Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
As we head into 2021, COVID-19, which stands for Coronavirus Disease 2019, when the disease originated, is still prominent in local counties as well as the whole of the state of Washington, which has reported over 33,000 cases in the past 14 days. Grant County Health District Tuesday night reported 10 additional deaths, most associated with previously reported outbreaks in long-term care facilities in Moses Lake and Soap Lake. The agency delays reporting deaths until the cause is confirmed on a death certificate and to allow family time to noti...
With 2020 coming to a close, we wanted to follow up on our April survey that asked various questions about COVID-19 pandemic life in the Coulee. Take the survey at
Nearly half the staff at Coulee Medical Center got the shot Tuesday to inoculate against SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes the COVID-19 illness. The process was being managed and administered by Prevention Northwest, a company scheduled to manage the process at some 30 facilities by mid-January, according to CEO Jill Harvey. CMC personnel were receiving the Moderna vaccine and will need a second injection 28 days later. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was authorized for emergency use by the Food and...
After 51 years of cutting meats professionally, Ed Moore is retiring from Ed's Meat Market. Located in the back of Harvest Foods, Ed's Meat Market has been a local staple for meat eaters for decades, and now Moore will be retiring but will stay available as a consultant for his coworkers who will be taking over the meat cutting. Moore was raised on a cattle ranch in Benton City, and after graduating high school in 1965, began working at Moon's Grocery Store for about a year before joining the...
We need everyone to do their part to slow the spread and flatten the curve to ensure our healthcare facilities are not overwhelmed. Each personal decision we make will impact our most vulnerable residents. Our most vulnerable community members — elderly, immunocompromised, and those with chronic conditions — are especially at risk of complications due to a COVID-19 infection and we must continue to take measures to protect them from this disease. Your choice to gather with those outside your household could lead to additional cases of COV...
The Electric City council this month approved donating $2 per resident, roughly $2,000, to the Grant County Health District, but not before some discussion. At their Dec. 8 council meeting, Mayor Diane Kohout read a report from Brad Parrish, who is the representative for northern Grant County on the GCHD Board of Directors. and is also a commissioner for Hospital District 6, which runs Coulee Medical Center. Parrish’s report starts by saying the GCHD can use all donations they get, but went on to say he thinks the city’s donation should com...
Opportunity for growth has opened for the town of Nespelem with an upgraded water system now up and running. Mayor Darcy Epperson explained to The Star over the phone on Tuesday that the town actually has two water systems, and needed to repair one of them. "We did two because if our one goes down, we are without [water] and our town has no way to get that water to our customers. So that's why it was such an emergent situation. We have them both up and running now." "The town had been in this...
Right now, as the first two approved vaccines are getting shipped and shot into arms across the country, there’s no lack of confusion about what the smart course of action is, on a personal level or a policy level. As for me, when it’s time for those in my category to get one, I’ll do so if it’s recommended. I’ve had a history long ago of anaphylactic shock (a severe allergic reaction). I’m allergic to certain nuts. Six people in the United States with a history of such problems have suffered them after receiving a vaccine against COVID-19, a...
We need to keep Iran and North Korea from having the ability for nuclear combat. In negotiating agreements to this effect, we need to insist upon the right of immediate inspection of suspected sites. Otherwise, they can keep moving nuclear weapons material out of sight until ready to make war. Alex Sokolow...
During the long history of human existence, we have relied on belief. It was the only system that existed for most people. There was no repository of reliable information. Belief is embedded in our heritage. Belief gives us psychological comfort. Belief can be based in fact or based on rumor or imagination or deliberate falsification. Beliefs can be harmless, but they can also be detrimental. Our reliance on belief was moderated in the Western world by the development of disciplined fact finding in eras that historians call the scientific revol...
Throughout the past year, I have written a lot about how I have witnessed Central Washington come together in times of crisis. The challenges of a global pandemic are certainly unprecedented, but individuals, families, healthcare providers, and local businesses have stepped up to the plate to provide support for our communities. The resiliency of our district is inspiring, and while we still have challenges to overcome, I am confident that our nation will defeat this virus. But I hear you: Our government must be responsive to the needs of the...
While the coronavirus and its devastating effects on people and economies worldwide were unfortunately the top 2020 stories, the massive impact of western wildfires can’t be ignored. It was catastrophic. The National Interagency Fire Center’s western states tally shows a record 8.6 million acres were incinerated in 2020 compared with 4.6 million acres in 2019. In Washington, just over 700,000 acres were burned; however, California and Oregon were not as fortunate. By comparison, a combined 5.7 million acres were destroyed. Fires inc...
