News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Some improvements made, much more needed

There’s been some improvements on Burdin Blvd., very few, if any, on A Street, but more needs to be done to not only these areas but so many more in Grand Coulee.

Of course, with those improvements comes the silent treatment, the snickers and the disapproval by the neighbors with all the junk. I suppose that’s my punishment for wanting it cleaned up, but in the end it will be well worth it. And there’s even a bright spot in the silent treatments as it is bringing the rest of the neighbors closer to one another.

I still expect the city to come in and enforce the removal of junk vehicles, boats, trailers, snowmobiles, various car parts, tires and various other junk that still exist in this and other neighborhoods, and yards and alleyways cleaned up.

If Electric City and Coulee Dam have “enforceable ordinances” for this problem, Grand Coulee has to have them too. City Hall says something will be done, but the cost for enforcement is the problem.

I, on the other hand, see it as revenue for the city with the fines it will collect, and I understand by the other cities that those fines are LARGE! Even the eventual lien on properties can bring in much needed revenue.

I said it before and I’ll say it again: there’s no shame in being poor; the shame comes when you are poor and DIRTY! And we have a dirty little town.

Becky Billups

Grand Coulee


Reader Comments(4)

justandfair writes:

some people.Remember we pay ur wage, she must drive around and look for stuff to complain about.Get a life!!what a joke,one day her time will come and she will anwcer for all her wrongs schould move if she dont like it,not stand around and point the finger,.....cop lover

Anonymous writes:

The yards in the area and storefronts along the main road through Grand Coulee are an eyesore and a make the town look poor and desolate to everyone that drives through. If you want to collect cars, tires, junk, etc... then build a fence so everyone else doesn't have to see it. How many residents/visitors want to come to the area to spend their hard earned money vacationing in a junk yard?

bassguy writes:

I do not think the article was referring to people. I think it meant the town. And at no point does it say they have some one maintain their yard. I for one do not make much and some times barley have enough. But my yard and house look clean and picked up. People no matter what the income can pick up a yard.


I think you should stop invading peoples Rights to PRIVACY and mind your own business. Taking pictures of their cars and property is just wrong. I don't like the idea of people calling others POOR just because they work to make ends meet or are on a fixed income, not everyone can afford someone to come in care for their yard like you can. Get a life and stay out of everyone else's. I'm sorry, but I am just saying NIT PICKING and POINTING FINGERS is not going to get you anywhere, but alone in life. No I am not the mean one here you are.