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Articles from the November 1, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 17 of 17

  • Blake Martin wants council seat to address community concerns

    Scott Hunter|Nov 1, 2023

    Blake Martin thinks the Electric City Council has a relationship problem with its citizens. If he were to win the election for a seat at that table, he could help change that, he says. "I don't feel like community concerns are being heard and responded to as they should be," he said. "I feel as there is a current disconnect there between our elected city officials and the general public." Although Martin said he is a fan of the community meetings the city has been having, they still fall short...

  • Young Grand Coulee man sentenced to five years for assaults

    press release, U.S. Attorneys Office of the Eastern District of WA|Nov 1, 2023

    Spokane, Washington – Vanessa R. Waldref, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington, announced that Xander Lee Ostenberg, 18, of Grand Coulee, Washington was sentenced after having pleaded guilty to Assault Resulting in Substantial Bodily Injury to a Spouse, Intimate Partner, or Dating Partner in Indian Country. Ostenberg also pleaded guilty to two counts of Assault by Beating, Striking or Wounding. U.S. District Judge Thomas O. Rice sentenced Ostenberg to 60 months in prison, to be followed by a 3-year term of court s...

  • Birdie Hensley wants on the council again

    Scott Hunter|Nov 1, 2023

    Birdie Hensley is running for Electric City Council to find out what’s going on, and to fix some earlier mistakes. “I just think if you’re in the community, you should be involved,” she said. “And if you’re not on city council, you don’t find anything out about the city.” She’s been on council before, when the council made new rules on development requirements for curbs and sidewalks. That was during a time when the city annexed land with an eye on possible expansion to the south. Now she sees that push had some unintended consequences, mak...

  • Just treats

    Nov 1, 2023

    Sierra steadies the baby and opens her small trick-or-treat bag as little Charlie's eyes look in wonder during a stop in Coulee Dam Halloween night. Her sister Paisley, a chicken for the night, watches and waits for her handful, too...

  • Coulee Dam Police looking for money for dog and cameras

    Scott Hunter|Nov 1, 2023

    Coulee Dam Police Chief Paul Bowden briefed the city council last week on a couple possibilities for expanding the kinds of services his agency can provide. They include connected cameras that read license plates, and also trained police dogs that can search for drugs. Bowden would like to consider the purchase of four cameras, two for Coulee Dam , two for Electric City, which his department serves, to mount and record license plates as they come through town. He said he was considering applying for an available grant to pay for the cameras,...

  • PUD discussing how to increase power rates

    Scott Hunter|Nov 1, 2023

    If you live in Grant County and power your home with Grant PUD electricity, you pay below the utility’s cost to produce it, and discussions are underway now on how to gradually increase rates to get back on track toward “target goal posts” after a four-year hiatus. Grant PUD commissioners told an audience in their packed boardroom Oct. 24 that their ongoing “discussion over how to set electric rates and arrive at a rate increase for 2024 will take into account all the county’s economic sectors and ensure ‘core customers’ are protected,” a...

  • A very little warmth

    Nov 1, 2023

    Mist rises from Lake Roosevelt early Monday morning as the sun warms up the cold lake after overnight temperatures in the mid-20s. Temperatures are expected to rise a little this week, but expect a little rain, too. - Scott Hunter photo...

  • Return of the sockeye

    Don Brunell|Nov 1, 2023

    In 1992, a single male sockeye salmon managed to swim 900 miles from the mouth of the Columbia River to Redfish Lake located deep in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains — the end of his migratory journey. Biologists dubbed the sole survivor, “Lonesome Larry.” By 2010, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council happily reported record-setting runs for sockeye —387,000 had climbed the fish ladders at Bonneville Dam. Last year, 751 sockeye were trapped at Redfish Lake Creek and taken to nearby Sawtooth...

  • Worst president ever

    Carl Russell|Nov 1, 2023

    Biden is the worst man to ever set in the oval office. His administration is the most inept in history. None of them had the qualifications to hold the position they have. You can’t count on anything they say. I have never witnessed an administration or president that tells more lies. But the news media protects them, including The Star paper. Thank you, Carl Russell...

