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The Okanogan County School Retirees’ Association has announced it is offering a $2,000 college scholarship for an Okanogan County high school graduate. To be eligible, applicants must be at least a college junior working towards initial certification in an education field and must plan to work in public schools. The application deadline is May 1. Applications are available at For more information, contact Rita Figlenski at Full story
The following is the honor roll for the Lake Roosevelt Jr./Sr. High. High Honors * depicts 4.0 Seniors: Carly Neddo*, Raeley Portch*, Aspen Smith*, Damon Landeros, Sawyer Steffens, Chase Marchand, Cylia St.Pierre, Alise Hoffman, Jericho Desautel-Ootsey, Janessa Desautel, Nevach English, Jaydyn Palmer, Trevan, Barnaby-Lesser, Allison Rice, Brandon Pino, Talliyah Timentwa, Francis Louie, Kaliah Tonasket Juniors: Riley Ayling*, Terek Bush*, Zane Chaffee*, John Cooley*, Wyatt Egbert*, Aviona Gomez, Lola Yazzie, Alex Button, Amy Dorman, Lucas...
The Future Business Leaders of America held the annual regional competition at Eastmont High School in East Wenatchee Feb. 2, where eight Lake Roosevelt students placed, including Kailah Leadingham, who took third in Public Speaking and will go on to the state competition. Karlyn Logue took sixth place and Amy Conners fifth in the online test for Exploring Technology. Gage Kazinsky took fifth place in Financial Literacy (online test). Zayden Jackson and Charlie Pfaltzgraph placed sixth in...
The fall 2023 Eastern Washington University Dean’s List recognizes undergraduate students who earn 12 quality hours and receive a GPA of 3.5 or better, including a couple local students. From Coulee Dam, Ashley Baker and Michael Wapato-Harden made the list, as did Matthew Tillman, of Nespelem....
John M. Adkins, Coulee Dam, Superintendent of the Wellpinit School District, has been selected to join five other superintendents on the Board of Directors for the National Indian Impacted Schools Association. There are over 550 Indian land school districts across the United States. Adkins started working as an educator and coach with students and families on Indian lands over 40 years ago, including the Grand Coulee Dam and Nespelem School districts. He has been an athletic director, principal and for the last 24 years a superintendent. He...
Lake Roosevelt students showed their school spirit all week around the Barbie movie theme.From left, Champ Louie, Cadence Clark, Roscoe Sam Leach, Terrell Bush, Caden Portch, and Ezekiel Broadnax are dressed like tacky tourists. - Principal Natalie Kontos photo....
How does that shirt hanging in your closet — that one (or five) you haven’t worn for a long time — fit in with high school spirit? Believe it or not, a week of school-spirit activities in October will include a clothing drive at Lake Roosevelt Jr/Sr High School that the community can participate in — either with donations or usage of what gets collected. The “LR Closet” is an intra-class competition to see which class can gather the most donations during Spirit Week, which will culminate in the annual homecoming football game Friday, Oct...
On behalf of Lake Roosevelt Elementary and Jr/Sr High School staff we are pleased to introduce another tool to promote efficiency and accuracy to our “Back-to-School” registration. The forms needed to fully register students each year are now in Skyward Family Access. These forms are required for the safety and security of students; ie. student health information, emergency release, updated contact numbers, and expectations. Online forms can now be accessed at your convenience, using your login and password. Chrome books will be available in...
On behalf of Lake Roosevelt Elementary and Jr/Sr High School staff we are pleased to introduce another tool to promote efficiency and accuracy to our “Back-to-School” registration. The forms needed to fully register students each year are now in Skyward Family Access. These forms are required for the safety and security of students; ie. student health information, emergency release, updated contact numbers, and expectations. Online forms can now be accessed at your convenience, using your login and password. Chrome books will be available in...
Several local students have been noted for good grades at colleges and universities. At the University of Washington, senior Shannon O’Brien Landheer, of Electric City, made the Dean’s List for winter quarter, the school said. At Spokane Falls Community College, Taylor Bartholomew, of Grand Coulee; Logan McElyea, of Wilbur; and Emily Nichols, of Keller each made spring honor roll. Spokane Community College, Robert Morin, of Elmer City, and Kaimyn Scheib, of Electric City, made that school’s spring honor roll, as did Mason Andersen, Piper Geib,...
The Ridge Riders Junior Rodeo brought cowboys and girls to town Saturday and Sunday. The event had 91 young athletes entered on Saturday and 102 on Sunday for a total of 193 kids. Events ranged from little kids "dummy roping" to senior bull riding, with the most important performance aspect being simply participating. Parents often help the little ones make it through their events....
7/11/2023 - Write on the River and NCW Libraries are happy to announce the three winners of the 12th Annual High School Writers Competition. Jadyn Matson, Chelan, won first-place for her fiction entry, “At the Edge of the World.” Honorable mentions went to Jada Wood of Cashmere for “Helios” and Isabel Menna of Leavenworth for “Lost Princess Found: A Story of Resurrection.” The winners will share $200 in cash awards and will be featured readers at Write on the River’s next Four Minutes of Fame open mic event. Learn more about the winners and rea...
