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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee Police

2/27 - Safeway asked that a man be banned from the store for a year.

- An Electric City man told police that he wanted to add to a list of things missing from a residence there. He said missing were VCR tapes, some antique bottles, two vases, a glass globe with a dancing girl, three pictures from Germany, a bamboo picture, a vibrating recliner rocker, and a Play Station with several games. He said more items were piled up by the door.

- Police caught a woman in a small, black sports car from Pateros inside the fence at the 230 KV switchyard. When asked how she got inside the fence she said she didn’t know, she was “trying to preach about Jesus” and would look at her Bible. She was told if caught inside the fence again she would be arrested.

- A man from Seattle who was known to police here was arrested at a house on Burdin Boulevard on a warrant. The man was irritated and charged that the department never “arrests white people.” He was taken to the police station where he was placed in a belly chain and then taken to Dry Falls State Park, transfered to a county sheriff’s deputy’s custody and taken to Grant County Jail.

2/28 - A Coulee Dam resident stopped an officer to tell him that his vehicle had been sideswiped sometime earlier. He didn’t know where the accident happened.

- An officer was called to assist with a combative prisoner being processed for driving while under the influence.

- An Electric City woman was confronted for making a 911 call and then hanging up. She told an officer that she and another person had been having an argument. Police asked to see the woman but she refused to let them see her.

2/29 - Police told a man living on Electric Boulevard in Electric City to turn down his music because it was disturbing the neighbors. He asked if there was a time when he could turn the music up as loud as he wanted and the officer told him, “no.” The man was advised that the fine for disturbing the peace was progressive, raising $50 each offense and that he was up to $350.

3/1 - A woman reported that someone had hacked into her son’s Facebook account and posted inappropriate comments to his friend’s account. She said they had tried to cancel the password but were unable to do so.

- A woman told police that a dog was running loose on Dill Avenue and she thought it had been killing rabbits.

- A woman was stopped near the top of the dam because her center brake light wasn’t working. The woman didn’t have any of her documents with her, and police found she had a suspended license and two warrants out for her arrest. Police cited her for no proof of insurance, driving while license was suspended, and expired license tabs.

- A driver from Wilbur was stopped because his brake light was not working and admitted he didn’t have a driver’s license. He was wanted on warrants from Spokane and Grant counties for driving with his license suspended. He was arrested and taken to Grant County Jail, and his vehicle was towed.

3/2 - A woman staying at a local motel told police that while she was in the shower someone had come in and taken some pills, a vehicle key, a bank card, a pair of gloves and pair of shoes. Later she called police again, saying that she was being followed and had items taken from the room and that the persons responsible were in the rooms adjacent. Police found that the rooms adjacent to hers were vacant and that she needed to take her anti-psychotic medication.

- A man from Rathdrum, Idaho, ignored a no-trespass sign at the Bureau of Reclamation. When stopped he said he had been listening to his GPS and looking for Yucca Street.

3/3 - A woman told police that someone had made fraudulent charges on her Mastercard account. She had been alerted by her credit card company and needed a police report before they would move forward on the incident.

- An Electrc City woman seen walking along the highway was stopped because the officer knew she was wanted on a warrant. The officer found two pills of a legend drug in her possession. She was taken to Grant County Jail.

3/4 - Police reponded to Coulee Medical Center where a woman had a cut hand. The woman told police that her hand was cut when she grabbed at a knife held by her boyfriend, who told her he planned to use it to gain entry into an apartment next door, but she didn’t think he would have done so.

- A woman on Hill Avenue told police that someone had tried to get into her residence. She stated that someone had kicked in her front door, but nothing was taken.

Coulee Dam Police

2/28 - An officer noticed a car parked near the fire station with its lights on and a driver hunched over the steering wheel. The officer tapped on the window and got no response so opened the door and tapped on the driver’s arm. After about 30 seconds, she raised her head and told the officer that she wasn’t driving the car. The officer could smell a strong odor of alcohol, but the woman contended that she hadn’t been drinking. She was arrested on an existing warrant taken to Okanogan County Jail.

- Police saw a man on foot near Green Field with insufficient clothes for the cold weather. Talking with the man, the officer determined he was intoxicated. He said his girlfriend had kicked him out and that he wanted a ride to Omak. Tribal police gave the man a ride to Omak.

- An officer chased a car that sped through residential streets until it was finally boxed in by two Tribal Police units. He was identified by Tribal Police as a felon and an officer safety risk. A field test determined him intoxicated. While being transferred he tried to kick his way out of the patrol car. He ended up at Okanogan County Jail.

2/29 - A man was stopped for speeding after the officer got a reading of 39 mph in a 30 mph zone. The driver kept yelling at the officer just write me a ticket. He got twice his wish as the officer wrote him a ticket for speeding and not having insurance.

3/1 - A woman in Elmer City had advised police that her son was banging on her door and that she had the day before gotten a court order to keep him off the premises. He wasn’t there when officers arrived and they found out that the court order hadn’t yet been served. Later the son returned and officers served the court order and saw that he left the premises.

3/2 - A man on Spruce Street advised a security guard at the dam that he heard someone banging on the door but when he went out, there wasn’t anyone there. The security guard contacted police who responded. The man said that the next time it happened he was going to go to the door with his gun. He was advised to call 911 if the banging occurred again.


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