News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area


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  • Strengthening national security through responsible labor reform

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman, 4th District|Feb 16, 2022

    If you ask almost any farmer in Central Washington these days what their most pervasive problem is, I can guarantee they’ll say labor. Producers across Washington and the country are keenly aware that there simply isn’t enough interest among domestic workers to fill these essential roles. As the breadbasket for the world, the labor crisis creates a threat to our food security and our national security. That is why I have been championing agricultural labor reform since coming to Congress. In 2019 my legislation, the Farm Workforce Mod...

  • Combatting the opioid epidemic

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman, 4th District|Feb 9, 2022

    Living in Central Washington means you’re pretty much as far as you can get from the southern border while remaining in the land of the free, so it’s easy to think President Biden’s open-border policies don’t affect us. Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth. President Biden’s open-border policies have allowed fentanyl to flow across the southern border and into our communities. In FY21, there was a 134% increase in the amount of fentanyl found by Customs and Border Protection. The 11,201 pounds of fentanyl that were seized by o...

  • What about those volcanic gases?

    Bob Valen|Feb 9, 2022

    The recent eruption of the Tonga volcano was captured by various geostationary satellites showing us the size and scale of that eruption. The eruption plume was about 162 miles in diameter before upper winds disrupted it. The Tonga volcano, officially called the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai volcano, is mostly under water. It is about 12.5 miles wide and is 6,000 feet high. The volcano is 40 miles north of capital of Tonga (175˚23’W, 20˚33’S). This volcano’s recent past activity was in 2009 and...

  • Odd just gets odder

    Roger S. Lucas|Feb 9, 2022

    I have had a lot of odd jobs, spread out over the years. I don’t think I was in my teens yet when I took my first official job. I set pins in the Palouse bowling alley. I got 5 cents a line, not something I could get rich doing. A line of bowling took about 30 minutes, so you can see it wasn’t a great deal.This was before they got the racks you put the pins in. There were black circles painted and you were supposed to put the pins right on the painted circles. First you had to clear the down pins and then jump up on the retaining wall so the...

  • Drop assault on natural gas

    Don C. Brunell|Feb 9, 2022

    Last year, Gov. Jay Inslee attempted an end run around the legislature by banning natural gas in new homes and commercial buildings via the state’s building codes. It was a bad idea. Now, some fellow Democrats who control the Legislature are working on legislation trying to do the same — also a bad idea. Inslee’s proposed regulations forbid the use of fossil fuels for heating and hot water in new structures. Prohibiting natural gas is expensive for home and building owners, many of whom installed energy-efficient natural gas heat pumps and t...

  • Defunding education solves nothing

    Scott Hunter, editor and publisher|Feb 2, 2022

    Setting aside the likelihood that the Grand Coulee Dam School District is not perfect, critics who argue that the fix is voting against its local funding are way off the mark. When the Legislature changed the formula for basic education funding, getting dollares for this district became even more complicated than it already was, restricting funds in different buckets dedicated to specific uses, even more so than they usually are. But administrators here, like others across the state, have had to figure it out. This year, the district is...

  • Looking for that fourth pot

    Roger S. Lucas|Feb 2, 2022

    Palouse Pottery Company, founded in 1904, produced a ton of crock pots during the short time it was in operation. Currently, I am looking for my fourth Palouse Pottery piece so I can give it away. I don’t remember when or where I got my first piece, a gallon crock. Since I am from Palouse, I decided to try to find pieces of Palouse Pottery for each of our four children. I gave my first piece away, and while visiting Palouse a couple of years ago found my second piece. This one was a 10-gallon crock, and I bought it at a secondhand store on P...

  • Please remember the facts

    Nicole Rasmussen|Feb 2, 2022

    There has been much debate on whether you should support the upcoming school levy continuance. While many facts have been presented, some have been unclearly represented, and our children are the ones who will suffer. Please remember the facts and consider the whole picture as you make your decision. First of all, please remember the fact that the levy that is up for vote is not a new levy. It is to continue the levy that pays for the maintenance and education operations that already exist. Voting no takes away money from the normal day-to-day...

