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(895) stories found containing 'Bureau of Reclamation'

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  • Park district levy is the minimum we should do

    Scott Hunter|Oct 24, 2012

    For the pennies the Coulee Area Park and Recreation District is seeking in their levy on this election’s ballot, the area stands to gain back much more than the maintenance the money is for — a real beginning. A beginning to an era of unified, pick-yourself-up-by-your-own-bootstraps political will. The Coulee Area Park and Recreation District was formed as a tool to allow the area’s people to give their blessings to efforts that will make life better for everyone in the area, such as a swimming pool. Still seen as their primary goal, commission...

  • Pad for ferry construction starts today at Crescent Bay

    Scott Hunter|Oct 24, 2012

    Construction is starting today on new concrete pad and underground electrical installation at the Crescent Bay boat launch on Lake Roosevelt. The 145-foot by 84-foot pad will serve as a site for the later assembly of a new ferry boat for the Keller Ferry. The boat, currently being built in three pieces by Foss Maritime of Oregon, will be delivered for final assembly to the Crescent Bay site operated by the Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area. National Park Service spokesman John Edwards said the schedule for that assembly has changed. The...

  • Bureau to boost permanent jobs

    Scott Hunter|Oct 24, 2012

    The Bureau of Reclamation will be adding jobs at Grand Coulee Dam over the next several years, boosting employment at the project by about 40 permanent jobs, plus adding a similar number that will fluctuate as special maintenance projects start and finish, Power Manager Mark Jenson announced Thursday. “We’ve got a good future for Grand Coulee. We’ve got an opportunity to get staff back up to where it needs to be,” Jenson said, speaking to members of the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce at a weekly luncheon meeting at La Presa. Beginni...

  • Four agencies meet on solving plant funding

    Roger Lucas|Oct 24, 2012

    Coulee Dam resident Greg Wilder, who has opposed the extent of Coulee Dam’s proposed wastewater treatment plant upgrades, has become an ardent advocate for ratepayers who would have to pay for the project. The $4.92 million project is bloated, Wilder claims, and could be built for substantially less, maybe for as little as $2.2 million he says. However, the town continues to move ahead with the design of the project, using Gray & Osborne engineers. Now Wilder is trying to assist in putting together a package of financial backers to lessen t...

  • Park district seeks chamber support for levy

    Scott Hunter|Oct 24, 2012

    The park and recreation district formed in 2003 has accomplished much, and with minimal tax support could provide much more to the community in the future, its chairman said last week. Coulee Area Park and Recreation District Chairman Phil Hansen spoke to chamber of commerce members at their weekly luncheon last Thursday. The district, formed in 2003 with no funding, now seeks a levy of 15 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. The measure, on ballots mailed to voters last week, would cost the owner of a $150,000 home $22.50 a year. That...

  • Coulee Recollections

    Oct 24, 2012

    Ten Years Ago Present or potential small business owners, who need some professional help in starting or running their business, will soon have a place to go. About 20 people went to see tribal officials dig shovels into the grass outside of Colville Tribal Credit building Monday. A change is on the horizon for residents of Grand Coulee that could result in lower, more frequent water bills. Mayor Tammara Byers said the city’s water comprehensive plan calls for the city crew to take out the current water meters and install new ones. Higher garba...

  • Park levy would allow upkeep and matching funds for grants

    Scott Hunter|Oct 17, 2012

    by Scott Hunter On Nov. 6 voters will be asked to support a tax levy for the Coulee Area Park and Recreation District, and comissioners spent time last week discussing that upcoming vote and ways to get the word out about the issue. The district, with boundaries that encompass the local school and hospital districts combined, will seek taxpayer support for its facilities. At this point, that means North Dam Park and Event Center, but commissioners also spoke of other opportunities to support around the larger community. The district organized...

  • Council may talk on sewage plant issue

    Roger Lucas|Oct 17, 2012

    The town councils of Coulee Dam and Elmer City and their attorneys may finally getting together to work through questions about their 50-year sewer service contract. Coulee Dam sent an invitation for Elmer City officials to join its council in a special meeting at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 7, for discussions. That date is not confirmed. Elmer City has maintained that it is a partner in the Coulee Dam Wastewater Treatment project, not just a customer, and therefore should have been part of the planning process for the new plant. Currently Coulee...

