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Wondering why gas is so high

Letters to the Editor

I am just wondering why the gas prices are SO high in our area? Every morning I wake up and watch the news a little before getting ready for work. The national news said today (5-11-12) that gas prices are 22 cents less per gallon now than they were a year ago. Other reports say how the cost of oil is dropping. I think on Monday it said that it had gone down 5 cents a barrel.

I just wonder if there is something I am not aware of or what? I noticed that the service station in Coulee Dam raised their prices again. I guess I don’t understand how the news is reporting that the NATIONAL average cost is going down but our prices are getting higher. It’s upsetting. I know that we are getting into our tourist season and this is normal in the summer months to see stations increase the cost of gas but as of right now I’m confused. I don’t understand how gas at the Trading Post is $4.08 per gallon, that is without the discount given to the tribal members, and less than 20 miles away it is 17 cents more.

I personally have decided to not get gas in the GCD area unless I absolutely have to until I see a change in the cost of our gas prices or someone can give me a good explaination of why it is so much more expensive and continues to increase when the news reports say that it is decreasing.

April Smith


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