Sorted by date Results 26 - 28 of 28
Grand Coulee Police 8/29 - A resident in Grand Coulee reported that a suspicious man had been in their yard and also looked into the window of a neighbor. The complainant asked police that he be permanently banned from the property. Police checked on the subject, who was living in a travel trailer, and advised him that city code doesn’t allow living in a travel trailer. He denied doing anything wrong and said the trailer would be moved soon. - Police checked on two men who were parked near a storage unit in Electric City only to find that t... Full story
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Columbia Basin Hydropower Project No. 14329-002 NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE LICENSE APPLICATION, FILING OF PRE-APPLICATION DOCUMENT, APPROVING USE OF THE TRADITIONAL LICENSING PROCESS (August 31, 2016) a. Type of Filing: Notice of Intent to File License Application and Request to Use the Traditional Licensing Process. b. Project No.: 14329-002 c. Date Filed: June 27, 2016 d. Submitted By: Columbia Basin Hydropower e. Name of Project: Banks Lake Pumped Storage Project f. Location: On... Full story
Josiah Desautel runs it in for the second touchdown of the game, in the second quarter, against Manson in Coulee Dam. The Raiders were up by 26-0 at the half. The Raiders won 40-14. Watch for Jacob Wagner's sports coverage in The Star Wednesday. Find out more about all the Raider teams in our fall sports special section inside The Star this week....