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Hensley selected for transit rep

A group of people from the Senior Center appeared at the Electric City Council meeting last week to support Councilmember Birdie Hensley’s appointment as the city’s representative to the Grant County’s public transportation system, Grant Transit Authority.

GTA operates a dozen bus routes from George to Coulee Dam.

As it turned out, Councilmember Bob Rupe was also in the running for the appointment, having served on the advisory board for several years earlier.

Seniors, who work with Hensley at the Senior Center, in turn spoke on her behalf.

Hensley was nominated for the appointment, seconded her own nomination, and then won by a 4-1 vote.

Rupe took issue with the council’s decision and charged “shenanigans” with the way it was handled. He said the selection should have been made two weeks ago, before the new council members took their seats. He stated that someone (referring to Hensley) didn’t have their ducks in a row at that time.

The council normally makes such assignments during its first meeting of the year.

Rupe later was voted in as mayor pro-tempore.


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