  • YES on the School Levies; the Logical Vote

    Ian and Cara Turner|Jan 26, 2022

    The state of Washington has changed how school districts are funded, placing greater responsibility on local levies to help the district sustain extracurricular activities, adequate staffing, and improved facilities for our children. A typical voice in support of levies tends to focus on issues such as our aging district infrastructure and non-taxed government lands. Voices against the levies tend to focus on mismanagement, lack of representation, and the perception that property taxes will increase. What none of these issues address is the...

  • Actual facts to consider about the school district

    Dennis Carlson, GCDSD Superintendent, retired|Jan 26, 2022

    Thanks go to The Star, Jacob Wagner and Scott Hunter for carrying out the school levy survey and printing the results and comments in the January 19, 2022 edition. Voters need to have factual information to help them decide whether to vote “Yes” or ‘No” on the levy. There are a few comments that were included in the article and a related “Letters from our readers” section that I would like to address. Ten years ago, after many years (decades?) of our community communicating the need to replace our three aging and unhealthy schools, Sen. Linda...

  • Supporting levies we are supporting for the future

    Gary Darnold, Retired teacher and coach for GCD School District|Jan 26, 2022

    I am writing in support of the two upcoming levies for the Grand Coulee Dam School District. As a teacher for the district for 42 years, I have seen how levies have supported and provided opportunities for students and staff. The levies have provided support to the athletic programs, upkeep for our school buildings and provide programs that are available for our students. In supporting our levies, we are supporting and providing for the future of our students. Gary Darnold Retired teacher and coach for GCD School District...

  • Out of touch

    John M. Adkins|Jan 26, 2022

    Previously I’d mentioned how much I appreciate The Star seeking input by polling our community about the upcoming school levies. People need to be heard and I’m proud of those who’ve studied the issue and logically responded. Maybe the only real avenue they have. It takes courage to go against the establishment, but I can tell you these folks are not against kids. They see a lack of balance and dysfunction over time. Most of us love our local school district but the elected officials and superintendent are out of touch in many ways. Looki...

  • A could-be bucket list

    Roger S. Lucas|Jan 26, 2022

    This is about places I’ve been that would make my bucket list if I hadn’t. 1 - First would have to be my favorite vacation spot, Grand Teton National Park. Place to stay: Jackson Lake Lodge, on Jackson Lake. It has always been the top spot for moose watching, but it also is a hiker’s paradise. We took a boat across the lake and it dropped us off at a trailhead that wound its way between two of the mountain peaks. We had walked about a mile and when turning a corner in the path we ran into two bull moose that cautiously eyed us as if we shouldn...

  • Facts on upcoming school levies

    Rich Black|Jan 19, 2022

    The Grand Coulee Dam School District (GCDSD) is seeking voter approval for two separate levies in the upcoming election on February 8, 2022. The intent of my letter is to provide the facts regarding these levies and enable voters to make well-informed voting decisions. The first of these levies is the educational programs and operations levy—commonly referred to as an “enrichment” levy; and the second is the capital levy for safety, technology and facilities improvement, or simply, “capital levy.” Both of these levies have been approved...

  • Make diversity and equity a priority

    John M. Adkins|Jan 19, 2022

    In life it is very important to make progress from being fully aware of current reality and learning from the patterns involved. We should always strive to improve and find balance from our mistakes. This is not happening at the highest levels in our school district. There are excessive fiscal requests and repetitive unanimous decisions that are not logical to me. We need servant leadership, a diversity of viewpoints with equity in mind. People need to be valued and heard with genuine collaboration so progressive solutions can be found....

  • Clang of the prison door

    Roger S. Lucas|Jan 19, 2022

    I well remember the feeling when I heard the clang of the prison door at Walla Walla closing behind me. This needs some explanation. When I was with the newspaper in Bothell, I heard of some of the reforms at the state prison at Walla Walla. A call to the prison eventually led to a visit with warden Bobby Rhay. I told him I was interested in pursuing the reforms with a story, particularly the elected prison inmate council. He said if I wanted to come over, I could visit with him about the reforms and also meet with the prisoner council members....

  • Resent all you want, but do the right thing

    Scott Hunter|Jan 12, 2022

    It’s not going away if we accept defeat, it will just keep attacking. Complaining about the unfair, changing “rules” is useless. There are no rules but one: Don’t give up. A good friend who knows better couldn’t help recently expressing that feeling of resentment, which is held by probably everyone who’s been alive over the last two years. No, it isn’t fair, whatever you imagine that might mean in the context of a non-thinking clump of reproducing molecules that can make you or your loved ones sick to death, literally, not just of masking yo...

