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Articles from the September 23, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 15 of 15

  • Local science teacher launches weather balloon 87,000 feet high

    Jacob Wagner|Sep 23, 2020

    Local science teacher Derrick Johnson launched a helium weather balloon that went up in the sky over 87,000 feet to "near space," a place "where you and I would not survive, no matter how much oxygen we would breathe or how many coats we would put on," Johnson told The Star in an email. A video on YouTube shows the flight as the balloon goes up and up, showing Lake Roosevelt and Banks Lake, as well as other surrounding areas from a greater and greater distance, eventually showing the curvature...

  • Students to be able to access computer labs at LR

    Sep 23, 2020

    Students at Lake Roosevelt will soon be able to use the computer labs at the school. A Sept. 24 update from Superintendent Paul Turner says that beginning Oct. 1, because Okanogan county is at about 18 cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 populations, meeting requirements from county health directors to open the school further, that students will be able to take advantage of the schools computer labs. The four labs in the high school and one lab in the elementary school will be able to accommodate 50 students total at a time, Turner's update says. A... Full story

  • Grand Coulee city council meeting on Zoom on Thursday

    Sep 23, 2020

    The Grand Coulee City Council meeting that was cancelled on Tuesday has been rescheduled for Thursday, Sept. 24 at 6 p.m., to be conducted via ZOOM at . Items on the agenda include: A discussion on the wastewater agreement with Electric City; a Chamber of Commerce fundraiser discussion; fire awareness/risk management; a discussion about using federal COVID relief dollars to help small businesses; and more.... Full story

  • Superintendent: "School is nuts right now"

    Jacob Wagner|Sep 23, 2020

    Operating a public school during the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t easy, but optimism remains with the COVID incidence rate in Okanogan County being low right now. As if to underscore the challenges, regional internet service for many went down Tuesday night, right before the Grand Coulee Dam School Board was to meet, via Zoom, to consider whether to partially open in-school teaching. “Everybody’s totally stressed out, it’s been totally nuts,” Superintendent Paul Turner had said Monday over the phone about the new, currently online-only school ye...

  • Branch faces Beeman for Okanogan Dist. 1 commissioner

    Sep 23, 2020

    In Okanogan County, the Commissioner District #1 race is between incumbent Chris Branch of Omak, who lists no party preference, and Shauna Beeman, a Republican from Omak. Voters will choose between them on the Nov. 3 ballot for the commissioner who represents District 1, which extends south to Coulee Dam. Branch "The basis for my work as a County Commissioner is thoughtful action based on engagement and learning," Branch, who has been in office since 2016, says on his website. "To learn, it is...

  • A history of the Grand Coulee Community Church

    Darlene Dittmer|Sep 23, 2020

    In 1933, people of all denominations were flocking to the area and it was soon realized that the people, especially the children, needed Christian guidance. A worship center was set up in the school in 1933, but the people knew a church building would soon be needed. The Washington Council of Churches was notified, and a collection taken from several Council of Churches denominations who thought it a worthy endeavor, although after the construction project was ended, it was thought, "the town...

  • Local COVID numbers continue decline

    Jacob Wagner|Sep 23, 2020

    COVID-19 cases seem to be going down in the area, with Okanogan County meeting requirements that would allow it to open up more. Counties need an incidence rate of 25 cases or fewer per population of 100,000 in the past 14 days to move forward a phase in the Washington Safe Start Recovery plan. And to partially open in-person schooling, that rate must not exceed 75. Here are the latest data for COVID-19 in Grant, Okanogan, Lincoln, and Douglas (GOLD) counties. As of Sept. 22, Okanogan County had 1,042 total cases, including 13 deaths. There... Full story

  • Will the real Republican Party please stand?

    Jack Stevenson|Sep 23, 2020

    America needs a Republican Party that represents ordinary people and solves extraordinary problems. That would be a political party whose policies command a clear majority of votes cast in a national election. The Republican Party got under way during the administration of President Abraham Lincoln. Republican legislators produced a national graduated income tax to distribute the burden of cost of government in an equitable manner. To raise additional money, the government sold bonds directly to individuals, thus circumventing the sometimes-gre...

  • Coronavirus compounds

    Don Brunell|Sep 23, 2020

    What happens in China doesn’t always stay in China. We learned that a couple of years ago when the Chinese stopped buying massive volumes of the world’s used paper, plastics and textiles; and, again last March when the coronavirus escaped Wuhan and spread across the planet. Like other nations, China is struggling with the deadly Covid-19 virus and suffocating under mountains of trash its residents generate each day. Wuhan hospitals generated six times as much medical waste at the peak of the out...

  • What can you expect from a $50 dog?

    Roger Lucas|Sep 23, 2020

    You see, I have this dog, by accident I remind you. Ten years ago I stopped and bought a dog from someone selling pups from the trunk of their car. The plan was for the pup to go to my great granddaughter, Kaylee. That lasted about two or three days and to my dismay the pup landed at my house. Well, I should have known better because Kaylee was only 6 at the time. It was a she dog, and I made my second mistake; I had the dog spayed. I should have planned a batch of pups so I could get my money back. I can’t see me selling pups out of my t...

  • The mighty Paul Bunyan

    Dan Bolyard, Them Dam Writers online 2020|Sep 23, 2020

    Construction was started on October 13, 1938 of the first boat to navigate what would become Lake Roosevelt. The project was started on the east shore of the forebay, just above the dap. It was to be 64 feet long, with a 24-foot beam and designed to draw 5 feet of water. The boat, which was sponsored by the Bureau of Reclamation, was also going to be used by the Works Progress Administration to help clear debris from the lakebed of the future reservoir. Afterwards it was to be used for...

  • Legals for September 23, 2020

    Sep 23, 2020

    Town of Coulee Dam Notice of Public Meeting Comprehensive Plan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Meeting will be held to provide an update and take public comment on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan. This informational Public Meeting will be held via teleconference during the regularly scheduled Council Meeting on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 6:00p.m. Teleconference access information can be obtained at or by calling Town Hall during regular business hours 509-633-0320. Stefani Bowden Clerk/Treasurer... Full story

  • Coulee Cops

    Sep 23, 2020

    Grand Coulee Police 9/12 - A Cardinal Road man was punched after he told another man walking down the street not to kick a dog, which angered that man, leading to a fight that was about even, according to the first man. 9/15 - Police went to a Section Place residence where yelling was reported, possibly a woman asking someone to call the police, according to the party who did call. Police arrived to find two men playing video games. The men said the noise came from them “talking trash” while playing the games. Police were allowed to look around...

  • Talk about suicide openly to prevent it

    Sep 23, 2020

    September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and while the topic of suicide is sensitive, it’s important that we talk about it openly to remove the stigma, learn how we can support those who are vulnerable, and help prevent it. According to the University of Washington School of Social Work, suicide is the eighth leading cause of death in our state. Nationwide, more than 48,000 people in the United States died by their own hands in 2018 — that’s 5,000 more than the entire population of Okanogan County. Those of us who haven’t seen or expe... Full story

  • Meetings & Notices

    Sep 23, 2020

    Grant County Fire Dist. 14 Meeting As the result of the Covid-19 and in accordance with the Governor's Social Distancing, Grant County Fire District #14 will be holding the monthly meeting Monday, September 28, 2020 via phone conference call at 6:45 pm. To join meeting, call 1-717-275-8940 then enter access code 713 2121#. (Remember to enter # sign after the number) Winter season registration now open for the Energy assistance Program of OIC The Energy Assistance Program of OIC of Washington will open this winter season registration on... Full story

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