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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee Police

5/21 - A Grand Coulee Dam Middle School student reported that her iPhone was taken from her locker. Services on the phone were cancelled and police are following up a tip on who has the phone.

- A dog incident on Second Street in Electric City resulted in various threats. A woman said her dog was attacked by another dog and she told the owner if it did so again she would “kill it.” The owner of the dog that was involved in the attack told the woman he “would kill her.” Police have asked for statements from the two and from a witness who saw the dog attack.

- A man reported that two dogs acting aggressively came out on Electric Boulevard at him. He said he carries a walking stick and chased the more aggressive dog back in its yard. The dog’s owner came out and when told to keep his dogs home, he replied, “Don’t worry about it.” A woman stated that she would get the fence fixed so the dogs couldn’t get out.

5/22 - An Electric City resident complained to police that someone had been dumping limbs on his property.

- A man on Hillcrest in Electric City reported a bullet embedded in the door jamb of his front door. He had dug it out, and he gave the .22 caliber slug to the officer, who thought it probably had skipped off a hard surface and hit the house.

5/23 - A man on Goodfellow Street in Electric City reported loud yelling in the neighborhood. Police responded and told the residents nearby to quiet down. Then the officer was called again with the same complaint and the officer got assurances that they would quiet down.

- A woman on Grand Avenue in Electric City reported that someone has been siphoning gas from vehicles in her neighborhood.

- A man on Fifth Street in Electric City complained that a neighbor had placed a metal shed on his property. The officer advised the man that it was a civil matter, not a police matter.

- A Spokane woman called police to state that a house she owned in Electric City had its sliding door open. She said the house wasn’t rented and there shouldn’t be anyone in the house. Police secured the house and the woman said she would check the property.

- A Grand Coulee woman told police that an Electric City woman had taken her iPhone. When contacted, the Electric City woman reportedly blurted out that she had taken the phone because the Grand Coulee woman had her clothes and wouldn’t give them to her. Police forwarded the report to the Grant County Prosecutor’s office.

- Police went to a local business because a father prevented the mother of a girl from taking her according to a joint custody agreement. The man wouldn’t let police into his business and cursed the officer before finally agreeing to give his daughter to her mother.

5/24 - Three visitors, from Spokane, Seattle and Springdale, were all cited for not wearing seatbelts.

5/25 - Officers went to a home on West Grand Avenue in Electric City in regard to a malicious mischief call and found four youths alone who admitted setting off fireworks. Police collected the remaining fireworks and asked that their parents call when they came home.

- A Spokane Valley driver was cited for following too closely after the vehicle she was driving ran into the back of a boat being towed near Four Corners. There were no injuries.

5/26 - A person who reported a beating taking place on West Grand in Electric City was arrested two warrants. He was taken to Grant County Jail. He had reported that he had seen two males beat on a third with a baseball bat and pool cue. Police were unable to find the persons responsible.

- A Coulee Dam woman was cited in an assault case on Burdin Boulevard in Grand Coulee. Police had trouble getting information when one of the parties told an officer that she had been “killed a year ago.”

Coulee Dam Police

5/22 - A man on Holly Street called police and asked that they help remove a guest from his house. When police arrived the man had fled through a window.

- Police notified about a dozen residents that their property was in violation of the town’s nuisance ordinance.

5/23 - A Pennsylvania driver was cited for driving while under the influence after being stopped for speeding.

5/24 - A woman who was missing her side mirror was stopped and explained that she had hit a deer. The officer said she needed to get the mirror replaced and also cited her for driving with a suspended license. A friend came to take charge of the vehicle.

5/25 - A woman was stopped for having a faulty brake light and she explained to the officer that the light wasn’t working when she purchased the vehicle a month before. When asked for registration, driver’s license and insurance card she responded that she didn’t have any of those. It was found that her license was suspended so she was cited for that and the insurance issue, warned on the rest.

- An officer noticed a woman driving who was known to be suspended. She was cited for that and for not having insurance. A licensed driver was summoned.

5/26 - A couple from Fir Street were reunited with their dogs which were held near the Third Powerhouse while the owners were contacted. The couple had been out of town and the dogs had gotten loose. The couple were cited for their dogs running loose.


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