  • Taser purchase approved by council

    Roger Lucas|Oct 17, 2012

    Coulee Dam police got the OK from the town council Wednesday to purchase 10 tasers along with equipment associated with them for $17,253.50. Chief Pat Collins told the council that the town would have to pay for the tasers but would be reimbursed the full amount by the Bureau of Reclamation through the department’s contract arrangement. He said the town would have to adopt a budget amendment since the purchase was not within the department’s 2012 budget. Collins told the council that the department tasers were old and needed to be rep...

  • Duane Clark Hollan

    Oct 17, 2012

    Duane Clark Hollan, 67, born February 1, 1945, in Ritzville, Wash., to Emil and Pauline Hollan, quietly passed away in his sleep during the morning hours of Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012, at his Grand Coulee, Washington home. December 26, 1975, saw Duane’s best post-Christmas present ever, when he married Clarkette Perry in Ephrata, Wash. In 2005 he retired as a material engineering technician with the Bureau of Reclamation following 41 years of federal service, during which he was proud of his c...

  • Fire destroys home

    Roger Lucas|Oct 10, 2012

    Fire destroyed a home in Delano Sunday afternoon. Fire officials said the home at 57789 Cardinal Place NE was a total loss. One fire official, Carl Sheehy, a captain of the Electric City Fire Department, said it appeared that the fire started in the crawl space under the house and was probably electrical in nature. The house, owned by Linda Ayotte, of Spokane, was in the process of being sold. Sheehy said the only thing salvaged by firefighters was the carport and a pickup that was there. By...

  • Newsbriefs

    Oct 10, 2012

    It’s Fire Prevention Week Mayor Chris Christopherson has proclaimed this week “Fire Prevention Week.” The Grand Coulee Volunteer Fire Department is encouraging residents to have “two ways out” of their residence and practice the routes so all members of the family are familiar with them. The emphasis during the week is to plan escape routes and practice using them in case of fire. In 2011, Fire Chief Rick Paris stated, there were some 369,500 home structure fires in the United States with 13,350 injuries and 2,640 deaths, causing $6.9 bill...

  • Coulee Recollections

    Oct 3, 2012

    Ten Years Ago Larry Curtis is a lucky man. That is, if you can call it lucky that he managed to have a massive heart attack while in a recovery room after cancer surgery. Curtis does not remember that day, July 15, except that he recalls someone asking him if he had pain. (In photo Larry Curtis displays the bucket given to him by the “Udder Girls”. Safeway Employee of the Quarter is Norene Kosloski. The Lake Roosevelt football team dominated North Beach High School in a game Friday that had the team travel all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The...

  • Unwelcome surprise

    Sep 26, 2012

    John Olsen stands amid debris dumped on his property. He recently returned from Alaska, where he has been mining for the past five months, to find that someone has been dumping tree trimmings and other debris on his property and on adjacent property owned by the Bureau of Reclamation. Olsen said he is developing information on the person who has been doing the dumping in the hopes of prosecuting. Olsen’s property is at 21000 56.7 NE, in Grant County, on the backside of Osborne Bay on the road t...

  • Coulee Recollections

    Sep 26, 2012

    Ten Years Ago A contractor has been chosen for the new water filtration plant in Coulee Dam, but one detail must wait another several weeks - the contract signing. That’s because the town council decided by a 4-1 vote at a special meeting Monday that the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development Agency needs to approve $800,000 more in funding. Inchelium singer and songwriter Jim Boyd’s album, “alterNATIVES” won the record of the Year Award at the Native American Music Awards Sept. 5. A showing of Bill Niendam’s photos was...

  • Coulee Recollections

    Sep 25, 2012

    Ten Years Ago As part of the 21st Century, coordinator Earl Antone organized a open gym and movie night for the residents of Nespelem. Antone targeted struggling youth in the area specifically looking for the area’s drop outs. Antone had worked for Nespelem School before taking his assignment. The Bureau of Reclamation released a report finding “ No significant impact” on the community and area with the new firing range that is being built for the increased security guards at Grand Coulee Dam,...

  • Coulee Recollections

    Sep 19, 2012

    Ten Years Ago Voters approved, by about 69 percent, a proposal to re-divide the Grand Coulee Dam School District last night. As a result, the school board has the authority to change the boundaries of all five respective districts. Jennifer Sedillo, 15, brought home four trophies from the Miss American Junior Teen Pageant in Seatac, Wash., held Labor Day weekend. Fears about attacks on the United States on the one-year anniversary of the events of September 11 have caused several changes to public access at Grand Coulee Dam. Bureau of...

