. Directors saw the results of a McKinstry project that put in air quality equipment and energy-saving lights from a near half-million dollar grant. The shop, with some updating, will remain as part of the new K-12 school complex project now underway. McKinstry, a Spokane firm, specializes in energy saving projects....

  • Schools prepare to re-open

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    School bells are about to ring. The Grand Coulee Dam School District opens its door to students next Tuesday. The start of school will see three new faces as principals of the various schools. Newcomer Ronanda M. Liberty takes over as principal at the Grand Coulee Dam Middle School, after being hired this summer to take over from Brandon Byers who moves to Lake Roosevelt High School. He replaces Brad Wilson who left the district to take a position with the Chelan School District. Lisa Lakin, while not new at Center Elementary, starts her year a...

  • Local quilt will head to big event

    Roger S Lucas|Aug 21, 2013

    Marlene Oddie, of Grand Coulee, is a semi-finalist in the American Quilter’s Society “QuiltWeek” show set for Oct. 2-5, in Des Moines, Iowa. Her quilt “Rosie’s Bomb” will compete with 176 others in the annual contest. First-, second- and third-place honors will go to quilters in five categories, a press release from the AQS national museum in Paducah, Kent. stated. Best of show will receive $10,000, with best hand, machine and longarm workmanship receiving $5,000 each. A total of $44,000 wil...

  • Raymond J. Zowada, U. S. Army – Colonel (Retired)

    Aug 21, 2013

    Ray was born July 1, 1922, in Kooi, Wyoming, to Joseph and Theresa (Washut) Zowada. He died on August 10, 2013, at Coulee Medical Center, Grand Coulee, Wash. Ray was raised in Sheridan, Wyoming, and graduated from Sheridan High School where he was a member of the National Honor Society and excelled in football and track. He attended Creighton University on a football scholarship and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in accounting. He played football for Creighton and received an offer to try out w...

  • Martha Finch

    Aug 21, 2013

    Martha Finch, age 95, of Hayden, Idaho, (formerly of Grand Coulee, Washington) passed away at Hayden Valley Assisted Living, on Thursday, August 8, 2013. Martha Eliszibetha Hirsch Mundt Finch was born at her family’s homestead, Crow Rock Dawson County, Montana, north of Miles City to Jacob and Anna Margaretha (Redman) Hirsch on May 31, 1918. Martha grew up on the homestead, the fifth of ten siblings On December 20, 1946, she married Boyd Douglas Finch in Boise, Idaho. During their 39-year m...

  • Audrey R. Aanenson 1915--2013

    Aug 21, 2013

    Audrey Aanenson of Auburn, WA passed away peaceably in Seattle on August 4th in the presence of her sons. Audrey was preceded in death by Henry Aanenson, her loving husband of more than 50 years. She is survived by her three sons, Jim Aanenson (San Jose, CA), Chuck Aanenson (Seattle), and Bill Aanenson (Seattle), and eight grandchildren. Audrey, born in Ada, Minn. and Henry Aanenson born in Nielsville Minn., married in 1938. They departed Minnesota settling in Pullman and Coulee Dam (1946)...

  • James Dean Davis

    Aug 21, 2013

    James Dean (JamesZee) Davis entered into eternal peaceful rest on Monday, July 29, 2013, at Coulee Medical Center. He was born on July 3, 1958, to Moses W. Davis, Sr. and Agnes Andrews at the Coulee Dam Hospital. He attended the Nespelem School and was proud to be a “Savage”, where he was a member of the basketball team and had earned an MVP; Columbia Jr. High at Coulee Dam where he was a pitcher on the Mustangs baseball team; Grand Coulee Dam Jr. High at Grand Coulee; Lake Roosevelt High Sch...

  • Turtles, moose and bear, Oh my!

