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On the root of the sewage issue

Letters to the Editor

I’m a resident of Coulee Dam, and I’m all for justification of any project which is initiated on my behalf and which will inflate my monthly utility (sewage) bill. Without a super influx of new residents, a super sewage plant doesn’t seem practical. I fully support Gregory Wilder’s pursuit of justification for actions which seem to invalidate the residents of Coulee Dam.

Ricky Gabriel's comment regarding this seemingly frivolous sewage project are incongruent with constituent interests, in my opinion. He doesn't base what appears to be advocacy upon any form of statistics, how many tribal members live in East Coulee Dam and how many favor increased personal cost for Super sewage services?

His brother Andy is not a Portand Area Indian Health Service director and has never directed an IHS delivery system.

IHS does not likely posess a discretionary porkbarrel of funds for a project which has not met IHS planning procedures.

Ultimately, if the CCT and town councils are to partner, I would first have them successfully figure out how to prevent town-owned tree roots from clogging my main sewage line. If that can be accomplished, then I'll favor the partnership.

R.C. Covington


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