The 21st CCLC Out of School Programs, in conjunction with the Grand Coulee Dam School District, will be offering free breakfast and lunch in Coulee Dam. SHARP Kids Site Coordinator/Co-Director Lacey Ward said the students don’t have to be signed up for the out-of-school program or even enrolled in the Grand Coulee Dam School District. They do need to be 18 years or younger (unless a student is part of the SPED program at the district and is still enrolled in school.) All food must be eaten on site, unless only sack lunches are offered on t...
Grand Coulee High School Alumni Association The Grand Coulee High School Alumni Association awarded scholarships in the amount of $500 to each of the following members of the Lake Roosevelt Jr/Sr High School Class of 2023: Penelope Antoine, Jaelyn Cleveland, Brit Egbert, and Landon Krohn. Each of these students’ applications presented a high level of engagement in high school life, including success in academics, athletics, and community service, as well as focused goals going forward after high school. Three students from out of the area w...
Bismarck State College in North Dakota last week announced the President’s Honor Roll for the Spring 2023 semester, including local students. John Baughman* and James Milligan, both of Electric City, were among those who maintained at least a 3.50 GPA while enrolled in at least 12 semester hours. Jacob Johnson*, of Hartline, and James Nichols, of Keller also made the list. A * designates a 4.0 GPA...
Nine Lake Roosevelt students journeyed to Seattle last weekend to compete in a Knowledge Bowl tournament at the University of Washington. UW's "Quiz Bowl" team invited high school Knowledge Bowl teams from across the state to a tournament, where students answered tough questions having to do with everything from Irish poetry to Argentine dictators, said advisor and language arts teacher Pam Johnson. LR's team included senior Jacob Marchand, sophomore Peyton Robison, and eighth-graders Arianna...
Shawn Traxler of Coulee Dam has been named to Southern New Hampshire University’s Winter 2023 President’s List, the school said. The winter terms run from January to May. Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.7 and above for the reporting term are named to the President’s List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits over each 16-week term or paired 8-week terms grouped in fall, winter/spring, and summer....
Several students from the local area made the winter quarter honor roll at Spokane Community College, the school announced Tuesday. Among the 1,904 students on its honor roll for the quarter were Moyatat Bell, of Nespelem; Jamie Finch, of Grand Coulee; Robert Morin, of Elmer City; Kaimyn Scheib, of Electric City; and Mason Andersen, Piper Geib, Callie Haden, and Olivia Hill, all of Wilbur. Each had to achieve a 3.0 grade point average or higher to make the honor roll....
Registration packets for incoming preschool and kindergarten students are now available at Lake Roosevelt Elementary, the District Office, city hall in Electric City and the GCD Area Chamber of Commerce. Completed packets, including birth certificate and immunization record, can be returned to the elementary school or the district office. Children must be 4 years old by August 31st to be enrolled in preschool, and 5 years old by August 31st to register for kindergarten. If you have any questions, please contact the elementary office at...
Any high school student/parent interested in the Running Start Program there will be a parent/student meeting on Monday, May 1, from 4 to 5:30pm in the LRHS Hub. The meeting sponsored by Wenatchee Valley College will have a speaker available to answer questions. For more information contact Tiffany Gerard at the high school 509.633.1442....
Seven Lake Roosevelt students traveled to the state Future Business Leaders of America competition in Spokane April 19- 22. Kailah Leadingham, a junior, took seventh place for Business Law. Seventh-grader Justice Stice competed in the Elevator Speech event. Kaelyn Warner, also seventh grade, to seventh place in Career Research. Lexi Portch took seventh in Business Ethics. She's in seventh grade, too. The team of Justice Stice and Kaelyn Warner took seventh in Critical Thinking and fourth in the...
In the semester High Honor Roll the following should have been included: Freshman Lamiyah Gentemann, *4.0 and Mylia Gentemann High Honor Roll....
The following is the first semester honor roll for Lake Roosevelt Jr./Sr. High School. HIGH HONORS 3.5 to 4.0 *Indicates 4.0 SENIORS Penelope Antoine*, Justin Blueeyes*, Brit Egbert*, Logan Marconi, Kate Adolph, Gemma Sacchi, Tanner Kiser, Lynzee Valles, Zyrel Zacherle JUNIORS Damon Landeros*, Carly Neddo*, Raeley Portch*, Talliyah Timentwa, Kailah Leadingham, Aaliyah Cheeney, Aspen Smith, Janessa Desautel, Brenna Morrill, Sawyer Steffens, Shyanne Marchand, Chase Marchand, Hunter Armstrong, Arianna Waters, Brandon Pino SOPHOMORES Zane...
Eastern Washington University released their Dean’s List for Fall Quarter Tuesday for undergraduates who earned 12 quality hours with a grade point average of 3.5 or better. Local students on the list are: Derek Atkins and Addison Hansen, both of Coulee Dam; Stephen Flowers, Grand Coulee; Matthew Tillman, Nespelem....
OLYMPIA — Public high schools throughout Washington will observe Temperance and Good Citizenship Day Friday, Jan. 13. Now in its 100th year, Temperance and Good Citizenship Day is unique to Washington and is one of several civic observances for which state law provides specific instructions for schools. Every January, Washington students learn about becoming engaged and productive citizens. On Temperance and Good Citizenship Day, high-school seniors can register to vote during their social studies classes, either with a printed voter-registrati...