News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area


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  • Levy certified as passed in each county

    Scott Hunter|Nov 30, 2022

    When it was all said and done, the Grand Coulee Dam School District Proposition No. 1 passed in each of the four counties where it was on the ballot earlier this month. The levy election was certified by county election officials in the office of each county auditor, who had to transmit their certifications on Tuesday to the state’s secretary of state. It was a squeaker, with vote tallying and signature checking often showing a winning margin in the 1-2% range and only in one county at times. But the final tally wasn’t as close. Overall, 1,7...

  • Room for more

    Nov 30, 2022

    Mason Marin and his mother, Melissa Gross, are among those who turned out for the Turkey Trott on Thanksgiving Day as the sun broke through the fog on Steamboat Rock behind them. The 5K at 9 a.m. made a good excuse for over 60 people to eat more later. Kelly Buche, of Run the Dam, organized the event. She said a total of 73 registered for it. - Scott Hunter photo...

  • City will set aside money for Coulee Playland improvements

    Scott Hunter|Nov 30, 2022

    Electric City will set aside some of the money collected from tourists to make improvements to Coulee Playland, which sits on city-managed land. The city learned last month that it would need to invest in the campground to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act with an estimated $1 million in upgrades over coming years. City Clerk/Treasurer Peggy Nevsimal told the city council at their Nov. 22 meeting that the city usually budgets to spend money, itself, from its hotel/motel tax fund, but rarely if ever actually uses that budget line...

  • LR senior class will head to San Diego

    Scott Hunter|Nov 30, 2022

    Lake Roosevelt's senior class trip to San Diego got a thumbs up from the school board Monday night, a reward for hard work at fundraising. "I have yet to see these kids not make goal," said class advisor Brandi Hansen. "They know what they want to do, and they're great at it." Their big trip at the end of May will take them on a tour of the USS Midway for at least three hours, to a nearby amusement park, and to the San Diego Zoo. The Midway is an aircraft carrier that was decommissioned in 1992...

  • Gift territory

    Nov 30, 2022

    Shoppers and sellers chat at Coulee Dam City Hall Saturday, where the Ridge Riders organized the Holiday Market bazaar. Vendors reported a steady flow of customers at the event. The Grand Coulee Community Church also held their annual bazaar and will open it again this coming Saturday, Dec. 4. - Scott Hunter phot...

  • Ready for the draw

    Nov 30, 2022

    Santa and an elf pause among the pre-decorated Christmas trees at the Grand Coulee Dam Senior Center Saturday, where the seniors will draw winners of the $1 raffle tickets for the trees on Dec. 5. - Scott Hunter photo...

  • Shots fired lead to tense evening for police, suspect

    Scott Hunter|Nov 23, 2022

    Law enforcement officers from several agencies descended on a mobile home in Electric City Monday afternoon, after a bail bondsman reported he'd been shot at from inside the home and returned fire. He was there with a warrant to collect Christopher Morgan, 38, who had failed to appear for a court date in Spokane, according to Grand Coulee Police. The mobile home sits at the corner of Fifth Street and Sunny Drive toward the northwest corner of Electric City's residential neighborhood close to...

  • Bad weather for travel tonight and tomorrow

    Scott Hunter|Nov 23, 2022

    The National Weather Service is warning us to expect heavy snowfall from Tuesday night through Wednesday night, Nov. 29-30, that may make travel "difficult or impossible." An alert issued early Tuesday morning says people in the area from Highway 28 north, reaching to Wauconda and Republic, can expect 5-9 inches of snow, with mountain areas getting up to 10-15 inches. The snow is expected to start about 7 p.m. Tuesday night. Areas south of Highway 28 (the highway that connects Soap Lake and... Full story

  • Leaders approve revised CD police agreement

    Scott Hunter|Nov 23, 2022

    Leaders in Electric City Tuesday night approved a slightly revised contract for police services with Coulee Dam after clarifying some language in it. The Electric City Council voted unanimously to approve the contract that will put the city’s law enforcement in the hands of Coulee Dam instead of Grand Coulee for the first time in many decades. Coulee Dam’s council voted last Wednesday to approve the contract with clarifications that had been worked out the prior two days after its last special meeting to consider the contract. Those inc...

  • City seeking applicants for scholarship

    Nov 23, 2022

    The City of Grand Coulee is now accepting community applications for the AWC Center for Quality Communities scholarship. The scholarship is available through a statewide competitive process for students who are active in leadership through their city government, community, or school. To be eligible, a student must: be a Washington state resident; expect to earn a high school diploma, home school diploma, or GED in spring/summer 2023; plan to continue their education at an accredited college or trade school in the 2023-2024 academic year on at...

  • Revving for a life fully lived

    Nov 23, 2022

    Joe Higgs adjusts handlebars and footrests on the late Mike Horne's bike to get it through the door of MPH Hi Dam Bar and Grill, where his friends gather inside for a celebration of Horne's life in appropriate style Saturday. Higgs burned a little rubber and carpet right inside the door with the back tire to mark the occasion before parking the bike near the back of the bar. Horne, owner of the bar and MPH Auto Repair in Grand Coulee, and a city councilman, died unexpectedly Oct. 26. The bar...

  • Assembled for sharing heritage

    Nov 23, 2022

    Dancers and singers and drummers in the Silent Hill Drum Group open up the Native Heritage Month Honoring Our Youth Mini Powwow at Lake Roosevelt Schools' assembly Tuesday afternoon. All students were invited onto the floor for another dance soon after. The event was put on by Lake Roosevelt Indian Education. - Scott Hunter photo...

