Sorted by date Results 51 - 75 of 5042
‘Tis the time of year to be joyful, to celebrate and show appreciation, thankfulness and gratitude. Previously, I’d mentioned how I am keen on Jim Keene and many others but recently Addison Hansen, our previous neighbor, triggered this outpouring of appreciation here. She surprised my partner of 52 years with a thank you - happy holidays greeting and a beautiful piece of her artwork signed off with much appreciation. Addison is a former Raider and fine arts major. Her message to Mrs. A said, “Thank you for encouraging my creativity and culti...
Sandra E. Green, 84, from Grand Coulee, Washington, passed away peacefully on December 8, 2024. She was born in Mandan, North Dakota on July 27, 1940, and moved to Spokane, Washington with her family when she was a little girl. Sandra was the mother of three children, Greg Edmunds (and wife, Dawn Edmunds) of Osburn, Idaho, Debbie Van Brunt of Rockville, Maryland, and Brenda Edmunds of Spokane, Washington. She was grandmother to seven: Sarah, Matthew, Meghann, Jeremy, Rachael, Joshua, and...
Consultants working on a project to convert the old Center School into a senior living facility gave community a progress update last week, at a gathering Tuesday night at the Voltage Coffee House. Patti Westby, of Westby Associates, Inc., said a feasibility study is done after gathering input from a series of 84 interviews with "prioritized contacts," community members and stakeholders. They were gathering feedback and "estimating potential support" for what is likely a $15 million project to...
Emily Tillman and Dan Davidson each anticipate winning the final rounds of a Heads or Tails bead game at the annual Vintners and Brewers gala at the Coulee Dam Town Hall ballroom Saturday night. The event, a fundraiser for the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce, brought in over $40,000 in a live auction alone. Davidson won the bead game by calling tails. Bidders also donated an extra $3,500 toward enhancing equipment for a new culinary class at Lake Roosevelt High School taught by board...
My wife and I took a temporary job in Livingston, Montana back in 1953. It was temporary because I planned to return to Grand Coulee when the mill where I worked was ready to open up in the spring. I graded lumber at the planing mill above the dam for a guy named Kirkpatrick. They closed down in late fall when they ran out of logs. I saw an ad in the Spokane paper that Downer Lumber Company in Livingston was looking for a lumber grader. I promptly answered it. I got a quick response and we packed a few necessary items in our car and drove to...
Grand Coulee Police 11/13 - A safety manager from the Grand Coulee Dam reported about $3,000 of equipment stolen, including “blasting hoods” and “full face respirators.” The items had been dropped off in duffle bags on the porch of an employee who gets the items cleaned. The items were stolen from the porch. There were no suspects at the time of the report. 11/15 - Police responded to Martin Road and O’Sullivan Street where a ladder had been stolen. The daughter of the property owners had been messaged about a truck being on the property and th...
Public Notice City of Coulee Dam ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF COULEE DAM Ordinance 826 amending section 6.05.050 of the Coulee Dam Municipal Code. Ordinance 827 acknowledging the completion of the 2020 Periodic Update Requirements pursuant to the State's Growth Management Act. Full and complete copies of the above ordinances are available by contacting City Hall during normal business hours. Stefani Bowden Clerk / Treasurer (Publish Dec. 11, 2024) City of Grand Coulee 2025 BUDGET PUBLIC...
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's rope access team - made up of 11 employees from multiple regions with various disciplines - completed an inspection of the Grand Coulee Dam spillway. The volunteer group started at the top of the dam and worked their way down to inspect the overall health of the spillway. The rope access team inspected an area just under 10 acres and descended more than 12,000 feet of rope in five days, totaling 60 hours, said a Reclamation Facebook post this week. The...
Coulee Dam Police 11/25 - Police responded to Douglas Avenue and Stevens Avenue where a couple had been in an argument while driving, stopped in the road, and switched seats. The woman allegedly threw a remote control for the car at the man’s face, leaving a mark. The man didn’t wish to press charges for assault in order to not make things worse. The case was, however, forwarded to the prosecutor’s office for review. The two separated for the day after the police interaction. Afterwards, the officer learned that both of them had suspe...
Electric City and Grand Coulee took different approaches to the county health district's annual request for a public health contribution - demonstrating difficult decisions, and perhaps different priorities during a time of rising costs and increasing demands on local government budgets. The Grant County Health District relies in part on funds from the county budget set by county commissioners, as well as voluntary contributions from the 13 cities and towns within the county. Each council...
The treaty that has governed how the United States and Canada have managed the Columbia River for the last 60 years was set to expire in September, but the two countries announced in July they had reached a new agreement in principle “on the key elements for a modernized Treaty regime,” according to the U.S. State Department. Next week, you can attend an online meeting to find out what that means for how Grand Coulee Dam, and Lake Roosevelt behind it, will likely operate in the future. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Bureau of Recl...
Grand Coulee Police 10/30 - A man was reported to look suspicious, measuring things with tools and a ladder outside of a Grand Coulee business. He was simply a contractor doing his job. - A Grand Coulee man reported that two pumpkins were stolen from his porch. Security footage showed the pumpkins get taken and placed into a white car that was then parked not too far from his own residence. Police knocked on the door and the culprit answered, admitting to stealing the pumpkins, and was willing to return them. He went to the man’s house, r...
