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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee Police

1/30 - Police are asking the Grant County Prosecutor’s office to file possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine), possession of drug paraphernalia, and making false statements against a Grand Coulee man officers say dropped a smoking pipe at the counter of a local business as he was leaving. The man denied that the pipe was his. It is being sent to the crime lab to see if fingerprints can be lifted from it. He was released pending the results of tests.

- Two juveniles, one a 16-year-old from Electric City and the other a 17-year-old from Nespelem, were arrested while walking with backpacks near the overlook area just above Grand Coulee Dam. Both were wanted on warrants. After confirming the warrants, officers found a large number of cartons and single packs of cigarettes in the backpacks, valued at over $1,200. After checking with Coulee Dam Police it was learned that there had been a burglary at a “smoke shop” there and that the cigarettes checked out to be those that were missing. The Nespelem youth is being charged with possession of stolen property, making false statements, being a minor in possession of alcohol and obstructing a public servant. The Electric City youth is being charged with possession of stolen property, resisting arrest, and obstructing a public servant.

1/31 - An Electric City man and wife told police that someone had entered their residence late at night and taken two swords valued at $500 each, a collection of coins and some Masonic memorabilia. They awoke and saw shadows near their bedroom. The man got a baseball bat, went downstairs and found that the intruders had taken his wife’s purse out onto the deck but hadn’t taken the contents. Police found footprints in the snow and took pictures of tire prints and are investigating. The report said the parties got in through an unlocked door.

- A Grand Coulee man asked for assistance when he reportedly became dizzy and was afraid to drive. He was taken to Coulee Medical Center for observation.

- Police were called to Electric City’s city hall where it was reported that an assault had taken place. City officials stated that they didn’t know why police were called.

- A Lincoln Street resident in Electric City told police that someone had taken an air-operated impact wrench and had used it to start loosening the lug bolts on his vehicle. The man told police who he thought might have taken the tool, and officers are investigating.

2/1 - A woman told police that a neighbor in Electric City had reported that an emergency tool chest had been taken. She said there were tracks in the snow around the residence, shed and all the vehicles.

- A man told police that an ex-girlfriend had taken their children from school and wanted the officer to go get the children and bring them to him. He checked on the children and reported to the man that they were OK and that he needed a court order or a parenting plan in regard to the children.

2/2 - A man offered to sell a new chainsaw to another man in Electric City. The man refused to purchase the chainsaw and followed the man to an address on Electric Boulevard, and then reported it to police.

- An Electric City woman and her Soap Lake boyfriend tried to cash a check for groceries and overage at Safeway but a clerk noticed that the check blank belonged to another party, who, when contacted, said the customer was not authorized to use the account. Police are asking the Grant County prosecutor to charge the woman with identity theft, forgery and third-degree theft.

2/3 - A man living in Continental Heights told police that loud music was keeping him awake. The officer found that the music noise was coming from the Wolf’s Den Bar. The bartender was told to turn the music down.

- A Phoenix police detective asked for an officer’s assistance in contacting a woman now living here who had reportedly stated to someone that she had been inappropriately touched by a member of her Phoenix church. The officer contacted the woman, who denied that anything wrong had taken place.

- An officer answered a complaint of loud music at a residence in Electric City, where he noticed a scent of burnt marijuana coming from the house. A man told the officer where the marijuana was located and a container with “green leafy” material was found along with two smoking devices. The man is being charged with possession and having the smoking devices.

2/4 - An Elmer City man was arrested and charged with driving while under the influence and possession of marijuana after he was observed nearly striking the guard rail and crossing the center line in Electric City. The man’s vehicle was towed.

- An Elmer City man taking pictures near the dam was advised he was in a restricted area. He told the officer that he used to work for the Bureau of Reclamation. After checking on the man he was cleared to finish taking the pictures.

2/5 - A bartender called police on a possible weapons problem. When the officer arrived at the bar he found that a person who was intoxicated had a hunting knife on his belt and was trying to pick a fight with other patrons. The bartender took the knife, but returned it when the man left.

Coulee Dam Police

2/2 - Police stopped a vehicle with an inoperative brake light and found that the driver had his license suspended and had a warrant out for his arrest. He was taken to Grant County Jail on the warrant.

2/3 - A 17-year old female student was taken to Okanogan County juvenile facility after threatening a teacher at Lake Roosevelt High School. Police are asking that a charge of felony harassment be made against the woman.

2/4 - A suspicious man was walking near Mason City Park and the museum grounds, and an officer caught up with him on Holly Street. He said he had lost $20 and was looking for it. He was identified by tattoos on his upper arm. No crime was committed so the man wasn’t arrested.

- A man was confronted by police after being seen on Holly Street and hiding in the back yard of a residence there. He said he was hiding because he thought police were following him. He said he didn’t have any drugs on him, only Zig Zag cigarette papers. He told the officer that he didn’t have any marijuana because he didn’t have any money.

- A man told an officer called to Coulee Medical Center by a staff person that he had been bitten by his own dog. He said he planned to get rid of the dog because he was afraid it might bite one of his children.

2/7 - An officer responded to a barking dog complaint and found the dog, a male retriever, tangled by its chain around a sign post. The officer got the dog loose and tried to follow it to its home but couldn’t track the dog.

- Tribal police asked for assistance in informing a man who lives at a Columbia River Drive apartment that a youth that lives with him was at Coulee Medical Center.


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