Sharon Mae Bird, 70, of Electric City, Washington, went to be with the Creator on Thursday, November 26, 2020. She was born May 29, 1950, in Coulee Dam, Washington, to Myron Lytle and Margaret Philion. Sharon worked for 22 years as an LPN at Coulee Community Hospital. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother who was always there for her family. She will be greatly missed by many. She is survived by husband Robert; children: Barry and Kitty; grandchildren: Dominique, Nathanial, Ian,...
Food Bank Closed Grand Coulee Dam Care and Share Food Bank will be closed Friday, January 1, New Year's Day. It will reopen to regular hours on Friday, January 8, 2-4 p.m. Demos to Meet Local Democratic Party leadership will meet in early January to elect officers for the 12th Legislative District who will serve for the 2021-2022 biennium. The virtual meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 9, 2021. Officers elected will include chair, vice-chair, state committee members, secretary, and treasurer. Any Democrat who lives within the 12th...
NCW Libraries has received another grant to aid in the district’s response to COVID-19. The $3,000 is funded by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act and was distributed through the Washington State Library (WSL). The grant is being used to enhance the library district’s digital offerings and bring informative and entertaining virtual programming to communities at a time when in-person programs are not possible. NCW Libraries is currently providing digital storytimes, STEM activities, Meet the Employer eve...
OLYMPIA – Dec. 17, 2020 – The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission will offer two free days in January, when visitors to state parks will not need a Discover Pass for day-use visits. The first free day is Friday, Jan. 1, which gives visitors the opportunity to take part in a First Day Hike, a nationwide initiative that aims to get people outdoors New Year’s Day. To discourage the spread of COVID-19, rangers will not guide First Day Hikes this New Year’s Day. State Parks’ blog Adventure Awaits suggests several ideas for self-led...
Nyani and William are are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Zaela Lee Parr born Wednesday, October 28, 2020, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. She weighed 5 lbs., 14.4 oz., and was 19 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Jacie Boyd, 11, and Mathew G. Boyd, 8....
Dan and Robin Dormaier of Almira, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Amelia Raine Dormaier, born Wednesday, November 25, 2020, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. She weighed 7 lbs., 7 oz., and was 20 inches in length at birth. Sibling includes Riley, age 3. Maternal grandparents are Bill and Laurel Irving of Victoria, B.C. Canada. Paternal grandparents are Dave and Kathy Dormaier of Coulee City, Washington....
Crysta Harris and Kenny Burda of Almira, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Kaylon Marie Noel Burda, born Monday, December 7, 2020, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. She weighed 6 lbs., 10 oz., and was 19 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Alexis Burda 14, Kaydence Burda 10, and Carter Harris 5. Paternal grandparents are Dolores Burda and Kenneth Burda....
The Western States Traffic Safety Coalition (WSTSC) wants everyone to know that dangerous driving has no place on the roadways during the New Year’s holiday and that drunk or high drivers have nowhere to hide from the thousands of troopers and officers that will be on the roads in the 11-state association. “We all agree that 2020 has been a tough year, and we are all hopeful that 2021will be a new year worthy of celebration, Washington State Patrol Chief John Batiste stated. “But we can’t start that New Year with bad decisions on the roadway...
Coulee Dam 12/21 - Police responded to a report of a female hitting a pickup truck with a stick on Columbia Avenue. Police spoke to a man standing by his truck who said that nothing happened and there wasn’t any damage to his truck. - A woman told police that her package containing a sword had been stolen from outside her River Drive apartment. She said her neighbor had told her she knew the package was stolen and that someone who steals packages lives in Electric City. The woman said she got the sword back but didn’t elaborate on how. 12/...
TOWN OF ELMER CITY ORDINANCES and RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED Resolution R5-20- A Resolution of the Town of Elmer City, Washington, fixing the amounts to be raised by Ad Valorem Taxes for the year 2021. Resolution R6-20- A Resolution of the Town of Elmer City, Washington, adjusting sewer utility rates for the year 2021. Ordinance 363 – An Ordinance of the Town of Elmer City, Washington, adopting 2021 Budget and setting salaries and wages for employees of the Town of Elmer City. Full and complete copies of the above ordinance and resolutions are availab...