  • Raymond G. Stroh

    Sep 19, 2012

    Raymond G. Stroh, 85, a retired electrical and consulting engineer died September 10, 2012, in Tracy, Calif. Mr. Stroh, a native of Tower City, North Dakota, grew up in a farm family of eleven children. He received his higher education at the North Dakota School of Science in Wahpeton, N.D. This is where, in 1946, he met the love of his life Katherine Neubauer. They were later married in 1948. His life and education were interrupted by his service in the United States Navy during World War II from January 1945 to July 1946. He commenced his...

  • Multiple wildfires stretch firefighters thin

    Scott Hunter|Sep 12, 2012

    Six fires broke out in the area Saturday night following an electrical storm that swept the state, igniting about 100 blazes and stretching firefighters thin across the region. Two of the local fires threatened local residences in Grand Coulee, Coulee Dam and in Douglas County, driven and aimed by high winds. A third burned the Columbia River Breaks north of Leahy Junction on SR 174 and jumped the river near the Tim Brothers Ranch, and two more caught near Keller. The Barker Canyon Complex...

  • Coulee Cops

    Sep 12, 2012

    Grand Coulee Police 9/3 - Police were told a man was going to kill himself. He was reached near Martin Road and told the officer that did indeed want to kill himself because of stress and said he was just putting his plan together. The officer took the man to Coulee Medical Center where he was put in the care of a mental health official. 9/5 - Two people who went to the hospital to visit a patient scared the patient, who asked medical workers if one of them had a gun. He asked that no visitors be allowed to his room. The two men returned the...

  • Raymond G. Stroh

    Sep 12, 2012

    Raymond G. Stroh, 85, a retired electrical and consulting engineer died September 10, 2012, in Tracy, Calif. Mr. Stroh, a native of Tower City, North Dakota, grew up in a farm family of eleven children. He received his higher education at the North Dakota School of Science in Wahpeton, N.D. This is where, in 1946, he met the love of his life, Katherine Neubauer. They were later married in 1948. His life and education were interrupted by his service in the United States Navy during World War II from January 1945 to July 1946. He commenced his...

  • Banks Lake drawdown in “preferred alternative” to bolster farm irrigation

    Scott Hunter|Sep 5, 2012

    After seven years of study, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the state Dept. of Ecology have identified a solution to drying wells in potato country south of Grand Coulee Dam: draw down Banks Lake farther in August. The agencies issued last Friday a statement that they have completed the “Odessa Subarea Special Study Final Environmental Impact Statement” (FEIS). The study identifies several alternatives to address a declining aquifer and avoid collapsing a reported $600 million annual farm industry that currently relies on drying-up wel...

  • Coulee Cops

    Sep 5, 2012

    Grand Coulee Police 8/25 - Police picked up a man at Banks Lake Pub wanted on several warrants. He was taken to Grant County Jail. - A woman entering a yard on Division Street to deliver some tomatoes was bitten on the leg by a dog. Police told the owner of the dog that a report would be filed and the incident reviewed for a possible declaration of the dog being dangerous. - A Montana man was found asleep in his car off Martin Road and the officer could smell alcohol in the car. His license was suspended in both Montana and Washington, and the...

  • Gratitude for firefighters

    Aug 29, 2012

    I would like to extend my sincere Appreciation and Thanks to all the following agencies who assisted in fighting the Elmer City-Coulee Dam Fire of August 14 & 15, 2012. Bureau of Indian Affairs Mt. Tolman Fire Center City of Electric City Fire Department City of Ephrata Fire Department City of Grand Coulee Fire Department Colville Confederated Tribes EMS & Police Douglas County District # 3 Grant County Strike Team Grant County District #5 - Moses Lake Grant County District #3 - Quincy Grant County District #13 - Ephrata Grant County District...

  • Newsbriefs

    Aug 29, 2012

    City sets criteria for cheaper rides The city of Grand Coulee, by resolution, passed an ambulance fee assistance policy at its meeting Aug. 21. If a person uses ambulance service and meets certain criteria, they can get a reduced rate, or the rate might be waived, according to the new policy. The criteria includes family income being below the poverty line, and if the hospital you are taken to is waiving its fee. An explanation of the policy is provided to each person using ambulance services. Sky watchers plan Saturday events Mark Sept. 1, on...

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