The community is invited to hear about Grand Coulee Dam District’s proposed four-day school week, and to address the school board at a public hearing on Monday. The board will convene the public hearing at 4:30 p.m. Nov. 25 in the Jr./Sr. High Library, on the building’s second floor. The district is exploring moving to a four-day week beginning in the upcoming 2025-26 school year. In this model, school would run Mondays through Thursdays. Weeks with federal holidays falling on Mondays would shift to a Tuesday though Friday schedule. Com...
Coulee Dam 11/11 - Police checked on a west Coulee Dam woman at the request of her daughter. The woman was having trouble breathing and asked the officer to get her bags containing pieces for her oxygen machine from her car. Police did so. Emergency Medical Services evaluated her and determined she didn’t need to go to the hospital. Her daughter was updated. 11/12 - A motorist struck a deer near Pole Park. An officer put down the injured deer. - An officer assisted at the hospital where someone was yelling and making a scene before being g...
Teachers at Grand Coulee Dam and Almira school districts are among those in 10 districts in the Columbia Basin and north-central Washington to receive $200 for their classrooms this year from STCU, the credit union said in a release. STCU, which was founded by high school teachers in 1934, was again honoring its roots by awarding a total of $20,000 to 100 randomly drawn educators. Winners can spend their grants on anything that will enhance students’ classroom experience, whether a basic need or something special. Local winners, who were n...
City of Electric City Notice of Public Budget Hearing Availability of 2025 Preliminary Budget NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2025 Preliminary Public Budget Hearing for the City of Electric City will be held at 9:00am on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, at City Hall in Electric City (10 Stevens Ave., Electric City, WA). All interested persons will be given the opportunity to provide both written and oral comments concerning the 2025 budget at said hearing. A copy of the 2025 Preliminary Budget for the City of Electric City will be available to...
Two people were taken to hospital following an incident in which a 17-year-old had reportedly slashed two people with a knife at a party early Sunday morning. Coulee Dam Police responded to a Grand Coulee residence after overhearing a Grant County dispatcher call out a county sheriff’s deputy to the scene of a large fight about 2:15 a.m. at 213 Second Street. A Coulee Dam Officer responded after asking if the Grant County Sheriff’s Office wanted the assistance. On the way to the active scene he called another Coulee Dam officer for help. Whe...
Local emergency medical service volunteers are aging out and burning out, and it may be time to look at funding a new district to ensure full-time help is available. That's the message Electric City Mayor Diane Kohout and Grand Coulee Fire Chief Ryan Fish, and others shared at a community town hall meeting hosted by the Regional Board of Mayors Nov. 6. "The volunteer base has eroded over the years," Kohout said in an opening presentation in Coulee Dam's town hall. "If this continues, we're in...
Coulee Dam Police 11/4-11/6 - Reports were filed related to a vehicle prowl on Aspen Street in Coulee Dam, a “weapons offense” at the former middle school in Grand Coulee, fraud/deception on River Drive in Coulee Dam, and disorderly conduct at the elementary school. Additional details regarding these situations were not included in the reports at the time the newspaper received them. 11/9 - A concerned person reported a child walking in the area of Harvest Foods without a shirt or shoes on. Upon looking, police didn’t find a child match...
Christmas is eight weeks away! Trees of Sharing 2024 is beginning now so we’ll be ready to give a hand up to families by providing a Christmas gift for their children. Since the early 1980’s, the Trees of Sharing program has been a pathway for Grand Coulee Dam Area residents to be a blessing to needy local children. If you are a parent or guardian in a family or know a family with children under age 18 living in the Coulee as far north as Belvedere that could use the encouragement of having Christmas gifts provided, please fill out Trees of Sha...
Town of Elmer City Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Town of Elmer City will hold a Public Hearing at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, November 21, 2024 to approve the 2025 Town of Elmer City budget. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Town of Elmer City will hold a Public Hearing at 6:00 pm on Thursday, November 21, 2024, to consider public comments on the proposed Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan. The hearing will include a review of the updated plan. The plan is available for review at Town Hall and on the Town’s website. City Hall is located at 5...
Though questions remain, the Grand Coulee Dam school board at their Oct. 28 meeting indicated openness to switching to a four-day school week in the 2025-26 school year. Board members will likely make their official decision at the Nov. 25 meeting after hearing more direct comments and concerns from staff, faculty and students — as well as a more complete proposal including the start time and end time for each school’s daily schedule. Superintendent Rod Broadnax presented survey results that tended to show staff in support of making the cha...
Joe Lauseng and his family pose for a photo at the photo booth on Main Street during the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce's Trunk or Treat event on Halloween afternoon. - Scott Hunter photo...
The Grand Coulee Dam district will propose a four-year school funding levy to voters on the February ballot, the board indicated at its Oct. 28 meeting. If approved, the new levy would replace the current one, which expires next year, and bring in nearly $4.2 million for educational programs and operations between 2026-29. The current year’s budget for educational programs and operations is just under $14 million. Though the final resolution language still needs formal approval by the board in November, members unanimously agreed with the r...
Grand Coulee Police 10/22 - An officer went to Burdin Boulevard where an intoxicated man had been yelling and screaming behind the residence. The man had passed out in his bedroom and was woken up by his mother but was too intoxicated to communicate. Police left as there were no other issues. 10/27 - Police went to a motel on Spokane Way where it was reported that a woman had entered a guest room and allegedly assaulted an employee cleaning it. The employee explained that the woman, whom she said she didn’t know but a coworker was able to i...