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Gratitude for firefighters

I would like to extend my sincere Appreciation and Thanks to all the following agencies who assisted in fighting the Elmer City-Coulee Dam Fire of August 14 & 15, 2012.

Bureau of Indian Affairs Mt. Tolman Fire Center

City of Electric City Fire Department

City of Ephrata Fire Department

City of Grand Coulee Fire Department

Colville Confederated Tribes EMS & Police

Douglas County District # 3

Grant County Strike Team

Grant County District #5 - Moses Lake

Grant County District #3 - Quincy

Grant County District #13 - Ephrata

Grant County District #11 - Royal City

Grant County District #6 - Hartline

Okanogan County Emergency Management

Okanogan County Sheriff

Town of Coulee Dam Fire, Police & Public Works Departments

Town of Elmer City Fire Department

US Bureau of Reclamation

Your assistance was outstanding and remarkable in saving our town and greatly appreciated. If I missed anyone I do apologize.

Mayor Quincy Snow

Coulee Dam

We would like to thank all of the firefighters that helped save our home during the Buffalo Lake Road Fire with a special thanks to: Jimmer Tillman, Bob Morin, Levi Picard, Tony Stanger, Nikki Katich, Patricia Conant, and also thanks to Gary McClure with his CAT and CAT operator for putting a fire line around our house. We appreciate all of your hard work!

Steve and Gena Holt

Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Last week Okanogan County sheriffs and deputy went above and beyond the call of duty to save our house, which was surrounded by burning flames.

If not for the efforts of Sheriff Frank Rogers, Undersheriff Joe Somday, and Sgt. Kevin Arnold I am certain our house would have fallen prey to flames that burned thousands of acres. Their selfless effort no doubt saved our house.

Words cannot express the gratitude we have for saving not only our house but for saving our home. You all truly gave when people like my husband and I needed you most. Thank you!

Mike and Maria Somday

To all the great fire fighters who saved not only my cousin Gaylene and Larry Green’s home but other properties as well. I Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I always have had a love for the area from a very young age visiting my Uncle Scotty and Aunt Erma Pryor's home. Knowing that there are fire fighters risking their lives to protect others, plus the community offering their help — that says a lot about why it is such a wonderful area to live and visit. I can't wait until the next time I'll be over there taking in the sights, sounds, visiting family and the smell of sage brush!

Carolyn J. Snow

Everett, Wash.


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