  • Scott wins statewide award

    Roger Lucas|Nov 1, 2023

    Our Scott Hunter received the Miles Turnbull award for excellence in journalism. Turnbull was the publisher of the Leavenworth paper and later executive director of the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association. He is deceased, but remembered for his dedication to the principles of journalism. Miles traveled around the state visiting the various newspapers and was always asked for tips on how to run a newspaper more efficiently, especially a need in today’s marketplace. The award is given periodically to an outstanding publisher who beats t...

  • Small Business Saturday: Making a positive impact on your community

    Aikta Marcoulier|Nov 1, 2023

    After you’ve had your fill of Thanksgiving leftovers and chaotic Black Friday crowds, you may be looking for a way to change up the menu and enjoy more leisurely and memorable experiences. Small Business Saturday on November 25 is exactly what’s needed as the bustling holiday season kicks off. Shopping and dining at small establishments not only provides customers with unique and personalized experiences but comes with the added bonus of making a positive impact on your community. For example: • Small businesses support your favorite cause...

  • Legals

    Nov 1, 2023

    Public Notice Announcing Public Review Period for Adoption of the Odessa Subarea Special Study Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is adopting the 2012 Odessa Subarea Special Study Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) produced by the Bureau of Reclamation in cooperation with the State of Washington, represented by the Washington State Department of Ecology. The FEIS examined the potential to replace groundwater with Columbia Basin...

  • Ladies to vie for state chance Saturday

    Scott Hunter|Nov 1, 2023

    The Raider girls beat Liberty Bell in their first District 6 playoff game Saturday at Omak High School 3-0, but lost three hours later to Okanogan in three sets. Then on Tuesday, Halloween night, at 6 p.m., Lake Roosevelt met the Bears in the Omak gym, this time falling 1-3 to Brewster and taking fourth place in District 6. Now it's time to broaden the competition. LR's girls will move on to the District 6/7 2B Volleyball Crossover Saturday, Nov. 4 at Mead High School in Spokane. They'll play...

  • Raiders wrap up regular season

    Scott Hunter|Nov 1, 2023

    The Raiders beat the Tigers in Tonasket Friday 34-14, in their last North Central 2B League game of the season. “We had a good night throwing the football and a great defensive effort to get the win,” Raider Head Coach Geary Oliver said. The Raiders gained 190 yards in the air, 166 on the ground. They made 41 tackles in the game. “We played a tough Tonasket team that is better than their record would indicate,” Oliver said, noting two Tiger losses were to 1A teams and two more were to a couple of the best of 2B teams in the state. That could in...

  • Coulee Cops

    Nov 1, 2023

    Grand Coulee Police 10/23 - Police used Narcan to help revive a man who was overdosing on fentanyl. His pulse became stronger and he awoke. An emergency medical crew assisted the man further upon their arrival. 10/25 - A Wenatchee Avenue property owner sent police security footage of a man walking onto her property and trying a doorknob. Police recognized the man and spoke to him at a place he stays on Kent Street. The man said he was expecting a large settlement and would be interested in buying a home, which is why he was at the empty and rec...

  • Patricia Joan (Jess) Goodwin

    Nov 1, 2023

    Patti was born March 6, 1938, at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, WA. She was the first born to Melvie and Myrtle (Dugger) Jess. A year and one month later she was joined by her brother, Donald, in April of 1939. Five years later, in late 1943, her cousins, John and Bobbee Jo Jess joined the family after their mother passed away and they were adopted by Melvie and Myrt. Patti loved the growing up years in the 1940's and 50's. She always lived in the house one mile south of Hartline that she...

  • Just to get you ready for Veteran's Day

    Scott Hunter|Nov 1, 2023

    Inside this issue of The Star and inside Lake Roosevelt Schools this week are two things designed to help you remember what Veterans Day is all about. And if that were not enough, how about adding a good breakfast. At Lake Roosevelt Schools this Thursday, the public is invited to a special assembly in honor of veterans at 9 a.m. in the gym. The assembly both honors the veterans and impresses on students the importance of understanding their commitment to the country. At the annual assembly...

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