  • Support GenZ by supporting school levies

    Joe Tynan|Jan 12, 2022

    As a parent of students at our local schools, I plan to support the levies that are coming up on the ballot in the next few weeks. I hope you will too. Generation Z will need to solve a lot of problems over the coming decades. One of them will be how to care for an aging Generation X, and what to do with our old BMX, inline skating, and X Game-wannabe injuries. We all thought we were going to be Dan Cortese or Gabrielle Reece. And for a brief, glorious time . . . we almost were. But at what cost? I mean, there was no real concussion protocol...

  • The Wrap-up for Trees of Sharing 2021

    Trees of Sharing Committee|Jan 12, 2022

    Trees of Sharing 2021 culminated Saturday, December 18 with the delivery of wrapped Christmas gifts to 118 children in 54 families. The Trees of sharing Committee thanks every person who supported this project by making a cash donation or purchasing gifts for children who might not have otherwise received one this Christmas. Trees of Sharing extends special appreciation to Spokane Teachers Credit Union, Coulee Family Medicine, Harvest Foods, North Cascades Bank, and Safeway Pharmacy for help with collecting children’s names and/or displaying t...

  • Sometimes you just get lucky

    Roger S. Lucas|Jan 12, 2022

    We have had great luck with neighbors. Thinking back to our earliest days together, and up to the present time, we have always had good neighbors. Just recently, and after our latest snowfall, is a good example of good neighbors. I heard noise from outside and went to the door to look out, and there was Gasry Norris plowing out the end of my driveway. Gary is former owner of H&H Grocery and has a blade on the front of his pickup. Not only was Gary cleaning up our driveway but proceeded to go down the street and do other driveways. At the...

  • Better news ahead, and behind

    Scott Hunter|Jan 5, 2022

    News media can present news about the coronavirus pandemic responsibly, without a constant drumbeat of doom even when it’s not called for. That doesn’t always happen. I call your attention to the editorial cartoon at right. Its author may seek to totally discount the integrity of news coverage on the pandemic, which wouldn’t be fair either, but its message urges us to pay appropriate attention to the good news along the way. That includes important news that often gets buried under the old observation that “if it bleeds, it leads.” Cartoonis...

  • Stamps also tell a story

    Roger S. Lucas|Jan 5, 2022

    Long periods of open time have allowed me to get back to my stamp collection. I had a small collection as a child and then put it all behind me until later in life. My collection had been collecting dust until about six months ago when I pulled my albums out and took over the dining room table. The urge came on as I talked with our oldest son, Paul, who has a substantial collection. He was lucky enough to be able to purchase a large collection from a former postmaster. Stamps can be much more than something to lick and drop off at the post offi...

  • It's winter – let's consider drought

    Bob Valen|Jan 5, 2022

    Before we visit the final 2021 weather data for our region, a dryer, warmer year, we will explore the subject of drought — something we’ve been experiencing for several months now. When we study weather events like tornadoes, thunderstorms, or hurricanes, we need to add drought as a weather event as well. What makes drought different is its longevity and its beginning and ending periods. Drought is the near total absence of rainwater for a prolonged period of time. Looking at our pre...

  • Reining in government spending will be very tough

    Lee Hamilton, U.S. House of Representatives|Jan 5, 2022

    With an infrastructure package on the books and the Biden administration’s $1.8 trillion “Build Back Better” measure preoccupying the Senate after passing the House, government spending is very much on Americans’ minds. In public meetings, I frequently hear people say that government’s share of the economy is too big, and it’s likely that voters’ feelings about federal spending will figure prominently in next year’s elections. If you look ahead, even beyond the current debate on Capitol Hill, there will be intense pressure to expand even furthe...

  • A new year brings new hope

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman, 4th District|Jan 5, 2022

    Christmas is the season of hope and joy, and as we look to the brightening days ahead, it is important we bring that same sense of love and generosity that has filled our hearts and homes over the last few weeks with us into the new year. For those of us who have the privilege of calling Central Washington home, there is much for which we are grateful. We are free to observe holy days as our conscience, not the government, dictates. We are blessed to live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world, with bountiful farmland and majestic...

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