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Because we couldn’t do it without you!

Letters to the Editor

It is with gratitude and appreciation that I see people step up and offer their time and often unfaltering support at endurance events all over the world, including our events. I took over this company going on three years ago now because I have personally witnessed what the power of believing in people can do and I wanted to have a vehicle to do the same for others that has been done for me.

At the age of 28, I lost the feeling in my legs due to an injury and after waking up from the surgery was told that while I would probably walk again I would never do sports again in my life. I looked at the surgeon with absolute resolve and told him without a doubt in my mind that I would do absolutely anything if I believed in it and put my mind to it. Since then, it has been anything but an easy road, and has often been a lonely place to be. I started believing at a young age that I had to do things on my own. It took the better part of 10 years to get completely back on my feet again and persevere.

It could have all been so much easier… If only I had recognized more of the love, support, and time of friends, family and often complete strangers, gave or wanted to give. If you saw me today you wouldn’t know the difference; however, if it weren’t for the folks that believed in me, even when I didn’t see it or want to ask for help, I would have given up a long time ago.

In reflecting, I feel like God is teaching me to rely on outside help by forcing me to have to ask for it. You see, I don’t like asking for help. I actually feel like I don’t deserve it. And I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why folks would want to give their precious time to help for free, even when I actually often do so myself at many other sports and other events.

We took over the Grand Columbian Triathlon and The Over The Dam Run last year in 2011, and I know it hasn’t always been rosy for you volunteers out there. Before we took over, and even afterwards there have been misunderstandings, we have not always been there to say thank you, you’ve often put more than just your time into helping, and with the small staff that I have I know I have fallen short of saying thank you and following through in other ways when I should have. Sometimes I just don’t have the time, or even know who all helped in light of everything that needs to get done and got done. Other times I am so exhausted after the months of planning for an event and being up for days on end, and then have to deal with all the follow-up work and getting ready for the next event, that I just absolutely treasure even a minute of me time.

Regardless of what is going on, I want you all to know that I appreciate everything all of you do to help out! I cannot do it without your help, and I want you all to know that I feel honored that you would help out! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

If there has ever been a time where you have not gotten a thanks when you should have, or when there was something you should have had or received, please accept my apologies for it. I am sorry we fell short on our end! If there is something that still needs to be done, you have suggestions for the future, please do let me know. I’m working hard to keep improving how we run our events and how we can help you be more prepared when you help us.

Putting these events on is hard work and we couldn’t do it without you. Just ask Susan Miller from the Chamber about coordinating the Colorama Festival. She does an amazing job, and I want to thank her for it! Give her a hug next time you see her and thank her for making the Colorama Festival happen!

And if there is something we aren’t doing, please reach out to us at and let us know. We’re human and forget things. I know I don’t like making promises because I know I make mistakes sometimes. However I will do my best and keep trying.

Gratefully yours for all that you do! A big thank you to all of you for your help with The Over The Dam Run!

Stefan Newbury

Race Director & Owner

TriFreaks Inc.


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