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Do the math on wastewater treatment costs

Do the math. Elmer City and Lone Pine have 20% of the hookups for the Coulee Dam sewer treatment plant. Elmer City has 25% of the metered flow into the plant. Elmer City officials have been told they will be paying about one-third of the planned plant upgrades. The 1975 contract between Coulee Dam and Elmer City says the portion Elmer City will pay for any upgrades is based on the previous 12 months metered flow. It is uncertain why Coulee Dam is requesting 5-8% more. No other customer has metered sewage flow.

What will the Elmer City residents bill be? Not double. It will be more. Coulee Dam residents are expected to pay $35 a month for 20 years. Elmer City (1/3 of the cost) will be paying an additional $17.50. The current sewer bill for Elmer City is $35. The current 40 year loan payment with two more years is about $12.50. The new cost for sewer treatment with Coulee Dams loan included will be $87.50. Elmer City residents will be paying at least $100 a month for sewer and sewer loans. That is more than water, garbage and electricity combined for some of our residents.

Gail Morin


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