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Coulee Cops

reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


7/9 - An Electric City man told police he tried to sell his BMW via the Internet and got a response from England. He was asked to send $1,500 for shipping and later found out it was a scam. He stated that the people were still corresponding with him and asking him to place more money in the shipping account.

- Police received a report that a small Chihuahua was at large in the Hill Street area in Grand Coulee and that when the reporting party tried to pick the dog up, the dog tried to bite. Police checked the area but couldn’t find the dog.

7/10 - A woman on Fortuyn Road told police that someone had stolen her 2004 Honda Civic Hybrid, silver in color. She said that she had left the keys in the car and it had a full tank of gas. The stolen car report was cancelled when Douglas County officials found the car, which had failed to execute a corner, rolled over and ended up back on its wheels. It was towed to Grand Coulee.

- Police told a man on Hill Street who was supposed to be watching some children that if they were outside, he needed to be outside with them. The officer had been called to the scene because children were playing in the street.

- A woman on W. Grand Avenue was taken to Grant County Jail and is being charged with two counts of domestic violence. Police were called to the residence after a report that a woman had an argument regarding a child with her live-in boyfriend and that she struck him.

- A woman on Yakima Street reported that a man had spit in her face and slapped her. The man denied it, but was told to leave the woman alone.

7/11 - An officer advised a man who tied his boat to the fish pen dock that there was a no trespassing sign on the dock. The man moved the boat.

- Police arrested a woman on a warrant. The report said she gave the officer a false name, and that another person in the vehicle known to be her child told the officer, “I’m going to exercise my rights and not say anything.” The woman was taken to Grant County Jail on the warrant and and is being charged with lying to an officer.

7/12 - A man told police that when he parked at Safeway he pushed in the clutch and brake and the brake pedal went to the floor and his vehicle hit two ice boxes in front of the store causing over $3,000 damage.

- An Electric City man who lives on Goodfellow told police his wife was intoxicated and had damaged a table. The man collected a few personal items and said he was going to stay someplace else for the night to avoid problems.

7/13 - A Spokane man admitted to drinking and recently smoking marijuana after being stopped for going 40 mph in a 20 mph zone on Spokane Way near Federal. He was eventually cited for driving while suspended, no valid operator’s license, for speeding and for having an open alcohol container in the car.

7/14 - Police were called to Coulee Medical Center due to an unruly patient. The man had been brought to the hospital because he was heavily intoxicated. He made racial comments to staff, later was apologetic after being advised by the officer of the proper way to treat the medical staff.

7/15 - A Hill Avenue man apparently stabbed himself with a knife, according to the police report, when he learned that his wife wanted a divorce. At first he refused to go to the hospital, but later was in touch with a mental health staff person and medical person. He was cited for malicious mischief for cutting a hole in a sofa, and domestic violence and taken to Grant County Jail.

- A man who lives on O’Sullivan Road told police that he was advised by phone by a man that if he didn’t leave his girlfriend alone, he and his small child would be shot. Police are trying to locate the man making the threat.

Coulee Dam


7/9 - Several residents on Central Drive, Holly Street and Camas Street were notified by police that they needed to clean up their properties or they would be cited for violating a town ordinance.

- A woman on Central Drive told police that she thought her daughter had been drinking and that she wasn’t coming home. She also advised the office that the girl was on probation, The woman was advised to contact the girl’s probation officer.

7/11 - An officer assisted an ambulance crew in getting a patient into the ambulance.

- A man was stopped because the rearview mirror on his vehicle was missing and the officer found that the driver had been suspended. Tribal police came to pick up the driver.

- Police saw a motorcycle speeding and gave chase, finally catching it on Tulip Street where the rider had pulled into a garage. The rider admitted to drinking and after doing field tests was cited for driving under the influence.

7/12 - A woman known to have a suspended license was stopped after leaving a known drug house and the officer found her in possession of a drug pipe, two Schedule III controlled substances and other material. She acknowledged that she had been drinking. Citations included driving while license suspended, DUI, and possession charges. She was taken to Okanogan County Jail.

- A woman on Holly Street was picked up on a warrant and taken to Okanogan County Jail.

7/13 - Police picked up a juvenile at a service station on a warrant and drove her to Okanogan County Juvenile facility.

7/14 - Police stopped a vehicle because of speed and learned that the driver didn’t have a license or proof of insurance. On checking the driver’s identity, they learned of a warrant for his arrest. He was taken to Okanogan County Jail.

- An officer saw a man walking on Civic Way and after checking on his identity learned of a warrant. He was arrested and taken to Okanogan County Jail.

7/15 - A woman staying at a local motel told police that someone had taken money from her room. Police are taking statements.

7/16 - A man on Fir Street reported that a person whom he had a no-contact order against had called his cell phone about 100 times. Police took the phone as evidence.


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