    Jesse Utz|Aug 21, 2013

    Living in Coulee Country can surprise you sometimes. During the last few weeks I was reminded that we do live in the country. Maybe not extreme rural America, but we do have the luxury of seeing some wild critters in our back yards, or if we take a little drive and keep our eyes open we can see some real special creatures. Since hunting season is just around the corner, I have been doing some driving around to see what kind of deer are roaming around. On one of these trips Karrie and I came...

  • Consolidation editorial struck home

    Lura Anne Hartman|Aug 21, 2013

    You can’t realize how pleased I was to read your editorial this week. It was Rod’s dream that all of the small communities might join together to make a stronger town (or should it be city?) which would benefit everyone living in the area. He had arranged for a special grant, hiring a research group from (I think it was WSU) who researched all the possibilities and benefits which could be had. I believe there was a vote on it, but the lack of desire to change by a great majority of the communities made it impossible to spend more time and mon...

  • Support for post appreciated

    Cindy Jayne American Legion Post commander|Aug 21, 2013

    American Legion Post #157 would like to thank everyone who has donated items to and/or shopped at our annual yard sale, this year. Because of you, we have had another outstanding year! Our post depends on the yard sale funds to keep our post going and open to ALL Veterans and our community. Our last yard sale, this year will be a two-day event. We will be open on Saturday August 31st and Sunday, September 1st. We are no longer accepting donations for this year. But, please, remember us for next summer! Although we are no longer accepting...

  • Power lines are killing birds

    Bob Valen|Aug 21, 2013

    Sadly, this morning, I found yet another causality of the high tension power lines that cross over North Dam Park. Since I’ve been walking the area, about eight or nine months, I’ve witnessed three bird fatalities. The first was a dead Canada goose, second was a dead gull species and today, a night hawk. Though still alive and breathing heavily, it was obviously in bad shape. I moved it into the grass and off the gravel road. My observations are, at best, casual. Interestingly, all the bir...

  • Corrections due on Ryan Hunt article

    Capt Ryan Hunt|Aug 21, 2013

    Sir, appreciate the article you wrote on my brother’s and my behalf. However, I wanted to make you aware of a couple of mistakes in the article. I apologize for any confusion on my part. 1. In regards to my deployment history: I have deployed to Iraq twice and Afghanistan twice. The way paragraph three reads is unclear potentially to some readers. 2. I never received the second Bronze Star Meritoriously for being a team leader of an 18-man team. I received the second Bronze Star with Valor for actions against enemy forces as a Company C...

  • Push for change on reservation

    Truman Covington|Aug 21, 2013

    An article on the front page of the just-out Tribal Tribune (The Administration Building) recounts words of past tribal council Chairman Mel Tonasket. The article began: “This is a simple message...” That article went on to further quote Chairman Tonasket: “The message is simply to walk with pride and to hold your head up high, for we have survived 100 years of oppression, depression, paternalism, discrimination, and internal conflicts.” Little did Chairman Tonasket suspect that those very words would still apply to the Colville Confede...

  • Coulee Recollections

    Aug 21, 2013

    Ten Years Ago A tense situation came to a peaceful conclusion last Thursday as a Coulee Dam girl, who was feared missing returned safely. Approximately 40 minutes after Tonya Timentwa reported that her 4 year-old daughter Alahna Timentwa was missing, the girl returned to the 1101 Camas Street home. A Grand Coulee Dam Area woman cut off four of her fingers and was still able to drive herself to Coulee Community Hospital for assistance. CR Lumber owner Cindy Corpe said the accident occurred on July 26 while she was cutting stakes for the Mt....

  • Legal Notices for August 21, 2013

    Aug 21, 2013

    IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF OKANOGAN THE ESTATE OF JEAN H. GREEN, DECEASED JAMES P. GREEN JR., PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, Plaintiff, v. THE ESTATES OF GILBERT H. PARLET and/or RACHEL C. PARLET, husband and wife, both deceased, and their heirs, successors, and assigns; Also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint filed herein, Defendants. NO. 13-2-00399-8 AMENDED SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION * * * * * * * * * * *...

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