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Articles from the November 15, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 15 of 15

  • USBR updates fire station status

    Nov 15, 2023

    Construction work at the Grand Coulee Dam Fire Station is closing in on the final few months of construction activities. As of Oct. 2023, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation said Monday, the bulk of the electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and the fire protection systems had been installed. The exterior concrete masonry veneer and the polished concrete floors also had been completed. Focus areas for November will be the remaining interior work, terrazzo floors, exterior...

  • NNDF asks about Community Building

    Scott Hunter|Nov 15, 2023

    A local lending business is looking for a larger space to operate and is eyeing Coulee Dam’s “Community Building” as a future possibility. Jordan Ruiz, the newly appointed executive director of the Northwest Native Development Fund approached the city last week about the building that houses, a closed movie theater, an operating bowling alley, the Rio Grande restaurant, and the city’s fire department. She said NNDF wouldn’t need any of the occupied spaces but would like to explore altering the space the theater used to operate in to accommoda...

  • NNDF announces new executive director

    Nov 15, 2023

    Northwest Native Development Fund (NNDF) announced Monday that Jordan Ruiz is the non-profit lender's new executive director. "I am honored to have been chosen as the Executive Director of NNDF," Ruiz said in statement issued Monday. "I will work tirelessly to uphold the integrity of this organization. I will lead NNDF with empathy and compassion. The amazing staff at NNDF will continue to work toward and never lose sight of our mission." NNDF's mission is to foster economic and financial...

  • Getting her wish

    Nov 15, 2023

    Oakleigh Dice makes her best 4-year-old smile with "Elsa" Sunday at a party for her at Siam Palace before her next-day departure for Disneyworld in Florida. The Make-A-Wish foundation made that happen at her request, and she wanted to be able to dance with Elsa, the Disney character from the animated movie Frozen. Just in case that would not be possible in Florida, Elsa came to the Siam on Sunday. - Scott Hunter photo...

  • In their honor

    Nov 15, 2023

    Students at Lake Roosevelt Schools deliver certificates of appreciation to veterans Thursday at the school's Veteran's Day assembly in their honor. The program included a version of The Star-Spangled Banner by the Raider Rock Band, narration on the meaning and reason for Veteran's Day, the individual recognition shown here for every veteran attending, and a slide show of local veterans with photos from their service time. - Scott Hunter photo...

  • It's all about family

    Roger Lucas|Nov 15, 2023

    Thanksgiving is about family. Without family Thanksgiving is just another holiday. This year, Kim, our youngest daughter, is coordinating the Thanksgiving dinner. She lives in Louisiana and arrived here on Monday. Each year the menu changes a bit, depending on the collective mood in family members. Nathan and his wife Karen will be here from Portland. He recently announced retiring from teaching at a private school in Portland. We will get to see the new book he published with pictures of all the courthouses in Oregon, about 35 of them. The...

  • Why do we fall for fall?

    Jase Graves|Nov 15, 2023

    Yes, it’s that glorious season that so many pumpkin-spice addicts claim to be their favorite. I must admit that, I, too, succumb each year to the autumnal charms of fall, except for my seemingly never-ending battle with leaves, or, as I like to call them – tree dandruff. So what is it that ironically draws us to a season that marks the end of long, carefree summer days when the sight of a shirtless dad bod outdoors is slightly less disturbing? Let’s get the obvious one out of the way first, the aforementioned king of all seasonal seasonings, pu...

  • What does the Biden administration not understand about clean energy?

    Dan Newhouse|Nov 15, 2023

    Since day one in the White House, President Biden has touted that his administration would promote “the most ambitious climate change agenda in history” and “expand affordable clean energy to every American.” While this is a talking point we continuously hear from both the President’s campaign and at the White House’s daily press briefings, I fear President Biden has a misunderstanding of how we can actually achieve the clean energy future he talks about. We cannot face our climate challenges today by viewing the issue through a straw hole....

  • Leon David Desautel

    Nov 15, 2023

    Leon David Desautel, age 40, of Ephrata, Washington passed away on Friday, November 3, 2023. Born Monday, January 24th, 1983, in Davenport, Washington to David and Penny Desautel. Leon Graduated in 2001 from Lake Roosevelt High School in Coulee Dam, Washington where he was a member of the "Raiders" Football, Baseball and Wrestling teams. However, Leon's favorite high school class was "Auto Shop" under the tutelage of teacher Steve Hood, during which they built a "Stock Car". Following... Full story

  • Trees to be out on November 20

    Nov 15, 2023

    Christmas is in our heart and on our mind! Trees of Sharing 2023 is launching this week so we’ll be ready to give a hand up to families in need by providing a Christmas gift for their children. Since the early 1980’s, the Trees of Sharing program has been one way for Grand Coulee Dam Area residents to be a blessing to local children. If you know a family with children under age 18 living in the Coulee as far north as Belvedere that could use the encouragement of having Christmas gifts provided, please take time to fill out Trees of Sharing sli...

  • NCW Libraries offers music program

    Nov 15, 2023

    Award-winning Native American hip-hop legends RezLoyal Family will give a free performance at the Omak Performing Arts Center that will be live-streamed on Facebook. NCW Libraries is partnering with Wenatchee Valley College to present the program at 6 p.m. Nov. 16 as we celebrate Native American Heritage Month. RezLoyal is a past winner of the West Coast American Indian Music Awards for the People’s Choice Champion Award. Rezloyal Family includes Jamerson Cheer, Jeriah Cheer and Vaughn Yellowwolf Jr., all members of the Colville Confederated T...

  • It's a boy for Wakan/Marchand

    Nov 15, 2023

    Kaila Wakan and Jimmy Marchand Sr. of Inchelium, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their son John Marchand born Thursday, October 12, 2023, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. He weighed 7 lbs., 1 oz., and was 20 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Kristopher, Kalea, baby Jimmy, and Kyson. Maternal grandparents are Caressa Brigman and Calvin Wakan. Paternal grandparents are Angel Pakootas and Aaron Carden. Great-grandparents are Junky Pakootas, and Debbie and Randy Hardwick.... Full story

  • Masquers Theater announces cast for Elf The Musical

    Nov 15, 2023

    Dedicated and talented volunteers at Masquers Theater in Soap Lake have been hard at work on their big holiday production: "Elf The Musical." Adapted from the film of the same name, which starred Will Ferrell, Elf will run at Masquers Theater from November 25 through December 16. For this show's run, Saturday shows will be matinees instead of evening shows. Tickets are on sale now at The musical follows young orphan Buddy who is raised as one of Santa's elves in the North Pole...

  • Coulee Cops

    Nov 15, 2023

    Grand Coulee Police 11/6 - An electrical hazard near SR-174 and Burdin Boulevard caused a power outage in town and was likely the cause of an alarm activation at North Cascades Bank. Police checked on the bank and found it to be secure before assisting the fire department with traffic control at the scene of the electrical hazard. - Police went to the post office where there was a report of a man saying he wanted to murder people. While there, police spoke to a homeless man from Spokane who...

  • Legals

    Nov 15, 2023

    Public Notice City of Coulee Dam ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF COULEE DAM Ordinance 812 – an ordinance fixing the amounts to be raised by Ad Valorem Taxes for the Year 2024. Ordinance 813 – setting salaries and wages for officers and employees of the town for the calendar year 2024 and repealing ordinance No. 808. Ordinance 814 – amending the 2023 budget as adopted in ordinance No. 806 and amended in ordinance No. 809. Full and complete copy of the above ordinances are available by contacting City Hall during normal business hours. Stefa...