  • Stuffing inside

    Nov 23, 2022

    Darlene Morava gets plateful of flavor at the Grand Coulee Dam Senior Center's Thanksgiving Dinner on the Thursday before the holiday. There were leftovers, and members will likely see some in upcoming meals this month. President Cheryl Hoffman said it may take another year or two to re-establish what had been an annual event before covid . - Scott Hunter photo...

  • Levy vote still tight but heading toward passage

    Scott Hunter|Nov 16, 2022

    The local school levy was passing by a better margin after vote tallies continued Tuesday in the four county election offices involved, with more ballots yet to count in two counties Thursday and Friday. With a total vote so far tallied at 630-571 in favor, Grand Coulee Dam School District’s Proposition No. 1 was winning in all counties but Grant by 52.46% of the vote as of 6:13 p.m. Tuesday night. That 4.92% margin had slimmed down from 5.66% an hour earlier after Grant County counted another batch of ballots, bringing their uncounted e...

  • Veterans gathering

    Nov 16, 2022

    Lots of discussion was happening at the annual Veteran's Day Breakfast put on for free by American Legion Post 57 Friday. Donation's were collected at the front door. - Scott Hunter photo...

  • Electric City votes to change police service

    Scott Hunter|Nov 16, 2022

    Electric City will change from hiring Grand Coulee’s police department to enforce law in its city to contracting with a city slightly further away — Coulee Dam — after reviewing proposals from both departments for future police services. Details are still being smoothed out following a Monday city council meeting in Coulee Dam in which council members asked for clarifications, but their consensus was to accept the agreement in principle after clarifications were made. The deal will require Coulee Dam’s two-man department to double personn...

  • Coulee Dam sewer component over $900k

    Nov 16, 2022

    A “lift station” revamp to get west Coulee Dam’s sewage across the river to the city’s new wastewater plant was bid at $906,000, the city’s engineer reported Monday. Engineer Daniel Cowger of Varela Engineering recommended accepting the lowest responsive bid, submitted by Strider Construction, of Bellingham, Washington. The council accepted the bid, noting the city would be pursuing extended funding through a grant proposal Cowger recommended. The city council was wary of a long entanglement with another west-side outfit. City Councilme...

  • Thanksgiving Food given out this Friday

    Nov 16, 2022

    Care & Share Food Bank will give out Thanksgiving food on Friday, Nov 18 from 12-3 pm. We will be closed on Nov 25 for Thanksgiving. Join our Facebook group. Questions call Pastor Shawn at 633-2566....

  • Tuition agreements OK'd between school districts

    Scott Hunter|Nov 16, 2022

    School board members Monday night accepted new “tuition agreements” between districts that have already been doing for decades what the new contracts will make legal, in the eyes of federal regulators. Grand Coulee Dam School District directors voted to OK the so-called “tuition” pacts with Nespelem and Keller school districts, whose students eventually attend junior high and high school in Coulee Dam, bringing with them federal “Impact Aid” funds to help pay for it. Because those schools get paid at a higher rate than the Coulee Dam distric...

  • Alling awarded Quilt of Valor

    Nov 16, 2022

    Ben Alling was awarded a Quilt of Valor during the Veterans Day program Monday at the Pomeroy School District, where his grandsons, Logan and Colby Ledgerwood, have attended school. Alling enlisted in the United States Army on May 31, 1968. His rank started as a private and he worked his way up to an SP5. He was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington for his basic training, after which he was sent to Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland for an 11-week welding course. He came out an honor graduate....

  • School levy squeaking by so far

    Scott Hunter|Nov 9, 2022

    The school levy was barely passing Tuesday night by a margin of just 1.38% of the 866 votes counted so far. The measure, which asked to replace the Grand Coulee Dam School District's current levies with one at half the combined rate of expiring levies, had slipped into the fail bracket by the slimmest of margins, two to five votes, in each of the four counties involved except Douglas, where it held a 23-vote favorable margin. Ballots could be postmarked by Tuesday, or inserted in a ballot drop...

  • Community dinner planned in Hood's honor

    Nov 9, 2022

    A community dinner will be held in honor of Steve Hood at the American Legion building in Electric City on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 3 p.m. As of last Saturday, Hood is now in the Washington State Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame after a career - and in reality, a lifestyle - of coaching and preparing his athletes to win matches and tackle life's tussles. In his day job, he taught auto shop for 33 years at Lake Roosevelt High School, but he found time to volunteer in the community after...

  • Snow cuts lines and power in Okanogan County

    Scott Hunter|Nov 9, 2022

    Utility line crews in Okanogan County were still fixing outages from Monday's storm late Monday afternoon. In the immediate Grand Coulee Dam area, only a few flakes fluttered here and there, but a bit north it was a different story. Okanogan County reported at 10:38 a.m. Monday that electric utilities were experiencing small outages around the county, including Nespelem Valley Electric Cooperative. "It was the heavy, wet snow that was the culprit," NVEC General Manager Kevin Black said Tuesday as his linemen were finishing repairs near Bridgepo...

  • Couple asks council for deer help

    Scott Hunter|Nov 9, 2022

    An Electric City couple pressed the city council Tuesday to start a discussion on the in-town deer population, which they said is now increasing and becoming a problem. Robbin and Carol Boyce said they’ve lived in the area since 1989 but never had problems with deer before 2010, and now it’s getting worse. Carol Boyce described problems with deer now ranging from her apparently tasty forsytvuhia bushes that are “just about toast” to an overly familiar buck who spooked her visiting adult granddaughter by coming too close behind her in the yar...

  • Veteran's Day assembly set for this Thursday

    Nov 9, 2022

    A Veterans Day assembly will be held at Lake Roosevelt on Nov. 10 from 9-10 a.m. in the high school gym, and veterans and their families are welcome to attend. Middle school and high school bands will be performing patriotic marches, and a slideshow will be presented showing veterans from the local area, their names, dates of service, and which branch of the military they served in....

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